第一句子大全 > 标签 > Birds
伊索寓言双语故事31:猫和小鸟(The Cat And The Birds)

伊索寓言双语故事31:猫和小鸟(The Cat And The Birds)

The Cat And The Birds猫和鸟by Aesop出自《伊索寓言》A Cat was growing very thin. As you have guessed, he did not get enough to eat. One day he heard that some Birds in the neighborhood were ailing and needed a doctor. So he put on a pair of spectacles, and with a leather box in his hand, k...

2008-10-05 #经典句子



...any trees and flowers in the forest, and there were many clean rivers.Many birds lived in the trees and we could hear some birds sing songs. There were some small houses, too.But now there are more and more buildings in the village. There is no forest any more.We can not see birds come to the villag...

2023-07-25 #经典句子



...什么是句子?用简单的话说就是“主语+谓语”。例如:Birds fly. 这里birds就是主语,fly就是谓语。再比如:He cries. He就是主语,cries就是谓语。那么,我们看一下,哪些词可以构成主语呢。上面两个句子的主语第一个Birds是名词,...

2023-09-05 #经典句子



...把藏起来的鸟撵出来, 这个短语的英文表达是:flush the birds out of the bushes 把藏起来的鸟撵出来(藏在灌木丛中)You know, you could use a hunting dog to help you flush the birds out of the bushes. 你知道,你可以用一条猎狗来帮助你把 把藏起来的...

2023-12-24 #经典句子



...知道,最简单的就是主语+谓语,即Subject+Predicate ,例如Birds sing.但英文中毕竟鲜见如此简单的句子,原因是什么呢?是因为我们日常在一个句子中要传达的信息量通常比较大,仅有两个单词是无法给出具象的、生动的、完整的表...

2023-05-07 #经典句子



...es me with pain and asks me to sing in return. --tagore, the collection of birds 生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。——泰戈尔《飞鸟集》 Life is like the splendor of summer flowers, death is like the stillness of autumn leaves.--tagore, the collection of birds 我们把世...

2008-11-03 #经典句子

比晚风还治愈的句子 百看不厌 令人着迷

比晚风还治愈的句子 百看不厌 令人着迷

...he two palms were given to me unreservedly, and the rest were given to the birds.当我去找他的时候,经常看到他拿着一个洗得掉色的帕子在擦拭笼子。When I went to look for him, I often saw him wiping the cage with a washed and faded mask.青花瓷纹样一左一右,一上...

2023-01-06 #经典句子



...由这五种基本句型转换来的。1、主语+谓语…(S+V…)◎Birds fly.鸟儿飞翔。◎Birds fly high in the sky.鸟儿在天上高高飞翔。◎The birds are flying over the building.那些鸟儿正在飞过大楼上空。◎He sits in the back row.她坐在后排。2、主语+谓...

2022-12-21 #经典句子

英语小故事Don't desire to walk when you have wings to fly

英语小故事Don't desire to walk when you have wings to fly

... upon a time, there lived a generous and kind-hearted king. He was fond of birds and animals, and had a huge bird sanctuary(避难所) in his kingdom. He disliked harming the animals and birds. He did not kill them even for meat.从前,有一个慷慨善良的国王。他喜欢鸟类和动物...

2014-04-17 #经典句子



...叽、喳喳喳地唱歌……鸟儿是大自然的歌手。英文翻译:Birds are singers of nature Author: Xu Yutong The birds are singers of nature, and when spring comes, they are lively, and the swallows come from the south in long queues; they are chirping under the edges of the houses of ev...

2007-12-19 #经典句子



... for wildlife. It is an ideal home for different kinds of plants, fish and birds.Many birds live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round, while some only stay for a short time. There are many fish in the wetlands, and the birds can easily catch them for food. Zhalong Nature Reserve is a...

2023-09-26 #经典句子



...e other fairy penguins to come in from the sea. Then the raucous chorus of birds began waddling toward their nesting area.The predator didn’t know that the birds always made their journey together — never alone. To be safe, they had to stay together. They had to travel from their hunting grounds...

2022-12-03 #经典句子



...portunity for an interview.)9.3什么是主谓宾宾补句?We can hear birds singing happyall round.(解析:We can hear birds有完整的主谓宾,但句子意思不完整,用singing happy all round补充说明宾语birds, 使句子意思完整,宾语后面的在语法称为宾语补...

2023-07-18 #经典句子

修心养性的哲理句子 每日一读 改变一生!

修心养性的哲理句子 每日一读 改变一生!

...。流浪的孩子,用热切的扇光抚摸它细细的羽毛。Lonely birds draw lonely arcs in the night sky. The wandering child stroked its fine feathers with eager fan light.秋风萧瑟,候鸟南飞,天上飞鸟浪飞。它们的翅膀划过天空,飞到向往的远方,消失在视...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

温暖的治愈系句子 成熟有气质 一见倾心

温暖的治愈系句子 成熟有气质 一见倾心

...irst - daoshan beam, sometimes shorter than you, only you believe that the birds that fly all over the sky are as beautiful as you are我会在子夜的黑暗中离开你的洁白吧等待一-I"ll leave your white in the black of the midnight. Wait for a while. A wind must be eiting for the dawn. In...

2022-11-30 #经典句子

睡前读一读这些句子 也许可以让你睡得更安稳

睡前读一读这些句子 也许可以让你睡得更安稳

...蚁,鸟死后,蚂蚁吃鸟。At any time, do not look down on others, birds live, eat ants, birds die, ants eat birds.12、有些人,能相遇就很美好了,能够相识那便是最大的幸运。或许并不一定非要拥有。Some people, can meet very beautiful, can know each other that...

2023-01-22 #经典句子

“捷足先登”用英语怎么表达?可以用 early bird 吗?

“捷足先登”用英语怎么表达?可以用 early bird 吗?

...早行动的人,特别是早起的人,例如:We"ve always been early birds, getting up at 5.30 or 6am.我们一直都起得很早,早晨5点半或6点就起床了。I never miss sunrise. I"m an early bird.我从不错过日出。我是个早起的人。2. early bird,表示早到的人,...

2014-08-16 #经典句子

冷漠又高级的个性句子 个性又高级 适合发圈

冷漠又高级的个性句子 个性又高级 适合发圈

...,不是鸟飞不过去,而是海的另一边没有等待。I thought birds could not fly over the sea, but birds could not fly over the sea. Years later, I discovered that it was not the birds that could not fly, but the other side of the sea that did not wait.我想红岩1000次,问明月1000...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

形影不离 用英语怎么表达

形影不离 用英语怎么表达

...,志同道合的人相聚成群,反之就分开,用英语表达是:birds of a feather flock together,例如:I knew you and John would get along well, seeing as you both enjoy science fiction so much. Birds of a feather flock together.我知道你和约翰会相处得很好,因为你们...

2018-10-19 #经典句子

小学学过的一首《春晓》 大家都会背 翻译成英文也是美得惊心

小学学过的一首《春晓》 大家都会背 翻译成英文也是美得惊心

...译文如下:This spring morning in bed I"m lying,Not awake till I hear birds crying.After one night of wind and showers,How many are the fallen flowers!这里面首先显示出了韵,前两句lying, crying结尾,后两句showers, flowers结尾,发音非常一致。而且从第一句开始...

2023-09-25 #经典句子