第一句子大全 > 标签 > climate


用英语介绍中国的气候Climate of China(气候)中国季风性气候十分显著,大半个中国都受季风性气候影响。主要有温带季风性气候、亚热带季风性气候,还有海南、云南西双版纳等少部分地区受热带季风性气候影响。另外,中国...

2008-02-28 #经典句子



...下有关天气的英文内容吧。1、气候种类山地气候 mountain climate冬季季风气候 winter monsoon climate季风气候 monsoon climate亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate高原气候 plateau climate海滨气候 littoral climate极地气候 polar climate热带气候 tropical climate...

2019-04-28 #经典句子

聊英语:climate became chaotic天气瞬息万变A.I(4)

聊英语:climate became chaotic天气瞬息万变A.I(4)

...terdam. Venice. New York. Forever lost. Millions of people were displaced, climate became chaotic. Hundreds of millions of people starved in poorer countries.阿姆斯特丹,威尼斯,纽约荡然无存。数百万人无家可归,天气瞬息万变,贫穷国家有亿万人民沦为饥民。...

2023-08-12 #经典句子



...h other解决:处理,solve,deal with,handle,tackle气候危机:climate crisis气候变化:climate change应对:address应对气候危机 address the climate crisis严峻性:seriousness严峻的,严肃的:serious紧迫性:urgency紧迫的,急迫的,紧急的:urgent"按...

2023-02-01 #经典句子

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2021-11-3)

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2021-11-3)

...言人对此有何评论?CCTV: COP26 President Alok Sharma released the Climate Finance Delivery Plan, reiterating the $100 billion annual climate finance commitment developed countries made to developing countries, a target that was never realized throughout the past decade or so. Do you have any...

2013-02-26 #经典句子

每天学一点英文:Espresso 20210809

每天学一点英文:Espresso 20210809

...有啥关系?以下纯干货,预计阅读时长9分钟。State of the climate: the IPCC"s new report 气候状态:IPCC的新报告Part Ⅰ第一段The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a UN-backed body that collates scientific opinion, releases the world’s most comprehensive assessm...

2022-12-06 #经典句子



...malaria.2)Approximately 45 percent of the world"s population live in the climate zone where mosquitoes transmit malaria.例句1中是地点状语从句,因为where前面没有被修饰词的表示的地点的名词。例句2就是一个定语从句,因为climate zone是被修饰的先行词。...

2023-07-21 #经典句子



...sensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth’s climate -- something previously seen as beyond our control.所以说打好阅读基本功就是训练对单个句子的拆分和理解能力。为此我们开设了“高考英语阅读基本功”这个系列,目的是通...

2023-02-01 #经典句子

英语作文不会写?一个问题 六种对策!(一)

英语作文不会写?一个问题 六种对策!(一)

...alth-related policy decisions accordingly. 而在17年6月发表的Trump"s Climate Change Accord Snub Will Hurt Future Generations一文中,虽然没在开头段末写典型的主旨句,但在中间段的开头却写了主题句作为概括,包括Withdrawing from the Paris agreement will leave...

2023-12-27 #经典句子

碳中和 可持续发展用英语怎么说?减碳时代必备的25个英语词汇

碳中和 可持续发展用英语怎么说?减碳时代必备的25个英语词汇

...lf-supporting ecosystem.热带雨林是一个自给自足的生态系统。climatic anomaly:气候异常anomaly, /nɑ.m.li/,异常,是可数名词。例句:The eruption created global climate anomalies.那次火山喷发导致了全球的气候异常。 climate change:气候变迁例句...

2024-01-10 #经典句子

200个高频英语听力单词总结 备考大学英语四级六级考试必备 收藏!

200个高频英语听力单词总结 备考大学英语四级六级考试必备 收藏!

...潮湿的126. humidity [hjumdti] n.湿度127. breeze [briz] n.微风128. climate trend 气候趋势129. climate variation 气候变化130. climate warming 气候变暖131. climate watch 气候监视132. climate- sensitive activity 影响气候的活动133. climatic anomaly 气候异常134. conservat...

2020-04-15 #经典句子



...consensus is that humans first began to have a warming effect on Earth’s climate within the past century, after coal-burning factories, power plants, and motor vehicles began releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in significant quantities into the air. However, evidence suggest...

2023-12-22 #经典句子

雅思Task 2写作结构布局方法及范文分享

雅思Task 2写作结构布局方法及范文分享

... be the main focus of environmental protection is debatable. (explanation) Climate change and excessive use of plastic are just two major problems that deserve our attention. (transitional sentence-过渡句)Body 2:The evidence of climate change is there for us all to see: rising sea levels and asso...

2009-06-09 #经典句子



...tes that for many years, the ocean has served as our best defense against climate change. ______69________ This has led to warmer oceans, with experts predicting continuing rising temperatures.Warmer waters along the U.S. East Coast have affected a black sea fish. Researchers from Rutgers Universit...

2011-12-16 #经典句子



...年前灾难性的气候迁移的证据We found evidence of a cataclysmic climate shift, which occurred 10,000 years ago.新德里,联合国全球气候变暖会议这些温室效应气体在冰芯中的聚集…The concentration of these natural greenhouse gases in the ice cores...…显示出气...

2018-12-19 #经典句子

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2021-10-14)

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2021-10-14)

...ing point to join hands with other parties to protect biodiversity, tackle climate change and protect the planet we call home.2香港中评社记者:据报道,美国五角大楼新闻秘书柯比周二对记者称,中国加大恐吓、压迫台湾和其他伙伴盟友,包括在台湾附近...

2007-03-24 #经典句子

五年级英语课外辅导第二十七课 使用特殊疑问词提问

五年级英语课外辅导第二十七课 使用特殊疑问词提问

五年级英语课外辅导第二十七课话题An interesting climate 有趣的气侯Key wordsMild 温暖的,温和的 always 总是 north 北方 west 西方 south 南方 east 东方 best 最好的Night 夜晚 season季节 wet 潮湿的 rise 升 set 落下去 early 早 late 会 interesting 有趣...

2017-10-05 #经典句子

2020年度英文热词新鲜出炉 新冠疫情相关词语名列前茅

2020年度英文热词新鲜出炉 新冠疫情相关词语名列前茅

...和总结今年的词。”柯林斯辞典往年热词2019:气候罢课Climate strike2018:一次性使用 Single-use2017: 假消息Fake news2016:脱欧Brexit2015:煲剧Binge-watch牛津英语辞典过去五年的年度热词2019:气候刻不容缓climate emergency2018:有毒 Toxic2017...

2012-07-01 #经典句子

「双语」例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2021-10-28)

「双语」例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2021-10-28)

... News Agency: Yesterday China released a white paper titled "Responding to Climate Change: China"s Policies and Actions". As the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference approaches, various sectors of the international community are paying high attention to the measures China has adopted to address climat...

2010-12-02 #经典句子

高中英语语法总结 你必须背会的句型

高中英语语法总结 你必须背会的句型

...替某一特定名词,但that指同一类,并非同一个。e.g. The climate of South China is mild(温和的); I like it very much.(it指the climate of South China)The climate of South China is much better than that of Japan.(that指the climate)(二)作无人称代词it作无人...

2023-05-21 #经典句子