第一句子大全 > 标签 > Survival
每日一句英译英:Survival of the fittest

每日一句英译英:Survival of the fittest

每日一句英译英:Survival of the fittestSurvival of the fittest 物竞天择,适者生存1) 远离中文理解:学习英语平均耗费时间精力长达十年以上。因此,为了掌握英语,学习英语有一条“大忌”:远离中文,尽量不要用中文学习和理解英...

2014-11-02 #经典句子

英文翻译 诗和远方?是Poetry and far away吗?你的答案是什么

英文翻译 诗和远方?是Poetry and far away吗?你的答案是什么

...compromise,there should be poetry and the far afieldTOP4:Life is not about survival ,there should be poetry and the far afieldTOP5:Life is not about survival , but the poetry and far afieldTOP6:Life is not about survival , but the poetry and far-off fieldTOP7:Beyond the pots and pans ,there should...

2015-04-24 #经典句子

每日句解|通过英语来看看紫荆城的魅力 2句带你学

每日句解|通过英语来看看紫荆城的魅力 2句带你学

...nuing presence at the heart of the country’s capital has been a story of survival against the odds. Fires, wars and power struggles have all threatened the imperial complex during the last six centuries.2句子分析1. Despite its monumental scale and centralimportance in Chinese history, however,...

2023-06-05 #经典句子

有感而发的句子 残酷现实会让你明白许多

有感而发的句子 残酷现实会让你明白许多

...,适者生存是这个社会的生存法则。The natural selection, the Survival of the fittest is the survival principle of this society.如果有奇迹,不过是努力的另一个名字而已。If there"s a miracle, it"s just another name for effort. If there"s a miracle, it"s just another na...

2022-12-31 #经典句子



...家英语文章一Man is the product of nature, people rely on natural and survival, it is known. In the process of survival and development, people should live in harmony with nature. But now, due to the expansion of the population, especially the human greed, unchecked for the nature, nature is ba...

2014-03-04 #经典句子

唯美舒心励志的句子 “三分天才 七分发奋”是成功不变的法则

唯美舒心励志的句子 “三分天才 七分发奋”是成功不变的法则

...是一个人心灵和精神的满足,是最纯粹、最高尚的享受。Survival is the first task of human beings, and happiness is the only principle of survival. Happiness is the satisfaction of one"s heart and spirit, the purest and noblest enjoyment.山后的山会倒,但水会流,永远...

2022-11-25 #经典句子

不负好时光励志句子 不怕万人阻挡 送给心情不好的你!

不负好时光励志句子 不怕万人阻挡 送给心情不好的你!

...ltimate value of life lies in the ability to awaken and think, not just in survival. Aristotle.生活总会给你另一个机会。这个机会叫做明天。Life always gives you another chance. This opportunity is called tomorrow.你昨天跑得越快,对风的阻力就越大。阻力与成就...

2022-11-03 #经典句子

让人一看就赞的晚安说说 句句贴心 适合发朋友圈

让人一看就赞的晚安说说 句句贴心 适合发朋友圈

...ruggle, now you do not go to struggle, your life is not only the immediate survival, but also the future survival. Good night!结语:愿你白天可以有说有笑,到了晚上可以安安心心地睡个好觉,做个美梦。晚安!Wish you can talk and laugh during the day, at night can saf...

2022-12-16 #经典句子



... afresh. Nothing new will ever happen to you. Knowledge is useful for your survival process but it never liberates you.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):有一种东西叫知识,它是大量记忆的累积;有一种东西叫了悟,那是对生命纯粹的感知。知识只是你对生命下的结论...

2024-02-04 #大杂绘

带着忧伤的情感文案 满是委屈 宠溺如一

带着忧伤的情感文案 满是委屈 宠溺如一

...t mask to become a man. Happy, unhappy and happy is life, and the other is survival of the fittest.饥饿可以保持头脑清醒。孤独可以恢复人性的缺失。负责任可以解决所有问题。时间可以给出所有的答案。Hunger keeps one"s head clear. Loneliness can restore the la...

2011-03-13 #经典句子



...美好。Should let someone else"s life is more beautiful because of your survival.30、许多伟大的真理开始的时候都被认为是亵渎的行为。The beginning of the many great truths are considered to be against the behavior.31、谁都无法告诉你生存的意义,只有靠你自己...

2022-10-28 #经典句子

读起来有道理的生活哲理句子 励志句子

读起来有道理的生活哲理句子 励志句子

...d of old heart!自然选择意味着适者生存。Natural selection means survival of the fittest.把握现在,战斗到今天。Seize the present and fight till today.

2022-12-20 #经典句子



...e brings you are not to get along with you, but to constantly improve your survival skills."4.本来想和你说我想你了 结果还是说了那句被说烂了的新年快乐 I wanted to tell you that I miss you, but I still said the rotten happy new year5.愿新年胜旧年,愿将来胜过往...

2014-10-20 #经典句子

积极向上的励志句子 感悟颇深 每一句都说到心坎里

积极向上的励志句子 感悟颇深 每一句都说到心坎里

...如何把握你的生活,如何写作,外人不能给你写信。Our survival in society is like writing a book. Your writing isgood or bad, thick or thin, wonderful or mediocre. It depends on howyou handle your life, how you write, and outsiders can"t write toyou.

2022-11-28 #经典句子

用好这5大方法 克服对英语的恐惧心理!

用好这5大方法 克服对英语的恐惧心理!

...如果问外国人词汇或者发音那是绝对可以的。3. Learn some survival phrases or sentences学习一些生存应急的短语或句子学习一些英语固定词组、或者某个问题的特定回答方式,这是很好的一个方法。比如,如果你不懂别人说的内容,有...

2023-08-25 #经典句子



...生活,学校的饭是为生存。Home meals for life, school meals for survival.[ 删了你那么久还会每天去看你的资料只是不敢加你 ]Deleted you so long will go to see your data every day just dare not add you.现在我们都该毕业了,是不是意味着你也会离开了?N...

2023-05-18 #经典句子

非常走心的干净文案 温柔似水 治愈人心!

非常走心的干净文案 温柔似水 治愈人心!

...性哪个更重要Eat to live or live just to eat which is more important survival or humanity只想找一个人在我失意时,可以承受我眼泪,在我快乐是,可以让我咬一口肩膀。Just want to find a person when I am frustrated, can bear my tears, in my happiness is, can let me...

2014-04-19 #经典句子

那些看完让人感悟人生的句子 干净唯美 值得仔细品鉴

那些看完让人感悟人生的句子 干净唯美 值得仔细品鉴

...也是一种感人的爱的方式。 This is not only an attitude towards survival, but also a touching way of love.我们价值的实现取决于我们对生活的态度。无论我们扮演什么角色,我们都有权在自己的位置上大放异彩。 The realization of our value depends on ou...

2022-11-18 #经典句子

成年人的辛酸句子 唯美伤感 戳心点泪

成年人的辛酸句子 唯美伤感 戳心点泪

...itter fat man!白天是生活,晚上才是生存!Day is life, night is survival!每次想走捷径的时候,结果走的是最弯的路,就想偷来的巧,其实是致命的拙!Every time I want to take a shortcut, I end up taking the most curved road, and I want to steal it, which is ac...

2023-05-15 #经典句子

适合做饭发的搞笑句子 精辟幽默 句句乐翻天!

适合做饭发的搞笑句子 精辟幽默 句句乐翻天!

...,我的厨艺是生存。Other people"s cooking is life, my cooking is survival.5、是时候表演真正的技术了。It"s time to show real technology.6、老说我朋友圈没营养,那就发个营养的。It"s always said that my WeChat moments has no nutrition, so I"ll give it a nutritious...

2023-01-06 #经典句子