第一句子大全 > 标签 > feet
这15组关于“feet”的英语俚语 谁颠覆了你的认知?

这15组关于“feet”的英语俚语 谁颠覆了你的认知?

导读:在美国的成语和俗语中,由”feet”构成的俗语还真不少,今天,AAE(美国英文学院,American Academy of English,简称AAE)为你分享feet相关的一些俚语,相信掌握了这些“非正式”语言,你的英语水平也会迈上新台阶。1、cold f...

2017-10-26 #经典句子

陈立农夜间驾驶一路嗨歌!ikun文案用错 误以为“翟潇闻”是文案

陈立农夜间驾驶一路嗨歌!ikun文案用错 误以为“翟潇闻”是文案

...的合作歌曲,看来和现哥玩得很不错呢。小鬼老师的lite feet舞蹈,原来如此!4月3号当天,小鬼上线发布了一段lite feet的舞蹈视频,还配上酷酷的“只要lite feet整得好,你必须被我迷倒!”的文案。鬼姐姐也是顺势跟着小鬼学起...

2018-02-06 #经典句子

英语俚语miss the boat

英语俚语miss the boat

...法可以让你的收入在一年内翻一番。英语俚语have two left feet这个短语指一个人的动作比较笨拙,笨手笨脚的,尤其是在跳舞的时候。这是一种幽默的说法,经常用来形容某个人的肢体协调性比较差。如:1)I’ve always had two left fe...

2018-08-28 #经典句子



...蹄子可不是"pig foot"!这是错的哦,脚是foot,复数形式是feet,这么好吃的脚脚,只啃一个怎么能满足,在英文里,一般都是以复数形式出现,所以要用feet。猪蹄该怎么说?pig"s feet猪蹄可以说pig"s feet,鸡爪也就是我们说的凤爪,...

2010-10-10 #经典句子

7个容易让人误解的英语俚语!你猜sweet water是啥意思?

7个容易让人误解的英语俚语!你猜sweet water是啥意思?

...:Affairs/"fr/事件,事务(在这里指感情方面的事务)②Crow"s feet Crow指乌鸦,feet是指脚,但Crow"s feet不是指乌鸦脚啊,哈哈哈,它是指鱼尾纹哟~Smile! Crow"s feet make you look clever and more attractive.笑吧,鱼尾纹使你看起来更聪明更有吸引...

2008-01-18 #经典句子

“动词” 英语中表示身体部位运动的动词 图文讲解效果棒棒哒!

“动词” 英语中表示身体部位运动的动词 图文讲解效果棒棒哒!

...f the ground or away from a surface by pushing yourself with your legs and feet 用腿和脚推动身体迅速离开地面或远离地面Leap – to jump high or a long way 跳得高或远Hop – to move by jumping on one foot 单脚跳跃单脚跳跃移动Skip – to move forwards lightly and quick...

2017-12-26 #经典句子

一眼就心动的情感文案 温柔治愈 值得收藏

一眼就心动的情感文案 温柔治愈 值得收藏

...g this rugged road脚刚泡好,脚泡好,哭,脚泡好,但我没有Feet just bubble well, feet bubble well, cry, feet bubble well, but I didn"t不要对受宠的人说对不起,也不要对不受宠的人说对不起Don"t say sorry to those who are favored, and don"t say sorry to those who...

2008-06-22 #经典句子



...8. Tom is the cock of the walk.9. When going near the cliff, he had cold feet.10. I heard she is a woman capable of anything.好了,现在给你泼泼冷水:1. She fully enjoyed cakes and ale.误译:她充分地享用了蛋糕和啤酒。正确:她尽享了人生乐趣。[解释]这里cake...

2024-02-05 #大杂绘

逼员工吃“死神辣条” “辣条”英文可不是Latiao!说错就尴尬了

逼员工吃“死神辣条” “辣条”英文可不是Latiao!说错就尴尬了

...有姓名!泡椒凤爪其实就是鸡爪子,鸡爪的翻译是 Chicken Feet.泡其实是腌制,椒是辣椒,泡椒也就是 pickled peppers.所以泡椒凤爪的英文翻译就是“Chicken feet with pickled peppers”.Look, I am eating Chicken feet with pickled peppers.看,我在吃泡椒...

2010-05-24 #经典句子



...紧张。动词“stress”的意思是“紧张、焦虑”。4. Put your feet up. 好好休息。表达“put your feet up”用把脚放平、支起来的姿态来比喻“好好休息”。5. Take a chill pill. 冷静一下。表达“take a chill pill”的含义并不是真的让人吃镇静...

2023-12-29 #经典句子

济南能动英语老师:学好口语 先要知道这几句俚语是什么意思!

济南能动英语老师:学好口语 先要知道这几句俚语是什么意思!

...,可是她手指上的戒指却把这个秘密泄露出来了。4.Cold feet(jio 冷)直译:脚冷俚语实际意思:缺乏自信或胆量起源:这个俚语来自一个军事术语,指的是脚冻僵的士兵不能冲上战场参与战斗。常见口语对话:A:Don’t be afraid!...

2023-06-11 #经典句子

「新高考英语」有关时态与语态 多练才能会的习题!

「新高考英语」有关时态与语态 多练才能会的习题!

...not hesitate to do, (be) known as, a photographic memory, jump to one"s feet,11.Ludwigvan Beethoven is regarded as one of the greatest ________ in thehistory of music.12.Roots& Shoots is an institute ________ in the early 1990s by Dr. JaneGoodall.13.Oneof the golden rules to increase how mu...

2022-11-18 #经典句子

体贴温暖的温情小句子 简单优雅 适合置顶

体贴温暖的温情小句子 简单优雅 适合置顶

...路上,生活就永远不会给你一条路。Yes, just walk with your feet. If there is a road, go with your heart. Deep feet, shallow feet, happy on the road, sad on the road. If you can"t see, it is easy to take detours; Losing your mind can easily lead to a dead end. But as long as your heart ...

2022-11-14 #经典句子



...屏幕。7、The young man was so angry that he knocked the thief off his feet.这个年轻人如此生气,以至于他把那个贼打倒在地。knock sb off one"s feet 撞倒某人,使某人双脚离地好了,我们今天的学习内容就到这里了,咱们下节课再见。想了解更...

2023-10-26 #经典句子

英语美文朗读《用脚掌亲吻大地》爱留给心所系的人 辽阔的自由赏给灵魂独享

英语美文朗读《用脚掌亲吻大地》爱留给心所系的人 辽阔的自由赏给灵魂独享

..., damp grass.踩在冰凉,湿漉漉的草地上It felt so alive under my feet.它们在我脚下,是那样鲜活I laughed as I walked along.我一边走一边笑I remembered something I once read too想起自己曾读到过的一句话:“Walk as if you were kissing the earth with your feet.”...

2023-12-22 #经典句子

这12句地道英文俚语 外国朋友爱用!(器官篇)

这12句地道英文俚语 外国朋友爱用!(器官篇)

... Break a leg!我知道你明天上午有个面试,祝你好运!11.Cold feet这俚语真不是“冰冷的脚”,而是害怕,胆怯的意思。从cold这个单词去理解,除了表示冷以外,还有令人沮丧的、扫兴的意思,这样解释就能理解cold feet表示害怕,胆...

2009-11-28 #经典句子

很悲伤的句子 让人肝肠寸断!看完忍不住哭了!

很悲伤的句子 让人肝肠寸断!看完忍不住哭了!

...微笑,走过。Believe that life is pessimistic after hope, again long feet can step, believe their shoulders, enough to bear the weight of life, no matter how hard life, how long, remember a simple truth, there is no longer than the feet of the road.Life may be sad autumn, now meet autumn, quiet...

2022-12-17 #经典句子

坚持励志的句子 句句让人感触很深 简短又耐人寻味

坚持励志的句子 句句让人感触很深 简短又耐人寻味

...ights went out“ What should I do? " Asked the apprentice“ Look at your feet! " The master answered. When everything becomes dark, the road behind and the road ahead will be invisible, just like the world now and the next life. What do we do? Of course, "look at your feet! Look at this life! "....

2022-11-25 #经典句子

温柔系文案‖把麋鹿挂在圣诞树上 把我挂在心上

温柔系文案‖把麋鹿挂在圣诞树上 把我挂在心上

...人把你的手脚放到肚子上给你暖Those girls with cold hands and feet in winter hope that someone will put your hands and feet on your stomach to warm you this winter还记得曾小贤为了胡一菲去偷的那棵圣诞树吗 还记得为了你的那个他吗Remember the Christmas tree th...

2012-03-04 #经典句子



...流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天DeepL: fly straight down 3,000 feet, suspect that the Milky Way is falling into nine heavens谷歌翻译:Flying down 3,000 feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days有道: It flew down three thousand feet and was suspected to be the Milky W...

2023-10-15 #经典句子