第一句子大全 > 标签 > elephants
see pink elephants用英语怎么说?

see pink elephants用英语怎么说?

别把英语学成哑巴英语:see pink elephants啥意思?什么样的英语“学习”最终会把你学成“哑巴英语”?那就是养成,或者始终改不掉见英语一开口就先问“中文什么意思呢?”的恶劣习惯和“能力”,因为你越是动辄“用”中文...

2023-12-01 #经典句子

《人民日报》发推特 竟出现英语错误?被网友逮个正着……

《人民日报》发推特 竟出现英语错误?被网友逮个正着……

...《人民日报》。这位博主指出的两个问题是:1)a herd of elephants 是单数,但被用成复数。2)“在郊区”习惯搭配是 on the outskirts,但被写成 in the outskirts。下面我们就分析一下这位博主说得对不对。我找来了《人民日报》(People"...

2023-08-19 #经典句子



...都学过。因此,对她来说,不用花太多的时间去记住它们。elephant大象 monkey猴子 animal动物 tiger老虎zoo动物园英语单词过关的标准是:能够快速通过我的汉英、英汉双语互译考核,并且能够正确拼写出单词。第一遍学习的时候,主要...

2023-05-13 #经典句子

哼着儿歌唱着小曲儿学英语 可爱的小动物 有视频教学

哼着儿歌唱着小曲儿学英语 可爱的小动物 有视频教学

...abit rabit跳一跳 Pig pig睡懒觉 Bird bird展翅飞 Bear bear高又壮 Elephant elephant鼻子长 Mouse mouse偷油吃 Squirrel squirrel会爬树今天要学到的单词有:Dog dog狗Cat cat猫Duck duck鸭子Monkey monkey猴子Panda panda熊猫Rabit rabit兔子Pig pig猪Bird bird鸟Bear bear...

2008-04-27 #经典句子

干货:  初一英语下册第七单元知识梳理 请收藏

干货: 初一英语下册第七单元知识梳理 请收藏

...常可怕。The pandas are kind of interesting.熊猫有点有趣。l like elephants a lot/very much.我非常喜欢大象。2 walk on two legs 直立行走3.all day整天 all night整晚 day and night日日夜夜三、句子1. Let"s see the giraffes!让我们去看长颈鹿吗?let’s后接动...

2023-05-19 #经典句子



...y like eating meat and they eat much meat every day.There are also two big elephants and a baby one. Children like to ride one of them. The elephants are very kind and friendly. They eat much grass and bananas.In the zoo, we can see different kinds of bears, brown bears, black bears and white bears....

2023-05-18 #经典句子



...的未婚夫为她的生日做出了如此大的努力。】■ see pink elephants意为“天方夜谭之事”(when someone sees things that are not really there, because they are in their imagination)。例句Anyone who hears his story thinks that he sees pink elephants. It is just such a far...

2015-09-12 #经典句子



...◆◆◆Long ago, there were four blind people. They wanted to know what elephants looked like. Because of the blindness, they could only touch the elephant.The fat blind person touched the elephant’s ivory first. He said: “ Oh, I see! The elephant is big, thick and smooth, just like the carrot...

2008-09-05 #经典句子



...e-自由英语之路标题:Evolution in action Spoils of warHow tuskless elephants evolved in Mozambique行为进化战利品莫桑比克无牙大象是怎么进化来的?The Mozambique civil war created tuskless elephantsThe genetics of how this happened have just been unravelled莫桑比克内...

2023-06-18 #经典句子

58个中国成语故事中英版合集(附详细图解+音频) 资料宝贵 赶紧珍藏!

58个中国成语故事中英版合集(附详细图解+音频) 资料宝贵 赶紧珍藏!

...◆◆◆Long ago, there were four blind people. They wanted to know what elephants looked like. Because of the blindness, they could only touch the elephant.The fat blind person touched the elephant’s ivory first. He said: “ Oh, I see! The elephant is big, thick and smooth, just like the carrot...

2024-01-08 #经典句子



...a small problem that evening.One of the clowns was standing on a very tall elephant when suddenly he fell. Everybody was afraid and Jill Shouted,“Be careful”. But there was another small elephant which was standing near the big elephant. It quickly caught the clown and then put him very carefull...

2023-05-21 #经典句子

3到6岁宝宝亲子阅读|有声原版英文绘本Come to the Zany Zoo

3到6岁宝宝亲子阅读|有声原版英文绘本Come to the Zany Zoo

...一句一句地问,引导孩子回答,)——Yes. There are hippoes, elephants, monkeys….——Today we will read a book about some animals in the zoo. Ding ding ding dong. (对于不影响孩子理解内容故事的英文,可以不用汉语重复)《Come to the Zany Zoo》来滑稽动物园...

2016-03-16 #经典句子

英语口语中常用这5句俚语 让你的英语像老外一样正宗!

英语口语中常用这5句俚语 让你的英语像老外一样正宗!

...ot to let the cat out of the bag.保守秘密哦,可不要说漏了嘴。elephant in the room(一些非常显而易见的,可是却一直被忽略的问题)起源:这一表达起源于俄国寓言作家伊凡 安德烈维奇 克雷洛夫在1814年写的寓言故事《好奇的人》(The ...

2022-11-15 #经典句子



...生进行练习巩固。例如:It"s highly amusing to watch the trained elephants performing.根据高考语法考查的常考内容,该句中可以成为改错考点的包括high---highly, amusing--amused, perform--performing等,可以成为语法填空考点的包括highly (high), amusing (a...

2022-12-08 #经典句子



...让孩子看绘本的目的之一——培养英语学习兴趣。5.《An Elephant and Piggie》(适合3岁以上的孩子)和前面几个传授知识的绘本不同,《An Elephant and Piggie》系列是一套情商教育的英语启蒙绘本。看名字就可以得知,书中有两个主角...

2023-05-13 #经典句子

英语学习笔记:固定搭配make do等等

英语学习笔记:固定搭配make do等等

...-------------------下面这段话用符号@标出上述固定搭配:The elephant @make a decision to @make a deal with the monkey, although the monkey is very naughty, but the elephant has to @make do.To resist the aggression of monsters ,make the aggression into the demise of the monster,on...

2023-12-12 #经典句子

日常发朋友圈的可爱句子‖吃掉可爱 消化掉不可爱

日常发朋友圈的可爱句子‖吃掉可爱 消化掉不可爱

...ou are a pig.我对象说出去玩吧,象说动物园不让。I told the elephant to go out and play. The elephant said the zoo wouldn"t let him go.恋爱可以慢慢谈,肉必须趁热吃。Love can be slow, meat must be eaten while hot.喷嚏没打出来,都怪你不多想我一会。Sneeze ...

2022-12-05 #经典句子

经典人生励志哲理的句子 年轻 那么短暂 那么迷茫

经典人生励志哲理的句子 年轻 那么短暂 那么迷茫

...上面。团结的力量胜过大象。The arrows filled the bag and the elephant kept stepping on it. Unity is stronger than elephants.诽谤别人,就像血淋淋的人,先污染了自己的嘴。Slander others, like a bloody person, pollutes his mouth first.牵着你的手,是回眸温暖...

2022-11-29 #经典句子

安抚伤心的小短句 温暖有格调 总有一句适合你!

安抚伤心的小短句 温暖有格调 总有一句适合你!

...里景色秀丽神奇,好像有头大象在吸水。We first went to the elephant Trunk Mountain, where the scenery is beautiful and magical, as if there is an elephant in water.

2023-06-06 #经典句子



...ndustn kardeh字面意思:他/她的大象记得印度Literally: His/her elephant remembers India.实际含义:怀念某人或某物并渴望回到过去Equivalent: a nostalgic feeling about someone or something and a longing to go backSag-e zard bardare shoghleh字面意思:黄狗是豺狼的...

2015-05-07 #经典句子