
每日一句英译英:Survival of the fittest



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每日一句英译英:Survival of the fittest

Survival of the fittest 物竞天择,适者生存

1) 远离中文理解:



比如:Survival of the fittest


实际上survival of the fittest的完整原话应该是Survival of the fittest animals in natural selection(自然淘汰,物竞天择)



2) Survival of the fittest英译英训练:

看到英语Survival of the fittest,我会“转换”成“其它”英语:

1. Okay.I got you. Survival of the fittest means Only those fittest,those strongest,those best of all animals,or life in the jungle,in the wild(nature)will survive(=meaning) will live on/live longer than others,or will not be killed by others/by nature.

2. Okay.When we say:It"s Survival of the fittest,we mean It"s Natural selection,that is,everything will be selected naturally.You"ll win if you"re the best to get along with the environment(环境) around you.

也就是见到英语survival of the fittest,是必须能和另外一句搭配英语natural selection联系起来思考思维方式的。而光是一句中文“物竞天择,适者生存”就会把这么好和重要的英语英译英训练“过滤”掉了。

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