第一句子大全 > 标签 > Cracked
读《像高手一样解决问题》英文名:Cracked it 第12天

读《像高手一样解决问题》英文名:Cracked it 第12天

所读内容:第二部分第三章透过歌剧大师贾科莫·普契尼的杰作《托斯卡》的第二幕的情景引申出TOSCA框架:● 麻烦(Trouble):是什么令问题真实地摆在眼前?(马里奥被逮捕。)●所有者(Owner):这个问题是谁的问题?(...

2013-11-17 #经典句子



... quantum computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies must be cracked by scientists who are free to vote.没有任何物理定律规定了量子计算、人工智能和其他高科技必须由拥有自由选举权的科学家突破。言下之意,||民||主||与科技突破没有必...

2023-11-02 #经典句子

雅思精读——雅思10 The psychology of innovation 译文4

雅思精读——雅思10 The psychology of innovation 译文4

...密了有机体基因信息载体DNA的结构。‘When asked how they had cracked the code ahead of an array of highly accomplished rival investigators, he said something that stunned me. 当问到他俩是如何领先于一众殊勋茂绩的科学家,率先解密基因密码的,沃顿的回答...

2010-07-03 #经典句子

超治愈的朋友圈文案 温柔暖心 让人惊艳

超治愈的朋友圈文案 温柔暖心 让人惊艳

...有事事都如意的时候,所以习惯就好。Life is never all it"s cracked up to be, so get used to it.我以为自己很强大,可以扛过所有,可是终究抵不过生活。I thought I was strong enough to take it all on, but I was no match for life.很多压抑的情绪,里面参...

2009-02-28 #经典句子

充满深情的走心小句子 优质有内涵 充满现实的无奈

充满深情的走心小句子 优质有内涵 充满现实的无奈

...like to have a crush on someone? It"s like the drum in my heart has almost cracked the viscera, but no one can hear it.暗恋一个人是什么感觉?就像心里的鼓几乎把内脏都敲碎了,却没人听得见。At least others have memories to recall, but I have never even had memories.至...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

很有个性的霸气句子 很酷很洒脱 值得分享

很有个性的霸气句子 很酷很洒脱 值得分享

...sea can be dry, the stone can rot, the sky can collapse, the ground can be cracked, the love is like a rock, and the stone can not be moved星辰说累了让我别许愿The stars say tired let me not wish"现在这年龄真让人尴尬,不够成熟,不够幼稚,没能力却雄心勃勃""It"s embarra...

2022-11-13 #经典句子

超级有爱的晒姐妹文案 精致唯美 值得拥有!

超级有爱的晒姐妹文案 精致唯美 值得拥有!

...开心就要咔呲咔呲。One day with beautiful girls, happiness must be cracked.二,你说下辈子我们还会是好朋友吗?你上辈子已经问过了。Do you think we will be good friends in the next life? You"ve already asked in your last life.三,同样是混日子,和你一起就...

2022-11-29 #经典句子

逗比网友都喜欢的朋友圈文案 幽默滑稽 不想分享都不行!

逗比网友都喜欢的朋友圈文案 幽默滑稽 不想分享都不行!

...it. I said I had obsessive-compulsive disorder, The other nine fingers are cracked, and this one is silent.爸妈是一种神奇的生物,朋友圈什么谣言都信但是你说的,他们一句不信。Parents are a kind of magical creature. They believe everything in the circle of friends, but ...

2012-03-20 #经典句子

充满阳光早安的句子 经典励志 致奋斗路上的年轻人!

充满阳光早安的句子 经典励志 致奋斗路上的年轻人!

...情不断,真正优秀的人,只会一直好好爱一个人, 早安~Cracked cars have spare tires, idle people fish, cheap and versatile people will love constantly, really excellent people, will always love a person, good morning.学会独立,告别依赖,对软弱的自己说再见。 ...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

万里挑一的伤感小句子 简单而大方 治愈自己内心!

万里挑一的伤感小句子 简单而大方 治愈自己内心!

...的温暖。Birds" wings vibrate in the air, which is a noisy and fiercely cracked voice full of fear, and a flow of uncertain destination.鸟儿的翅膀在空中颤动,那是一种充满恐惧的嘈杂而猛烈的破裂的声音,一种不确定的目的地的流动。On the other side of perfe...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

慰藉心灵的生活感悟句子 句句精湛 哪句让你念念不忘?

慰藉心灵的生活感悟句子 句句精湛 哪句让你念念不忘?

... you, but maybe I can help you see just how beautiful your broken is. Each cracked piece fits in to the masterpiece of who you are right now. And right now, I see a beautiful soul. 九、不管你有什么感觉,最终都会过去的。你就不会难过了。在某个时候,你会再次感到...

2023-07-18 #经典句子

暖心文案|请忠于自己 披星戴月奔向她和理想

暖心文案|请忠于自己 披星戴月奔向她和理想

...舒服到跺脚的冬天,真希望一抬头你就在马路对面。The cracked chestnuts are stir fried in the boiler, the osmanthus trees on the road are full of flowers, the roasted sweet potatoes in the iron stove are full of fragrance, the grocery store is piled with fresh and juicy yellow pea...

2023-09-07 #经典句子



...)Broken VaseRené Sully PrudhommeThe vase where this verbena is dyingwas cracked by a blow from a fan.It must have barely brushed it,for it made no sound.But the slight wound,biting into the crystal day by day,surely, invisibly creptslowly all around it.The clear water leaked out drop by drop.The ...

2014-07-08 #经典句子

英语字母c开头易考 易混淆短语 建议收藏

英语字母c开头易考 易混淆短语 建议收藏

...括在内See how many cups and saucers we have — but don"t count in the cracked ones. 看我们有多少个杯子和碟子——但不要把破裂的算在内。You can count me in. 你可以算我一个。同义短语 include in包括在内count on somebody to do something 指望某人去做某...

2012-11-07 #经典句子



...days,随后他凭借自己开创新世界的精神一路高歌猛进and he cracked on with his New World pioneer spirit.如今他身家多少 一亿 两亿 五亿What"s he worth today? 100, 200, 500 million?但如今 情节开始复杂起来But now the plot begins to thicken.他走到了人生...

2010-03-07 #经典句子

很经典的说说短语 说尽现实 读后值得回味!

很经典的说说短语 说尽现实 读后值得回味!

...暖地爱着,是每一颗心灵深处最本真的渴望。Life must be cracked so that sunlight can shine in. There are bumps on the road, and talents become strong. Everyone of us wants to be the prince and princess in love, cared for and cared for by others. To be loved warmly is the most sincer...

2012-08-02 #经典句子



...33. crack [krAk] v. a). to break or snap apart断裂,折断:The mirror cracked.镜子破裂了。b). to cause to break without complete separation of parts使裂开:crack the glass敲碎玻璃34. snap [snAp] vi. to break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound突然折断,啪的一声...

2023-09-07 #经典句子

高中英语熟词生义500词 这里全了(用法+例句)(下)

高中英语熟词生义500词 这里全了(用法+例句)(下)

...产生效果;He couldn"t tell which house it was. vt.判断/区分 She cracked a smile that told her joy. v.显示,显露463. through 熟义:adj. 彻底的,完全的She is a very thorough worker. adj.做事深入细致的464. ticket 熟义:n. 票The new driver got a ticket for speeding. n...

2018-03-21 #经典句子