


那意味着你觉得我应该打电话给史蒂夫 汉德森It means that you think that I should go out and call Steve Henderson up把它作为杀人

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那意味着你觉得我应该打电话给史蒂夫 汉德森...

It means that you think that I should go out and call Steve Henderson up

把它作为杀人工具 在高速公路上杀人 那你就错了

and just use it as a murder weapon, just killing people on the highway,

我真的不是一家之主 然而我是家里的男人

"I"m really not the head of the family, and yet I"m the man of the family."

我精神一不集中 就会回到60到70英里

As soon as I stop concentrating, I"d go back to 60 or 70 like I always do.

-先生 我们不想惹任何麻烦 -不会有什么麻烦的

-Mister, we don"t want any trouble. -No, there won"t be any trouble.

谢了 迪克 南部高速公路情况似乎很正常

Thanks, Dick, things seem to be pretty normal on our Southland freeways,

他一直很想到底线工作 如果找不到他

The way he"s been griping to the front office, if I don"t reach him today,

但是 我想知道 我该怎样回答这个问题呢

But nevertheless, I was wondering, how should I answer that question?

-你不必道歉的 裁维 -我知道 我想这样做

-You don"t have to apologize. -I know I don"t have to. I wanted to.

-只是扭伤了一点 -没事 谢谢你 我没事

-You got the whiplash, all right. -That"s okay. Thank... It"s okay.

我真的不是一家之主 她不知道我打电话到这里

I"m really not the head of the family. She doesn"t know I"m calling.

-报警 -别这样 先生 你让我们感到害怕

-to the lousy police for me? -Stop it, mister. You"re scaring us.

-向他挑战 和他打一场 -当然不是这样

-and challenge him to a fistfight or something. -No, of course not.

他的成绩低于标准杆67杆5杆 里尔成绩为68杆

He shot a 5-under-par 67 with Lee Trevino one stroke back at 68.

我请你喝一杯 就这样算了 好吗

Why don"t I buy you a beer and get this thing straightened out, huh?

是的 我 我一直想联系麦克先生

Yes, well, uh, I"ve been trying to get in touch with Mr. Mack myself.

我要报告 一个货车司机正威胁我的生命

I"d like to report a truck driver that"s been endangering my life.

所以我想确信 即使我说自己是一家之主

so I wanted to make sure,if I put down I"m the head of the family,

白天气温最高为74华度 夜晚最低气温为50华度

the high today will be about 74, low tonight in the high 50s.


Traffic is also heavily congested on the westbound Venture Freeway

把我载往最近的加油站吧 我可以给你们钱

Or just drop me off at the nearest station. I"ll pay you for it.

-下面的缓冲器可能卡住了 -不会的

-I don"t know. Looks like I"d go right underneath the bumper. -No.

-很多人都觉得奇怪 -我明白你的感受

-A lot of people think it"s strange. -Yes, I can understand that.

-你可以随便加一点油吧 -好的

-Well, you can put what ethyl you can get in the tank. -All righty.

先生 如果我惹你生气了 我很抱歉 让我

Look, mister, I"m sorry if I irritated you, but let me, uh...


But I wish you had made some of those questions multiple choice. Now


that the Census Bureau has sent out to us all to fill in, right?

他有一辆大货车 我的小车马力不够

He"s got some souped-up diesel. My car is just not that powerful.

不 因为如果我们继续说的话 我们会吵架

No, because if we talk about it, we"ll just get into a fight,

我选了之后对自己说 那是不诚实的

I penciled it in first, but I said, "No, that"s being dishonest."


The weather for today, as promised, is a carbon copy of yesterday"s,

-为什么 -只管叫他们离开 他们就没事的

-What for? -Just get them off the road and they"ll be okay.

车子在散热 现在发动不了

and I stopped to let it cool off. Now I can"t get her started again.

先生 很抱歉麻烦你 但我需要帮助

Mister, I"m sorry to bother you, but I could use a little help.


Why didn"t I leave right away when I saw his truck outside?

-非常感谢 和你说话真好 -没什么

-Thank you so much. It"s nice talking to you. -You"re welcome.

但我想说实话 我是一个有良心的人

But I wanted to be honest about it, and I"m a man of conscience,


And we understand this condition will last until 3:00 this afternoon.

-报警 -你以为我不会 你错了 先生

-The police? -You think that I won"t? You"re wrong, mister.


that you wanted marks in these circles here that I see in front of me.

-如何拼写 -M-A-N-N 有两个N的

-How do you spell that, please? -M-A-N-N. That"s two N"s.

-你从哪个号码打来的 -这里的号码是9821

-What number are you calling from? -This number is 9821.

-黑麦粉做的 -奶酪三明治 好的

-Swiss cheese on rye? R-Y-E. -Swiss cheese on rye. All right.


You just go along figuring some things don"t change, ever, right?

-帮我检查一下散热管好吗 -好的

-Would you mind checking those radiator hoses? -I"ll do that.

前盖会凹陷 我让孩子们别坐在前盖上

That hood will dent. I told the kids not to get on the hood.

-你在说什么鬼话 -我可以报警的

-What the hell are you talking about? -I can call the police.

如果他也留下来呢 警察问他的话

What if he stayed, too? Actually talked to the police himself?


I don"t know, all I did was pass this stupid rig a couple of times,


and Chuck"s Cafe may be the only place to eat for miles around.

我在哪听说过了 我迟点再换 谢了

Where have I heard that before? I"ll get one later, thanks.


You know how women are before you marry them. They"re so nice.


Although there are people in the neighborhood who would question that.

海滩的气温相当宜人 在70华度左右

At the beaches, temperatures will stay in the pleasant 70s.

-外面发生什么事了 -只是有点小事

-What happened out there? -Oh, just a slight complication.


and all the ropes that kept you hanging in there get cut loose.

结婚后的六个月里 我知道自己犯了措

The first six months of marriage, I knew I made a mistake.

我很害怕她 我一直想和她离婚

I"m afraid of her, you see. I"ve been wanting to divorce her.


There"s a report of a stalled vehicle in the number two lane


I must have been inside trying to get that piece of junk shaking.


You said there would be no problem about getting home on time.

-先生 接哪个部门 -最近的一个

-Sir, which department do you want? -Whichever"s closer.

他一直追着我 时速达到90英里

He chased me down the mountain at nearly 90 miles an hour.

-需要检查一下前面吗 -好的

-Want me to check under the hood for you? -Uh, please. Yes.


that, unfortunately, I"ve been married to for the last 25 years...


Say, does your car need a new muffler or new shock absorbers?

噢 天哪 今天我肯定见不到福布斯了

Well, I won"t be seeing Forbes today, that"s for sure.


That creep comes around, knocks my sandwich out of my hand.

哦 你有点头痛 好的 我给你拿一点

Aw, your head aches. Sure, I"ll get you some aspirin.

-不知道你说什么 -他想杀你

-I don"t know what else you"d call it. -Tried to kill you.


That woman just drives me up the wall and over the other side.


All information that you include on that form is confidential.

-对不起 先生 -打一个电话

-I"m sorry, mister... -Can"t you make a lousy phone call

他病了 你看到了吗 他不想打架的

He"s sick. Can"t you see? He ain"t gonna fight no one.

-给你 还要些什么吗 -不了 谢谢

-There you are. Anything else? -No, thank you. Uh...

好了 那只是一个恶梦 已经结束了

All right, boy, it was a nightmare, but it"s over now.


And it"s like, there you are, right back in the jungle again.

-你可能扭伤了一点 -是的 没什么

-You got a whiplash, probably. -Yeah. It"s all right.

那是你妈妈 天知道她是否会来看我

It"s your mother. God knows she"s not coming to see me.


Well, if you don"t consider yourself head of the household,

现在由丹 爱德华报告交通情况

And now, for our report from the freeways, to Don Edwards

欢迎参观休荫大道13631号的迈克 弗农

Visit Mike Vernon Motors at 13631 Valley Boulevard.

就算没有 你也离我很远了

Maybe they won"t, but at least you"ll be far away from me.

你已经打了他两下了 还想打吗

You already hit him twice. What more do you want, huh?


What if he followed me out, though, started after me again?

-有什么可以帮你吗 -没什么 谢谢

-Anything I can do for you? -No, nothing. Thank you.


Of course, we"re always looking for original amateur talent.

-怎么了 车子有问题 -是的

-What"s the matter, car trouble? -Well, in a way, yes.

-你为什么不叫那辆货车 -什么货车

-Why didn"t you flag down that truck? -What truck?

我必须去证明 这里的人也不会支持我

And I"m sure none of these people would back me up.

-那货车司机想杀我 -不是吧

-That truck driver tried to kill me. -Kill you? Go on.

-无意冒犯 你是认真的吗 -是的

-No offense. Are you serious about this? -Yes. Yes.

我做什么 我呆在家里 我不喜欢工作

You see, what I do... I stay home. I hate working.

那问题是 你是家庭的主人吗

the question was, um, are you the head of the family?


of the inbound San Diego Freeway just south of Mulholland.


Well, that doesn"t mean he intends to continue his attack.


practically trying to rape me in front of the whole party.


But no, I got a hold of this first, before she did.

没什么问题吧 我想对你说实话

So it would be all right? I wanna be honest with you.

-有人可以帮我吗 -请继续

-And I was wondering, can somebody help me? -Go ahead.

就算我领先了 他一样可以追上来

Even if I got a lead, he"d overtake me soon enough.

-不 没那事 -那是怎么了

-No, it"s nothing like that. -Well, what happened?

-没有人会知道有什么区别 是吧 -是的

-nobody would know the difference, right? -No.

-他们决不会看到那些问卷 -你肯定吗

-They will never see that form. -Are you sure?


And so, I was wondering, you wanted honest answers.

-回到车上 -放开他

-Come on. Get back in the bus! -Get your hands off him!

等下 我知道那是什么意思

Uh, just a minute. I know what it"s supposed to mean.

我早上离开的时候 你还在睡

When I left the house this morning, you were asleep,

接线员 把我接到659-0716对方付款

Operator, I"d like to call 659-0716, collect.

别像我那样犯措 你会吗

don"t be like that whippo that I married. Would you?


The APCD predicts light to moderate eye irritation,


Man, all I"m asking you to do is just make a phone call.

这样的话 我应该给你报警

In that case, I"ll have to give you the police, sir.

我不想打架 我只想把他的头拧下来

I don"t wanna fight. I wanna knock his head off.

现在他减慢了速的 掉头回来这里

and he had to slow down, turn around, that"s all.

-你应该是扭伤了 -没什么的

-It sure looks like you got whiplash. -Oh, it"s...

裁维 曼恩 这里的号码是238-2098

Uh, Dave Mann. The number here is 238-2098.

-可以问你做些什么吗 -我玩耍肉块

-Well, what do you do, may I ask? -I play meat.


and getting involved in the rat race and things like that.

不会有事的朗尼 快点下来

Nah, you"re all right. Rodney, get down from there.


that he not only blows. Oh, Johnny on the bicycle pump,


That"s 13631 Valley Boulevard in Garden Grove.

-可以帮我一个忙吗 -什么

-I wonder if you"d do me a favor. -What"s that?

你们下来 在那里会受伤的

Hey, get off the car. You"re gonna get hurt there.


The one that just went by here a couple of minutes ago.

好了 我请你再吃一个

All right, all right. I"ll buy you another sandwich.


If you think that you can take that truck of yours


Twenty, twenty-five minutes out of your whole life,


It"s so much easier to pick up stuff in a house dress,

-不会有人想知道的 -你肯定吗

-Nobody is even going to know. -Are you sure?





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