
“动词” 英语中表示身体部位运动的动词 图文讲解效果棒棒哒!


Tap – move your feet to the beat of music 随着音乐的节奏移动你的脚Kick – use your feet to make something move 用你的脚使东

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Verbs to Express Body Movement in English 英语中表示身体运动的动词

Walk – to move or go somewhere by putting one foot in front of the other on the ground, but without running 步行-移动或去某处,将一只脚放在另一只脚的前面,但不跑步March – to walk somewhere quickly in a determined way 坚定地快速地走到某个地方Run – to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk 跑-用你的腿移动,比你走路时跑得快Crawl– to move forward on your hands and knees, with your body close to the ground 用手和膝盖向前移动,身体贴近地面Tiptoe – standing or walking on the front part of your foot, with your heels off the ground, in order to make yourself taller or to move very quietly 站立或走路时脚后跟离地,用前脚站立或行走,这样可以使自己更高或更安静地移动Pull – to hold something firmly and use force in order to move it or try to move it towards yourself 牢牢地抓住某物并使用力量来移动它或试图将它移向你自己Drag – to pull somebody/something along with effort and difficulty 用努力和困难来拉动某人/某物Push – to use your hands, arms or body in order to make somebody/something move forward or away from you; to move part of your body into a particular position 用手、手臂或身体使某人/某事向前或远离你;将身体的一部分移动到特定的位置Jump – to move quickly off the ground or away from a surface by pushing yourself with your legs and feet 用腿和脚推动身体迅速离开地面或远离地面Leap – to jump high or a long way 跳得高或远Hop – to move by jumping on one foot 单脚跳跃单脚跳跃移动Skip – to move forwards lightly and quickly making a little jump with each step 轻快地向前移动,每一步都要稍微跳跃一下

stretch – to make something longer, wider or looser, for example by pulling it; to become longer 使某物变长、变宽或变松,例如通过拉它;成为长

Hold – to carry something; to have somebody/something in your hand, arms, etc. 携带的东西;把某人/某物拿在手里、胳膊等。Tap – move your feet to the beat of music 随着音乐的节奏移动你的脚Kick – use your feet to make something move 用你的脚使东西移动Limp – walk with difficulty because your leg or foot is injured 走路有困难,因为你的腿或脚受伤了Paddle – walk in the sea with bare feet (but still wearing trousers, etc) 赤脚在海里行走(但仍穿着裤子等)Wave – when you move your hand (or hands) in the air to attract attention or to say goodbye 当你在空中移动你的手来吸引注意或说再见Stroke – use long movements of your hand down someone’s skin (or an animal’s fur) 用你的手沿着某人的皮肤(或动物的皮毛)向下长时间移动Tickle – lightly touch someone to make them laugh (because their skin is sensitive) 轻轻触碰别人,逗他们笑(因为他们的皮肤很敏感)Pat – touch someone or something lightly with your open hand 用你张开的手轻轻触摸某人或某事Slap – use your open hand to hit someone or something 用你张开的手打某人或某事Punch – use your closed hand (fist) to hit someone or something 用你握紧的手(拳头)打某人或某事Rip – tear something using both hands 用双手撕东西Scratch – use your nails on something 用你的指甲做点什么Grab – take something quickly with your hand 用手迅速拿东西Flick – move something small away from you using your thumb and middle finger 用你的拇指和中指把一些小东西移开…

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