
很经典的说说短语 说尽现实 读后值得回味!



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一、现在想想为什么在激情过后,那么多的情绪会一步一步地走到尽头。除了习惯,爱到深处,应该有两个人互相帮助,不要放弃。Now think about why, after the passion, so many emotions come to an end step by step. In addition to habits, deep love, there should be two people to help each other, do not give up.

二、生活的烦恼来自于对不可分割的渴望。我们失去的是我们得到的代价。我们什么都不要。永远记住,理解你的人永远都会理解你。你失去的永远不属于你。The trouble of life comes from the desire for indivisibility. What we lose is the price we get. We don"t want anything. Always remember that the person who understands you will always understand you. What you lose will never belong to you.

三、只有往事不能回头,没有明天不能到达。如果你不能成为你思想的主人,你将不可避免地成为你情感的奴隶。如果心脏不动,风也帮不了它。如果你不受伤,年复一年都会好的。Only the past can not be turned back, no tomorrow can not arrive. If you cannot be the master of your thoughts, you will inevitably become the slave of your emotions. If the heart doesn"t move, the wind won"t help it. If you don"t get hurt, you"ll be all right year after year.

四、没有拖延,没有快乐,没有懒惰。一开始就赢不是傲慢;一开始就输不是烦人。不奢求立竿见影,一帆风顺,唯一的价值就是他们的原始积累。我们坚信,如果我们有力量和方向,总有一天我们会到达目的地。No procrastination, no happiness, no laziness. Winning from the beginning is not arrogance; losing from the beginning is not annoying. Not extravagant for immediate results, smooth sailing, the only value is their original accumulation. We firmly believe that if we have the strength and direction, one day we will reach our destination.

五、人无完人,都是有缺陷的,不是真的,直接转身,不是假的,只有诚信,为什么委屈,为什么耽搁,人生的错误,错过太多的损失。No one is perfect, they are defective, not true, turn around directly, not false, only honesty, why grievance, why delay, life"s mistakes, miss too many losses.

六、每一个有权势的人,咬着牙齿,在没有帮助、支持和温暖的情况下度过一段时间。过去,这是你的成人仪式,不能通行,求饶,这是你的无底洞。你羡慕我的自由,我羡慕你的约束;你羡慕我的车,我羡慕你的房子;你羡慕我的工作,我羡慕你每天都休息。Every powerful person, biting his teeth, spends some time without help, support and warmth. In the past, this was your ritual of passage. Please forgive me. This is your bottomless pit. You envy my freedom, I envy your restraint; you envy my car, I envy your house; you envy my work, I envy your rest every day.

七、思念的声音,我放在真空玻璃瓶里,没有任何反应,所以我不会难过。生活的列车仍在呼啸前进,不是因为这些琐碎而停止呼啸。The sound of missing, I put it in a vacuum glass bottle, there is no response, so I will not be sad. The train of life is still roaring forward, not because it is trivial to stop roaring.

八、保持一颗年轻的心,做一个简单的人,享受阳光和温暖。你应该试着一个人走,享受你的时光。孤独深沉,孤独变成盔甲。Keep a young heart, be a simple person, enjoy the sunshine and warmth. You should try to walk alone and enjoy your time. Loneliness is deep, loneliness becomes armor.

九、有没有人,你说过很多次要放弃,但最终还是舍不得。有没有人愿意受伤害,即使你知道你会遍体鳞伤。无论有没有人,当你孤单的时候,你想到他在哭,但当你看到他,你假装笑得无动于衷。Has anyone ever said that you should give up many times, but in the end you are reluctant to give up? Does anyone want to be hurt, even if you know you"re going to be bruised all over? Whether or not someone is alone, you think of him crying, but when you see him, you pretend to laugh indifferently.

十、事实上,我们一生中最害怕的不是我们努力尝试,而是我们选择在尝试之前放弃。如果你不强迫自己做一次,你怎么知道你有多好?改变总比抱怨好。如果你不长大,谁会为你坚强?In fact, what we fear most in our life is not that we try hard, but that we choose to give up before we try. How do you know how good you are if you don"t force yourself to do it once? Change is better than complaint. If you don"t grow up, who will be strong for you?

十一、生活从不造福每一个奋进的人,未来的运气是过去努力的积累。利用阳光,做你想做的事,年轻的时候,去追求你的梦想!Life never benefits everyone who strives, and future luck is the accumulation of past efforts. Use the sunshine, do what you want to do, when you are young, to pursue your dreams!

十二、要成为一个优秀的人,首先,你需要一颗坚强的心,一颗坚强的心来支持我们。如果你是一个玻璃心,那么很难承受压力,因为卓越是通过时间的考验和沉淀的,而不是一天一天。To be an excellent person, first of all, you need a strong heart, a strong heart to support us. If you are a glass heart, it is difficult to bear pressure, because excellence is tested and precipitated by time, not by day.

十三、你的悲伤表情是无法结束的,尽管它可能只是一个随机信号。这不是你的同情,也不是我的强迫症,但我在乎你。大多数秀的爱情不是为了炫耀,而是怀着一颗温暖的心,渴望告诉世界,我喜欢这个人。Your sad expression can"t end, although it may just be a random signal. It"s not your sympathy, it"s not my obsessive-compulsive disorder, but I care about you. Most beautiful love is not to show off, but with a warm heart, eager to tell the world that I like this person.

十四、也许不是每一天都那么美好,但每一天都会有一些美好的东西存在。失去比得不到要可怕的多得多,因为它多一个过程叫曾经拥有。Maybe not every day is so beautiful, but every day there will be some beautiful things. Losing is much more terrible than not getting, because it has one more process called having.


Successful people must pay a lot, there is absolutely no success in the world in vain! Success is actually giving. Dear friends, do not envy the success of others, we should see others, behind the efforts paid silently. Time will tell the truth. Only down-to-earth success is real success.

十六、一段感情结束之后,再喜欢也不要旧情复燃,旧情复燃的结果就是重蹈覆辙,自作多情的下场就是自取其辱。我不后悔我做过的事,我后悔的只是有些事我有机会做的时候,我却没有做。When a relationship is over, don"t rekindle it if you like it again. The result of rekindling old love is to repeat the same mistake. The end of self-indulgence is to humiliate yourself. I don"t regret what I did. I regret only that I didn"t do something when I had a chance to do it.

十七、只要去奋斗,就会有成功的希望。当机会来临时,你要好好地把握。因为机不可失,时不再来。也许谨慎是好事,但是过分地犹豫也会误事。如果不亲自去尝试,你永远不知道自己有多强大,即使失败了,那也是一笔宝贵的财富!As long as we strive, we will have the hope of success. When the opportunity comes, you should grasp it well. Because opportunity is not lost, it will never come again. Caution may be a good thing, but too much hesitation can be a mistake. If you don"t try it yourself, you never know how strong you are. Even if you fail, it"s also a valuable asset.

十八、生命必须有裂缝,阳光才能照得进来。路上有坎坷,人才变得坚强起来。我们每一个人,都希望自己是爱情里的王子和公主,有人宠着照顾着呵护着。被暖暖地爱着,是每一颗心灵深处最本真的渴望。Life must be cracked so that sunlight can shine in. There are bumps on the road, and talents become strong. Everyone of us wants to be the prince and princess in love, cared for and cared for by others. To be loved warmly is the most sincere desire of every heart.

十九、 多想告诉你,其实我过得没那么好,还是会经常想你,经常梦见你,只是时间让我学会了闭嘴。因为我知道,很多路都要自己一个人走,大概孤独是常态,熬过去就好了。I want to tell you, in fact, I am not doing so well, or often miss you, often dream of you, but time has taught me to shut up. Because I know that many roads have to go by myself, probably loneliness is the norm, just go through it.

二十、很想主动联系你,很想关心你,很想知道你最近过得好不好,也很想紧紧的抱着你并告诉你,我很爱你很想你,但是有些爱,只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。I really want to contact you, care about you, want to know how you are getting along recently, and want to hold you tightly and tell you that I love you and miss you very much, but some love can only stop at the lip and teeth, hide in the years.

二十一、爱情友情都一样,等你足够强大,相应的圈子会主动来吸纳你,无需自作悲悯,更无须刻意讨好,你需要的是自我丰盈与精彩。Love and friendship are the same, when you are strong enough, the corresponding circle will take the initiative to absorb you, without self-pity, not to deliberately please, you need self-enrichment and brilliance.

二十二、路走远了,回不去了,事走散了,想不到了,才知道这个世界的真,这个世界的情,唯一的懂,难猜人心,唯一的猜,难懂真心,命运是一个滑稽的词,也是一个可怕的词。After a long journey, things can"t go back, things have gone away, unexpectedly, we know the truth of the world, the world"s feelings, the only understanding, difficult to guess people"s hearts, the only guess, difficult to understand the true heart, fate is a funny word, but also a terrible word.

二十三、我想,在汹涌的人潮中遇见你是我这辈子最幸运的事了。繁华盛世,日月星辰,这世界上所有美好的事物加起来都没有你重要。你,就是我的整个世界。I think meeting you in the turbulent crowd is the luckiest thing in my life. All the good things in the world add up to nothing that matters to you, the sun, the moon and the stars. You are my whole world.

二十四、有时我们不快乐是因为太在意他人的感觉,让外界控制了自已的心情。讨别人欢喜只是小聪明,让自已安心才是大智慧。Sometimes we are unhappy because we care too much about other people"s feelings and let the outside world control our mood. It"s only smart to please others. It"s wisdom to make yourself at ease.

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