
英语字母c开头易考 易混淆短语 建议收藏


All students must conform to the rules 所有学生必须遵守规则

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conform to 遵守,依照,符合,顺应If you don"t conform to the traffic laws, you might get hurt. 如果不遵守交通法规,你 可能会受伤。All students must conform to the rules. 所有学生必须遵守规则。His ideas do not conform to mine. 他的想法和我的不一致。congratulate sb. on sth. 为某事向某人庆贺Allow me to congratulate you on your success. 请允许我祝贺你的成功。

高考链接The two sportsmen congratulated each other_________winning the match by shaking

hands.A. withB. onC. inD. to解析选B。此题只要记住这一固定搭配congratulate sb. on sth.,就可以很容易判断出答案来了。consider……as…… 把……看作He is considered as one of the greatest writer in the twenties century.他被认为是20世纪最伟大的作家之一。类似的短语还有:

regard sb. as,look on sb. as,think of sb. as,refer to sb. as, see sb. as等,都表示“把……看作”。consist in 在于,存在于 Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction. 爱并不在于彼此相对凝视,而在于心志一致。All arts consist in the imitation and study of nature. 一切艺术存在于对自然的模仿和研究。True wealth does not consist in what we have, but in what we are. 真正的财富不是我们拥有的财产,而是我们自身的价值。同义短语 lie in在于consist of 由……组成Each group shall consist of not less than ten. 每组至少有十人组成。Water is said to consist of oxygen and hydrogen. 据说水由氢气和氧合成。

同义短语 be made up of由……组成consist with 与……一致His actions do not consist with his words.他的言行不相符。His words do not consist with facts. 他的话与事实不符。同义短语 agree with, confirm to 和……一致consult with 商量,商议In handling major matters, the president shall consult with the vice-presidents. 总经理处理重要问题时,应同副总经理协商。contribute to 有助于,导致Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness. 诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。

Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?吸烟会导致肺癌吗?同义短语 lead to,result in导致convince somebody of 使信服But we failed to convince him of his mistake. 但我们没能使他相信他是错的。How can I convince you of the dangers of taking drugs? 我怎么能使你相信服用毒品的危险呢?cooperate with 合作,协作,相配合We hope you could cooperate with us in this matter. 望你方在此事上予以合作。We sincerely expect to cooperate with you. 我们真诚期待与您合作。

cope with (成功地)应付,处理,匹敌No matter how complicated the situation was, he could cope with it successfully. 不论情况多么复杂,他都能应付自如。Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat. 沙漠植物耐酷热。同义短语 deal with对付,处理correspond to 与……相符Her expenses do not correspond to her income. 她的收入与支出不相称。The translation does not quite correspond to the original. 译文不切原意。cost somebody his life 使失去生命

Careless driving cost him his life. 粗心驾驶使他丢了生命。His foolishness almost cost him his life. 他的愚蠢几乎要了他的命。count for nothing 毫无价值They regarded us as little kids who count for nothing. 他们把我们看作是无足轻重的孩子。A man without a sense of responsibility counts for nothing. 一个没有责任感的男人是没有多少价值可言的。count in 包括在内See how many cups and saucers we have — but don"t count in the cracked ones. 看我们有多少个杯子和碟子——但不要把破裂的算在内。You can count me in. 你可以算我一个。同义短语 include in包括在内

count on somebody to do something 指望某人去做某事Ben could always count on his sister to help him out of trouble. 本总是依赖他的妹妹帮他解决困难。He worked hard, helped others and you could count on him to keep his promises. 他工作努力,乐于助人,并且绝对说到做到。同义短语 rely on sb. to do sth., depend on sb. to do sth.依赖、依靠某人去做某事count one"s chickens before they are hatched 过早乐观

It"s quite possible that you will get the job, but do not count your chicken before they are hatched. 你很有可能得到这工作但也别过早乐观。

count out 排除Please count me out from tomorrow"s basketball match. 明天的篮球比赛请不要把我算 在内。

反义短语 count in,include in算在内count up 共计,算出……的总数Now count up and see the points you"ve scored. 现在你算一算看得多少分。Will you please count up these figures for me? 请你替我把这些数字加起来好吗?同义短语 add up加起来cover an area of 占地面积Our new school covers an area of 1.72 square kilometers. 我们的新学校占地1.72平方 公里。cover up 掩饰,掩盖,盖住,裹住She tried to cover up her nervousness as she waited for the

interview. 等待面试时,她竭力掩盖自己紧张的情绪。Lies cannot cover up the facts. 谎言掩盖不了事实。cross off/out 勾销,删除If you find any unnecessary things on the list, cross them out. 如果你在表中发现不必 要的东西,就将它删除。Cross out that last sentence and put this in instead. 把最后那句去掉,换上这一句。cry over 为……而哭泣She would not cry over spilt milk, but quickly set about mopping it up. 她从不吃后悔 药,而是立即采取补救措施。cure sb. of 治好某人的病The old doctor is the only one that can cure him of the strange disease.

那位老医生是唯一一位能治愈他的怪病的人。We must help to cure him of stealing. 我们必须帮助他改掉偷窃的恶习。current affairs 时事The newspaper has a very popular columnist commenting on current affairs. 这家报 只有一位深受欢迎的专栏作家评论时事。cut across 抄近路,打断(谈话),与……抵触I turned away and cut across the lawn toward home. 于是我掉转身,穿过草地回家。His ideas cut across mine on the subject. 在这个问题上他的想法和我的不一致。cut away 砍掉They cut away all the dead branches from the tree. 他们把树上的枯枝通通砍掉了。

The surgeon cut away the tumor with expert skill. 医生以精湛的技艺切除了肿瘤。cut back on 削减,降低cut……to the bone 把(费用)削减到最低We have cut our housekeeping to the bone. 我们已把家庭开支削减到最低限度。When father lost his job,our living expenses had to be cut to the bone.

父亲失业后,我们不得不把生活费用降低到最低限度。cut down 削减,减少,杀死,砍倒I recommended that you (should) cut down the cost. 我劝你减少成本。We should cut down the water consumption. 我们应该减少水的用量。Don"t cut down the tree that gives you shade. 不要忘恩负义。比较cut down a tree砍倒一棵树;cut up the tree把树劈成木柴。cut in 超车,插嘴,打断同义短语 break in, interfere in,

cut across打断谈话,插嘴cut off 切断,阻碍,使分离,使隔绝He had a finger cut off by a machine while working. 他在工作时被机器切掉了一个手 指。The floods have cut off our supplies. 洪水切断了我们的供应。The village was almost completely cut off from the outside world. 小村庄几乎完全与 外界隔绝了。cut out 删去,切去,戒除,停止服用You"d better cut out the paragraph unnecessary for the essay. 你最好删掉论文中不必 要的段落。We must cut out the diseased branches. 我们必须把病枝修剪掉。

同义短语 cut away切除cut short 中断,打断My trip was cut short because of rain. 我的旅行因雨而中断。His hair has been cut short. 他的头发已剪短了。cut through 抄近路,克服困难He cut through a forest to get home. 他穿过一片森林才到家。He was determined to cut through the difficulties. 他下决心要克服困难。cut up 切碎The cook cut up the meat for the pie. 厨师把肉切碎做肉饼。Please cut up the vegetables very fine. 请把蔬菜切成碎末。

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