
深夜独自伤神的情感文字 充满活力 快乐爆棚


The wind evokes the vicissitudes of the past, and the rain whitens, which makes love and hate long No one can erase the

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In this world, people who see me 2 can become my friends, people who accompany me 2 can become my best friends, and people who are better than me 2 can become friends between life and death.


The wind evokes the vicissitudes of the past, and the rain whitens, which makes love and hate long. No one can erase the wound hidden in the bottom of my heart. Ancient sages incorporated their injuries into poems and essays, while modern sages wrote their injuries into popular songs, but we ordinary people can only put our injuries into tears.


I"m not lonely. I"m just a person. It"s good to have me alone in my world. It"s lively enough.


There are nine times out of ten unhappy things in life, depravity is not worth forgiving, and no one loves me more!


Two people together for happiness, break up to relieve pain, you can no longer make me happy, and I have to leave. When I leave, I am also very painful. However, you must be more painful than me, because I say goodbye first, and I am the first to pursue happiness.


We are not descendants of rich people, but we can be ancestors of noble people.


I can"t believe you talked to a third person when it was an ambiguous topic between us.


I thought butterflies couldn"t fly through the sea, because butterflies didn"t have the courage to fly through the sea. After years, I discovered that it wasn"t butterflies that couldn"t fly through the sea, but the other side of the sea, and there was no waiting.


Women"s love comes from men"s pain. A woman"s hatred is deceived by a man; Women"s grievances are cold for men; Women"s happiness is warmed by men; The beauty of a woman is brought out by a man; Women"s decline is owed by men.


Autumn is a nostalgic season, and many stories and people are hooked up inadvertently, saying miss quietly. It always seems that in such a chilly autumn, I suddenly look back and find that the road I have traveled is so desolate. The romantic past is hard to look back on, and the years of hard work can be vividly remembered.


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