
3到6岁宝宝亲子阅读|有声原版英文绘本Come to the Zany Zoo


这本书的每一句,都是用单词Zoo的押韵词Rhyming words结尾,读起来朗朗上口,孩子们非常喜欢

友情提示:本文共有 5479 个字,阅读大概需要 11 分钟。

今天和大家分享一本原版绘本,Come to the Zany Zoo,是美国学乐公司(SHOLASTIC)出版的Sight Words Tales套装中的一本。这本书的每一句,都是用单词Zoo的押韵词(Rhyming words)结尾,读起来朗朗上口,孩子们非常喜欢。



——Have you ever been to the zoo? Do you remember What animals there are in the zoo? Which one is funny? Why do you think it is funny?宝贝你去过动物园吗?你还记得动物园里都有哪些动物吗?哪些动物滑稽好玩呢?为啥你认为它好玩呢?


——Yes. There are hippoes, elephants, monkeys….

——Today we will read a book about some animals in the zoo. Ding ding ding dong. (对于不影响孩子理解内容故事的英文,可以不用汉语重复)

《Come to the Zany Zoo》


——What can you see on the picture?你看到了什么呢?

——Yes,a kangaroo and a gate.

——Look. There are some words on the gate. Welcome to the Zany Zoo. Come on in. 看,门上有字“欢迎来滑稽动物园,请进吧!”

——What styles of clothes does the kangaroo wear? kangaroo穿的什么样的衣服呢?

—— A polka-dot clothes. 是的,带圆点的衣服。

——Look, what is the kangaroo doing?看,袋鼠在干什么呀?

——Yes. He is sitting before a gate, and waving his hands.

——Guess. What is he talking about?猜他在说什么?

——COME TO THE ZANY Zoo. Come see the polka-dot kangaroo.欢迎来动物园。来看看穿圆点衣服的袋鼠。

Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the polka-dot kangaroo!


——What animal is this?这是什么动物呢?

——Yes, a hippo.是的,一个河马

——Is the hippo a boy or a girl? Why? 这个hippo 是个男孩还是女孩呢?为啥呢?

——Yes,a girl. Because she wears a tutu and a bowknot.是的,是个女孩,因为她穿着芭蕾舞裙,头戴着一个蝴蝶结。(可以边说边指着图片上的芭蕾舞裙和蝴蝶结)

——Look at the circles. What is she doing?看看这些圆圈,她在干啥呢?

——She is twirling, twirling, ….and twirling. “It is fun to twirl,”she says while twirling. 她在转圈圈。“转圈好有趣哟,”她边转边说。

Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the hippo in a tutu!


——What animal is this?这是什么动物呢?

——Yes, a flamingo.是的,一只火烈鸟。

——How many shoes does she wear? 她穿着几只鞋子啊?

——就一只。Yes, only one.

——What color is the shoe?鞋子是什么颜色呢?

——Yes,it is pink。The flamingo is in one pink shoe.是的,粉色。穿一只粉色的鞋子的火烈鸟。

——Look, what happened to her shoe?看,她的鞋子怎么了?

——鞋带开了。Yes,her shoe is untied.

——What does she need to do with her shoe?她需要怎么办呢

——需要系上她的鞋带。Yes,she need to tie her shoe.

——So she says: “I see I need to tie my shoe.”她说:“我看我得系上鞋带了。”

Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the flamingo in one pink shoe!


——What animal is this?这是什么动物呢?

——Yes, an elephant.是的,一只大象。

——Where is the elephant? 大象在哪里啊?

——船上。Yes,the elephant is in a canoe.

——Look what is the fish feeling? 看那个鱼,他什么表情?

——吓坏了。He is feeling scared. He shout to the elephant:” The boat is going to sink. 是的,惊慌失措。他对大象喊:“船要沉了!”

Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the elephant in a canoe!


——What animal is this?这是什么动物呢?

——Yes, an panda.是的,一只熊猫。

——What is he doing? 熊猫在干什么啊?

——躲猫猫。Yes,the panda plays peek-a-boo.

——Do you like to play this game? Let’s play too.你喜欢玩躲猫猫的游戏吗,我们也一起玩玩吧!

——Peek-a-boo. I see you. 躲猫猫啊,我看见你了。哈哈哈

Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the panda play peek-a-boo!


——What animal is this?这是什么动物呢?

——Yes,a leopard.是的,一只豹子。

——What is he doing? 他在干什么啊?

——吹笛子。Yes,the leopard plays a kazoo.

Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the leopard play a kazoo!


——What animal is this?这是什么动物呢?

——Yes, a brown bear.是的,一只棕熊。

——What’s are there on the table?桌子上有什么?

——蜡笔、胶水和树叶。Yes,a crayon, a bottle of glue and some leaves.

——What’s in his hand? 他手里拿着什么啊?

——熊自己的图片。Yes,a picture of bear.

——How does he make the picture?他是怎么做的图片呢?

——画完后,粘上树叶。Yes,draw the picture, and make the picture with glue.

Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the bear make things with glue!


——What animal is this?这是什么动物呢?

——Yes, an alligator.是的,一只鳄鱼。

——What is he doing?他在什么呢?

——做2加2等于4。Yes,the alligator adds 2 plus 2.

——What is 2 plus 2? 2+2等于多少呢?

——4。Yes,the answer is 4.

Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the alligator add two plus two!


——What animal is this?这是什么动物呢?

——Yes, a tiger.是的,一只老虎。

——Does this tiger look fierce?这只老虎看起来凶猛吗?

——不,它看起来很温顺。No. The tiger looks very tame.

——Listen, what does the tiger say?”Moo” 听,这只老虎什么叫声,“哞哞”。

——What animal does this tiger sounds like?这只老虎听起来像什么动物呢?

——像牛!Yes, a cow says MOO.

Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the tiger who only says, ”Moo!”


——What animal is this?这是什么动物呢?

——Yes, it is a zebra .是的,一只斑马。

——What color is this zebra? 这个斑马是什么颜色呢?

——红色、白色和蓝色。Yes,the zebra is red, white and blue.

——What color is the flag?旗子是什么颜色呢?

——也是红色、白色和蓝色。Yes,the flag is red, white and blue too.

——Do you know which country’s flag is this? 你知道是哪个国家的旗子吗?

——This is the flag of the United States.这是美国的国旗。

——Do you know when is the National Day of the United States? 你知道美国国庆节是哪天吗?

——The 4th of July. 是七月四号。

——Guess what the zebra is doing with a flag in his hand.猜猜这个斑马手里拿着个旗子,在干嘛?

——庆祝国庆节!Yes, celebrate the 4th of July!

Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the zebra who is red, white and blue!



——What animal is this?这是什么动物呢?

——Yes, it is a lion.是的,一只狮子。

——What is the lion holding in his hands? 这个狮子手里拿着什么?

——梳子和镜子。Yes,a comb and a mirror.

——How about his hairdo?Is it fancy?他发型怎么样?漂亮吗?


Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the lion with a fancy hairdo!



——What can you see in the picture? 你能从图片中看到什么?

——一个女孩和一个长颈鹿。Yes,there is a girl and a giraffe.

——What is the girl talking with the giraffe? 女孩和长颈鹿说什么呢?

——Hi! Nice to see you! 见到你很高兴。

——How is the giraffe feeling when it sees the girl? 长颈鹿看到小女孩,心情怎么样呢?

——很高兴。Yes,he is feel happy.

——What is the giraffe talking with the girl? 长颈鹿和女孩又说什么呢?

——Glad you could come! 很高兴你能来看我们。

Come to the zany zoo!

Come see the animals.

They want to see you!

欢迎来动物园!来看动物们吧! 它们想见你们哟!



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