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英文论文101系列之40 Model Essays|Description写作

英文论文101系列之40 Model Essays|Description写作

编译/Muzuer以往内容链接:英文论文101系列之40 Model Essays|Introduction英文论文101系列之40 Model Essays|基础文章分析方法英文论文101系列之40 Model Essays|基础写作章程英文论文101系列之40 Model Essays|Description介绍今天提及的是具体的Descript...

2013-12-16 #经典句子



...why major的文书,有些大学需要提交很多short questions, short essays等等,涉及的topic非常广,比如用三个词形容自己、社区、活动,比较独特的包括莱斯大学的The Box以及芝加哥大学的uncommon essay。当然,除开网申里面直接的有题目的es...

2008-08-28 #经典句子



...构,到底怎么写。一般来说,Essay分为四大类型:Expository essays 说明文Descriptive essays 描写文Narrative essays 记叙文Argumentative (Persuasive) essays 议论文最后一个类型,议论文,是新西兰大学本科以及硕士阶段最常见的作业类型之一。在...

2008-11-01 #经典句子



...nd today we"re going to look at specifically the essay types, the types of essays you"re going to have to come across for those of you taking the IELTS test in the writing section task two, the independent essay.今天我们要特别关注的是作文题型,大家会在雅思考试里的写作第...

2010-03-31 #经典句子

做GRE的语文题是一种怎样的体验? —— 英文版公务员考试.......

做GRE的语文题是一种怎样的体验? —— 英文版公务员考试.......

...lthough many critics have considered the rhetorical disorganization in the essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson—a central figure in the nineteenth-century United States literature—to be the result of carelessness, such disorganization is precisely what Emerson was striving for. Emerson’s decision to ...

2023-11-04 #经典句子

王永利:以文报国 隽永清新——赏张岱的小品散文

王永利:以文报国 隽永清新——赏张岱的小品散文

...fection. His prose works can be considered peerless, especially his sketch essays, which are outstanding. He became a leader of prose creation in Ming and Qing Dynasties with his most famous work being The Memory in Tao Cottage.What is the “sketch”? According to the research scholar Ran Yunfei, ...

2012-12-06 #经典句子

说到人们心中的经典句子 短 振奋人心 发人深省!

说到人们心中的经典句子 短 振奋人心 发人深省!

... in the bottom of my heart.Ancient sages write their wounds into poems and essays, modern sages write their wounds into popular songs, while the rest of us can only shed our wounds into tears.初中三年,我承受住了4200节课,3150小时,120个星期,6个学期。却没能抗得住中考...

2022-11-15 #经典句子

「情话小短句」最深的夜 最适合去回望来时的路

「情话小短句」最深的夜 最适合去回望来时的路

...你,可能是时间不对,地点不对。I"ve written a lot of sweet essays, but I know that missing is missing, and missing is no longer you.Even if I liked you very much, maybe it was the wrong time, the wrong place.奔向你是我曾经最想做的事情,值得的爱,要给值得的人。...

2023-05-18 #经典句子

可以做个性签名的精美句子 如沐春风 值得收藏

可以做个性签名的精美句子 如沐春风 值得收藏

...aid of you leaving me爸爸没有散文集Dad doesn"t have a collection of essays假如不能放下If you can"t put it down

2022-11-19 #经典句子

原来 加了介词in之后的的动词片语竟然是这些意思!

原来 加了介词in之后的的动词片语竟然是这些意思!

...。▼例句:- Peter got flunked.- Not a surprise. He never turns in his essays.- 皮特被当了。- 完全不惊讶,谁叫他从来不交报告。以上就是五个日常比较常用到的词组,是不是更加印象深刻了呢?如果你也有类似的搭配想要与我们分享,欢迎...

2023-07-22 #经典句子

飘飘然得不像话 张培基散文∣MTI翻硕文学翻译

飘飘然得不像话 张培基散文∣MTI翻硕文学翻译

...ose confidence in continuing with writing when he ceases to admire his own essays. Needless to say, the same is true of those who make a living with their pen.单词解析第一句:不怕直说,我是相当欣赏自己的。Frankly, I very much appreciate myself.1. Frankly [frkli] adv. 坦率地...

2024-01-10 #经典句子



...f Zhou Shuren originally, in whose life he has written numerous novels and essays.7. I always look forward to the day when i become independent.只用that不用which记忆方法:(1)the --------- ____________,____________,the only;The:the only; the right; just the; exactly the等 ...

2022-11-16 #经典句子

深夜独自伤神的情感文字 充满活力 快乐爆棚

深夜独自伤神的情感文字 充满活力 快乐爆棚

...ttom of my heart. Ancient sages incorporated their injuries into poems and essays, while modern sages wrote their injuries into popular songs, but we ordinary people can only put our injuries into tears.风唤往事沧桑,雨变白,爱恨情仇长。没有人能抹去藏在心底的伤口。古...

2013-05-02 #经典句子



...可能会要求的文体。Are they asking you to write article, reports, essays?是文章、报告还是随笔?Maybe they"re asking you to write all three.可能三种都要你写。If they are, read all three.如果是这样,三种类型都读一读吧。You need to go online or go to your lib...

2023-06-14 #经典句子

四月份最扎心句子 伤感落寞 句句虐心

四月份最扎心句子 伤感落寞 句句虐心

...cle of friends. She doesn"t like the flowers. She doesn"t like the serious essays written by her boyfriend. If these are the ones I want, I feel meaningless早上迷迷糊糊地醒来先给你发一个早安,然后再埋头继续睡觉,等睡到自然醒了再慢慢给别人回消息,这就是...

2022-11-24 #经典句子



...推介也作出重大贡献,他主编了《非洲文学论文集1》(Essays on African Writing 1,1993) 和《非洲文学论文集2》(Essays on African Writing 2,1995)论及很多当代非洲作家,如阿尔及利亚作家阿西娅·杰巴尔(Assia Djebar),摩洛哥作家塔...

2023-12-22 #经典句子

关于西施 请把全部关于美的词语用上

关于西施 请把全部关于美的词语用上

...r respective works. Xi Shi as a symbol of beauty has appeared in poems and essays over the last 2,000 years. Su Dongpo (1037-1101), presumably the greatest poet of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), compared West Lake to Xi Shi (known as Xi Zi as first called so by Mencius). Since then, West Lake has been...

2023-11-28 #经典句子

补充文书最难写的美国大学 谁看了不说一句“差点过去”(上)

补充文书最难写的美国大学 谁看了不说一句“差点过去”(上)

... to your suitemates’ experience? What do you hope they will add to yours?Essays以下两篇文书要求每篇不超过250个单词:1.Yale’s extensive course offerings and vibrant conversations beyond the classroom encourage students to follow their developing intellectual interests wherever th...

2024-01-03 #经典句子

美国尝试用AI改GRE作文!背模版不好使了 性别肤色都影响评分?

美国尝试用AI改GRE作文!背模版不好使了 性别肤色都影响评分?


2008-01-04 #经典句子

诺贝尔文学奖得主你99.9%不认识 知道他的名字你就厉害了

诺贝尔文学奖得主你99.9%不认识 知道他的名字你就厉害了

...后殖民文学研究。他先后主编过两卷《非洲文学文集》(Essays on African Writing, 1993, 1995),发表了一系列论述当代后殖民作家及其创作的文章,对奈保尔、拉什迪、索因卡(Wole Soyinka)等作家颇有研究,出版了《剑桥萨尔曼·拉什...

2015-11-22 #经典句子