
「双语」例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2021-10-28)


发言人对此有何评论?MASTV: The leader of the Taiwan region Tsai Ingwen confirmed in a recent interview that US troops are pre

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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin"s

Regular Press Conference on October 28, 2021


MASTV: The leader of the Taiwan region Tsai Ing-wen confirmed in a recent interview that US troops are present on the island to help with training. She claimed that the threat from Beijing is growing "every day". What is your comment on this?


Wang Wenbin: The one-China principle is the political foundation of China-US relations. On the Taiwan question, the US should abide by the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-US joint communiqués, rather than something unilaterally concocted by itself. We firmly oppose official and military ties in any form between the US and the Taiwan region, and oppose the US interference in China"s internal affairs. The US vessels have repeatedly flexed its muscles to make provocations and stir up troubles in the Taiwan Strait in recent times, sending gravely wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces and threatening cross-Strait peace and stability. The international community is clear-eyed about who is engaging in "coercion" on the Taiwan question.


The cross-Strait reunification is an overriding historical trend and the right course, while "Taiwan independence" is a retrogression leading to a dead end. The DPP authorities" acts of seeking "Taiwan independence" can not change the iron-clad fact that Taiwan is a part of China, neither will it shake the international community"s universal and firm commitment to the one-China principle. Those who forget their heritage, betray their motherland, and seek to split the country will come to no good end.


Seeking "Taiwan independence" leads to a dead end. So does supporting "Taiwan independence". No country and no one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Otherwise, they will suffer another defeat.



CCTV: On October 27, the Second Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan was held in Tehran, capital of Iran and was attended by foreign ministers of the six neighboring countries of Afghanistan as well as Russia. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the meeting by video. Parties agreed at the meeting to have the third meeting in 2022 in China. Can you share more information?


Wang Wenbin: On October 27, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi addressed the Second Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan by video.


This meeting was held both online and offline in Tehran, capital of Iran. Iran"s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian chaired the meeting. First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber delivered remarks at the opening ceremony and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivered remarks via video link. Foreign ministers of Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan attended the meeting. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made a speech by video. Special Envoy for Afghan Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yue Xiaoyong attended the meeting in person.


State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out in his remarks that China hopes to see Afghanistan enjoy peace, stability, economic development, ethnic harmony and good-neighborliness. Under the new circumstances, we need to, on the basis of respecting Afghanistan"s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and keeping to the "Afghan-led, Afghan-owned" principle, step up coordination and cooperation on Afghanistan-related issues for the purpose of replacing chaos with stability, preventing security spillovers, and helping the country embark on a path toward good governance.


China proposed four points. First, making active engagement and showing guidance. We should attach importance to the opportunity that the Afghan interim government is adaptable and shapable, and get in touch and talk with it in a rational and pragmatic way to increase mutual trust and exert positive influence. Second, expanding multilateral coordination. We need to increase mutual reinforcement and build synergy between the various mechanisms on Afghanistan. The US and other Western countries should take up their primary responsibility in helping Afghanistan emerge from hardship to vitality. Among many others, they should at present lift unilateral sanctions on Afghanistan for its state assets to be used to meet people"s urgent needs as soon as possible. Third, strengthening counter-terrorism cooperation. Not only do we need to encourage the new Afghan authority to make a clean break with terrorist forces, we also need to support it in independently, resolutely and effectively combating all extremist and terrorist organizations including ISIL and the ETIM. We need to positively consider holding bilateral and multilateral counter-terrorism dialogues and cooperation with Afghanistan at an appropriate time. Fourth, promoting peace and reconstruction. As Afghanistan"s neighbors, we need to take coordinated and robust actions to steadily increase economic and trade exchange with Afghanistan, explore infrastructure connectivity, and help Afghanistan take part in Belt and Road cooperation.


State Councilor Wang Yi also said, at the first foreign ministers" meeting, China announced 200 million RMB yuan worth of emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan. The first batch of supplies has arrived at Kabul and the delivery of the remaining is well underway. China will continue to provide support and help to the Afghan people to the best of its capability.


Parties to the meeting stressed that the Afghan situation is at a crucial stage and Afghanistan"s neighbors and key regional countries should timely coordinate their positions and play a bigger role. The international community should, on the basis of respecting Afghanistan"s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, have active dialogue and engagement with the Afghan side to provide more encouragement and guidance. Countries taking major responsibilities for the current difficulties in Afghanistan should earnestly fulfill their promises and provide much-needed assistance for Afghanistan. The meeting published a joint statement that is rich in content and positive in tone. As agreed by all parties, the third round of the meeting will be held in 2022 in China.



Beijing Daily: The National Land Boundary Law of the People"s Republic of China was adopted by the National People"s Congress of China on October 23. What"s the rationale for and objective of adopting this law?


Wang Wenbin: The National Land Boundary Law was adopted at the 31st Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People"s Congress of China on October 23. On the same day, President Xi Jinping signed Order No. 99 of the President of the People"s Republic of China and issued the document, which is proclaimed to be enforced from January 1, 2022. This law consists of seven chapters and 62 articles. It stipulates clearly the leadership system and division of duties among different departments as well as between military and civilian authorities. It also offers clear provisions regarding delineation and demarcation of national land boundaries, defense and management of national land boundaries and borders, and international cooperation in national land boundary affairs.

中国有约2.2万公里的陆地边界,与14个国家接壤,制定出台《陆地国界法》主要目的是进一步统筹规范和加强国界管理,并推动相关领域国际合作。这是中方贯彻全面依法治国的重要举措,也是正常的国内立法活动,既符合中国国界工作实际需要,也符合国际法和国际实践。China has a land boundary of approximately 22,000 kilometers adjoining 14 countries. The main purpose for formulating and promulgating this law is to further coordinate, regulate and strengthen boundary management and advance international cooperation in relevant fields. This is an important measure China has taken to implement rule of law and a normal domestic legislative activity. It is in keeping with the practical needs in China"s national boundary work and consistent with international law and practice.

该法对中方遵守有关陆地国界事务的条约、按照平等互利原则同陆地邻国开展国际合作和处理陆地国界事务等有明确规定,不会影响中方履行已签署的现有涉边条约,不会改变中国同陆地邻国开展边界管理与合作的现有做法,也不会改变中方在相关涉边问题上的既有立场和主张。The law has clear provisions on conducting cooperation with countries sharing a national land boundary with China and handling boundary affairs on the basis of adhering to relevant treaties related to national land boundary affairs and the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It will not affect China"s compliance with existing treaties related to national land boundary affairs China has already signed or change China"s current mode of boundary management and cooperation with countries sharing a land boundary with it. Nor will it alter China"s position and proposition on relevant boundary issues.



NHK: On the test of Chinese spacecraft, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley says that China carried out a test of a hypersonic weapon in an interview. What is China"s comment?

汪文斌:我注意到有报道指出,美方有关人士称中国“高超音速武器”测试已非常接近“斯普特尼克时刻”,令人担忧。关于中国的航天器试验,此前我们已经作出过回应。我想说的是,按照美方的逻辑,恐怕美国自己才是全球面临的最大挑战。Wang Wenbin: I have noted that some people in the US reportedly likened the "test of a hypersonic weapon" to the "Sputnik moment" and said this is concerning. As for China"s test of spacecraft, we have already made responses. I want to point out that following the US logic, the US itself is the biggest challenge to the world.


We urge the US to stop making issues out of China or perceiving China as an imaginary enemy, abandon the Cold-War zero-sum mentality, see China"s national defense and military development in an objective and rational light, do more that benefits mutual trust and cooperation between China and the US, and do more that is conducive to world peace, stability and development.



People"s Daily: We noted that on October 27, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Greece, the first stop on his trip to Europe. Do you have more information on the visit?

汪文斌:10月27日,王毅国务委员兼外长对希腊进行了访问,会见希腊总理米佐塔基斯,同希腊外长登迪亚斯举行会谈并共同会见记者。王毅国务委员还接受了希腊《消息报》书面采访,就中希关系和各领域合作进一步介绍中方立场。Wang Wenbin: On October 27, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Greece, where he met with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and held talks and jointly met the press with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias. State Councilor Wang further elaborated on China"s position on China-Greece relations and bilateral cooperation in various sectors in a written interview with Greek newspaper Ta Nea.

王毅国务委员表示,中国和希腊不仅是互利共赢的伙伴,更是志同道合的朋友。几天前,北京冬奥会火种采集和传递在希圆满完成,为奥林匹克精神注入正能量。中方重视中希关系,愿同希方一道,高质量共建“一带一路”,将比雷埃夫斯港打造为世界一流港口,加快推进中欧陆海快线建设,拓展可再生能源等新合作领域。中方欢迎希方积极参与习近平主席提出的“全球发展倡议”。希方表示,希中文明博大精深,有着很多相通之处,为解决当今地缘政治冲突提供了思想启迪。希方认为中国的未来不可限量,对双边关系的发展充满信心。希方从不认同国际上的反华、“恐华”论调。希方重视并赞同习近平主席提出的“全球发展倡议”,欢迎中方企业继续赴希腊投资兴业。双方一致同意共同办好中希文化旅游年,加强地方交往。State Councilor Wang said that China and Greece are more than partners for win-win cooperation, but also like-minded friends. A few days ago, the successful flame lighting and torch relay for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics in Greece further invigorated the Olympic spirit. China attaches high importance to relations with Greece and stands ready to work together with Greece to pursue high-quality BRI cooperation, build Piraeus into a world-class port, accelerate efforts to build the China-Europe Land-Sea Express Route, and expand cooperation in emerging sectors such as renewable energy. China welcomes Greece"s active part in the Global Development Initiative put forward by President Xi Jinping. The Greek side noted that Greece and China are both home to profound civilizations with much in common, which offer inspirations for resolving geopolitical conflicts of the modern day. Greece believes that China"s future is unlimited and is full of confidence in the development of bilateral relations. The Greek side never subscribes to the counter-China or Sinophobia rhetoric. Greece places emphasis on and applauds the Global Development Initiative put forward by President Xi and welcomes Chinese companies to continue investing and operating in Greece. The two sides agreed to make the China-Greece Year of Culture and Tourism a great success and strengthen exchange between localities.

双方还就当前中欧关系深入交换意见。王毅国务委员强调,这次欧洲之行希望向希腊和欧洲传递三个清晰信息:一是中国希望与欧洲共同弘扬奥林匹克精神,欢迎希腊和欧洲各国的运动员参与北京冬奥会。二是中国希望与欧洲共同推进互联互通,愿深化共建“一带一路”倡议同欧盟全球互联互通战略对接,助力全球经济复苏。三是中国希望与欧洲共同促进文明对话,为构建人类命运共同体作出应有贡献。The two sides also had an in-depth exchange of views on the current China-Europe relations. State Councilor Wang stressed that he hopes to convey three clear messages to Greece and Europe through this trip. First, China hopes to jointly carry forward the Olympic spirit together with Europe and welcomes Greek and European athletes to the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Second, China hopes to jointly advance connectivity with Europe and seek greater synergy between BRI cooperation and the EU"s global connectivity strategy to boost global economic recovery. Third, China hopes to work together with Europe to promote dialogue between civilizations and contribute to forging a community with a shared future for mankind.

王毅国务委员还将访问塞尔维亚、阿尔巴尼亚和意大利,请你继续保持关注。State Councilor Wang will also visit Serbia, Albania and Italy. Please stay tuned.

法新社记者:有报道称,中国正在塔吉克斯坦境内与阿富汗接壤的地区建造新安全基地。你可否证实?AFP: Media reports say that China is building a new security facility in Tajikistan near its border with Afghanistan. Can you confirm this?汪文斌:我不掌握你提到的情况。Wang Wenbin: I"m not aware of the situation you mentioned.


香港电台记者:继美国联邦通信委员会昨天以国家安全隐患为由取消中国电信美国子公司持有的牌照后,美国联邦调查局突击搜查百富环球位于佛罗里达州办事处。请问中方对于美国接连针对中企的行为有何回应?Radio Television Hong Kong: After the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) revoked the license of China Telecom"s US subsidiary by citing national security concerns yesterday, the FBI raided the Florida offices of PAX Technology. Do you have any comment on successive actions of the US on Chinese companies?


Wang Wenbin: I am not aware of the specific situation you mentioned. I would like to stress that the Chinese government always asks Chinese companies overseas to follow commercial principles, international rules, and local laws when engaging in mutually beneficial cooperation. The US should also provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese and other foreign companies operating in the US.


新华社记者:昨天,中方发布了《中国应对气候变化的政策与行动》白皮书。我们也注意到,随着《联合国气候变化框架公约》第26次缔约方会议临近,国际社会各界高度关注中方采取了哪些措施应对全球气候变化。发言人能否介绍相关情况?Xinhua News Agency: Yesterday China released a white paper titled "Responding to Climate Change: China"s Policies and Actions". As the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference approaches, various sectors of the international community are paying high attention to the measures China has adopted to address climate change. Could you offer some information on this?


Wang Wenbin: Yesterday the State Council Information Office released a white paper titled "Responding to Climate Change: China"s Policies and Actions" and held a press conference. The white paper detailed the progress and outcomes China has achieved in addressing climate change and its outstanding contribution to global climate governance, offering a systematic description of China"s proposal, wisdom and solution in dealing with climate change.


Addressing climate change is the intrinsic demand for China to realize sustainable development and an international obligation a responsible major country should assume. It"s not something asked of us, but something we are doing on our own initiative. China has always been advancing ecological endeavors and climate governance with concrete actions.


In 2015, President Xi Jinping attended the Paris Climate Change Conference and delivered important remarks, making historical contributions to the conclusion of the Paris Agreement. In September 2016, China deposited the legal instrument of China"s ratification of the Paris Agreement, facilitating its early entry into force. In September 2020, President Xi Jinping announced at the general debate of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly that China will scale up its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions. In December 2020, President Xi announced at the Climate Ambition Summit a series of additional goals for 2030 including lowering carbon dioxide emissions, developing non-fossil fuels and increasing forest stock volume. In July 2021, China"s national carbon market officially started online trading. In September, President Xi Jinping pledged at the general debate of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly that China will step up support for other developing countries in developing green and low-carbon energy and will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad. On October 24, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council jointly released a document titled "Working Guidance for Carbon Dioxide Peaking and Carbon Neutrality in Full and Faithful Implementation of the New Development Philosophy", which is the "one" in the "1+N" policy framework for carbon peak and carbon neutrality. On October 26, the State Council released the "Action Plan for Carbon Dioxide Peaking Before 2030", which plays a guiding role among the several documents of the "1+N" framework and lays out the working principles, major objectives and key tasks and outlined a detailed roadmap. China will cut carbon emission intensity more than any other country in the world and move from carbon peak to carbon neutrality in the shortest span in history. This demonstrates the greatest ambition and strongest action and will take arduous efforts.


Addressing climate change is the common cause of all humanity. It takes joint international efforts to make sure we will leave behind a clean and beautiful planet for our posterity. During the over 200-year-long industrialization process, developed countries kept releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Therefore they shoulder unshirkable responsibilities for global climate change. We call on developed countries to earnestly abide by the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, face up to their historical responsibilities, demonstrate greater ambition and action, and take the lead in assuming major emission-cutting responsibilities while helping developing countries increase their capability to address climate change in terms of funding, technology and capacity-building.



Bloomberg: The Indian Foreign Ministry has asked China not use the new land border law to alter areas along its border with India. What is the foreign ministry"s response to this request?


Wang Wenbin: I just shared China"s consideration behind promulgating the National Land Boundary Law. We hope relevant countries will abide by norms of international relations and refrain from wanton speculations on China"s normal domestic legislation.



Global Times: At the East Asia Summit (EAS) on October 27, the Japanese leader interfered in China"s internal affairs including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang, accused China of activities that violate Japan"s sovereignty in the East China Sea and violate UNCLOS in the South China Sea and expressed opposition to economic coercion in the region. Do you have any comment?


Wang Wenbin: On a multilateral occasion, the Japanese leader, in total disregard of facts, has engaged in "smearing diplomacy" and grossly interfered in China"s internal affairs. Such acts are not constructive to the healthy and steady development of China-Japan relations and regional peace and stability. The Chinese side has lodged solemn representations with the Japanese side.


深圳卫视记者:据报道,27日,俄罗斯总统普京在东亚峰会上称,《中导条约》失效后,东亚地区或将面临新一轮军备竞赛的威胁,并呼吁有关国家就此问题进行严肃对话。同日,俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫表示,美国在欧洲和亚太地区部署中短程导弹的计划令俄罗斯不安。中方对此有何评论?Shenzhen TV: According to reports, Russian President Putin said at the East Asia Summit on October 27 that with the termination of the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles, East Asia faces the possibility of a new round of arms race. He called on countries concerned to have serious talks over this issue. On the same day, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said, Russia is concerned over US aspiration to deploy short- and intermediate-range missiles in Europe and the Asia-Pacific. What is China"s comment?汪文斌:俄方有关表态反映了亚太国家普遍关切。我们注意到,美方近期频繁开展高超音速武器和各类洲际导弹试验,寻求在亚太和欧洲地区部署中导,扩大反导系统部署,甚至置国际义务于不顾,公然与澳大利亚、日本等盟友开展导弹合作,向澳大利亚转让核潜艇。美已成为全球核及导弹扩散的源头。Wang Wenbin: The statements by the Russian side reflect the shared concerns of Asia-Pacific countries. We noticed that recently, the US has conducted frequent tests of hypersonic weapons and all forms of intercontinental ballistic missiles, and aspires to deploy intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific and Europe, advances the deployment of global anti-ballistic system and even blatantly conducts missile cooperation with its allies including Australia and Japan, and transfers nuclear submarines to Australia in total disregard of international obligations. The US has become the source of global nuclear and missile proliferation.

美方上述消极举措严重损害地区乃至全球的和平稳定,冲击国际军控进程,暴露了其损人利己、谋求军事霸权的真实面目。中方对此表示坚决反对。These negative moves of the US have severely undermined regional and international peace and stability, disrupts the process of international arms control and reveals the US true color of pursuing its own interests at the expense of others and seeking military hegemony. China is firmly opposed to this.

我们敦促美方切实回应国际社会普遍关切,改变穷兵黩武的政策,不要在错误和危险的道路上越走越远,否则终将搬起石头砸自己的脚。We urge the US to earnestly respond to the common concerns of the international community, reverse its belligerent policies, and stop going further down the wrong and dangerous path, otherwise it will only end up hurting its own interests.



AFP: A quick follow-up. Taiwan"s Tsai Ing-wen has confirmed a small number of US troops are present in Taiwan to help with training, adding that she has faith that the American military will defend the island in the event of a military maneuver by Beijing. How does Beijing view these comments? Also adding to that, President Biden on Wednesday criticized Beijing"s coercive actions across the Taiwan Strait while addressing the East Asia Summit. How do you react to these comments?

汪文斌:我刚才已经回答了相关的问题。我想强调一点,搞“台独”是死路一条,支持“台独”也是一条不归路。Wang Wenbin: I just took a similar question. I want to stress that seeking "Taiwan independence" leads to a dead end. So does supporting "Taiwan independence".


总台央视记者:据报道,美国会和外交消息人士称,美已着手准备重新加入联合国教科文组织,美重返该组织有利于抗衡中国影响力并促进美其他利益。中方对此有何评论?CCTV: According to reports, people familiar with US congressional and diplomatic affairs said, the US is preparing to rejoin UNESCO. The return will help counter China"s influence and benefit other US interests. What is China"s comment?汪文斌:我不了解你提到的有关情况。我想指出的是,各国都应遵守国际规则,承担国际责任,履行国际义务。美国参与国际组织不应想来就来、想走就走。美国曾两次退出联合国教科文组织,对联合国教科文组织的工作造成了消极影响。我们敦促美方以实际行动践行多边主义,本着合作精神参与相关国际合作,而不是为了寻求政治对抗或为了一己私利搞“伪多边主义”。Wang Wenbin: I am not aware of the situation you mentioned. I want to point out that all countries should abide by international rules, shoulder international responsibilities and fulfill international obligations. The US should not join and quit international organizations as it pleases. The US withdrew from UNESCO twice, creating negative impacts on the body"s work. We urge the US to practice multilateralism with real actions and participate in international cooperation in the spirit of cooperation, instead of pursuing "pseudo-multilateralism" for political confrontation or for self-interests.


总台央广记者:今天,古巴外长罗德里格斯发推文称,古巴谴责美国政府关于破坏中国统一和领土完整的声明,重申坚定支持一个中国原则,反对干涉内政。请问中方对此有何评论?CRI: Today, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez tweeted Cuba condemns the US government declarations that attempt to undermine the unity and territorial integrity of the People"s Republic of China. He reiterated Cuba"s unswerving position in support of the one-China principle and against the interference in its internal affairs. What is China"s comment?汪文斌:中方高度赞赏罗德里格斯外长的有关表态。一个中国原则是国际社会的普遍共识,是公认的国际关系基本准则,不容歪曲和挑战。Wang Wenbin: China highly appreciates Foreign Minister Rodríguez"s statement. The one-China principle is a consensus of the international community and a universally recognized norm governing international relations, which does not allow distortion or challenge.


中新社记者:27日,伊朗副外长巴盖里表示,伊核全面协议恢复履约谈判将于11月底重启。同日,伊朗外长阿卜杜拉希扬确认国际原子能机构总干事格罗西将访伊,具体时间待定。请问中方对此有何评论?China News Service: Iran"s Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Khani said on October 27 that the negotiations to revive the JCPOA will resume before the end of November. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said the same day that International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi will certainly travel to Iran, but did not specify any date. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:推动伊核全面协议早日重返正轨,促进地区和平稳定,符合国际社会的共同利益。中方欢迎伊方宣布将于11月底重返维也纳谈判,赞赏伊朗邀请国际原子能机构总干事访伊,支持双方通过对话解决分歧。Wang Wenbin: It is in the common interests of the international community to bring the JCPOA back on track as soon as possible and promote regional peace and stability. China welcomes Iran"s announcement of its return to the Vienna negotiations before the end of November, appreciates Iran"s invitation for the IAEA chief"s visit, and supports both sides in resolving differences through dialogue.

今年上半年举行的前六轮恢复履约谈判已经取得重要进展,各方应再接再厉,本着客观公正原则,推动谈判取得突破。美国应彻底纠正对伊“极限施压”的错误政策,伊朗则在此基础上恢复全面履约,其他各方也应为实现上述目标创造良好氛围。Important progress has been made in the previous six rounds of negotiations on the resumption of compliance held in the first half of this year. All parties should make renewed efforts to push for breakthroughs in the negotiations based on the principle of objectivity and justice. The US should thoroughly correct its wrong policy of "maximum pressure" on Iran, and Iran should resume full compliance on this basis. Other parties should also create a favorable atmosphere for achieving the above goals.


China will stay in close communication with relevant parties, take a constructive part in negotiations, firmly uphold the JCPOA and push for the political and diplomatic settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue. At the same time, we will resolutely safeguard our legitimate rights and interests.


北京青年报记者:近日,美国国务卿布林肯发表声明称,美鼓励联合国所有成员国同美一道,支持台积极、有意义地参与联合国体系和国际社会,并重点提到台湾参与国际民航组织和世界卫生组织的工作。请问中方对此有何评论?Beijing Youth Daily: The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently issued a statement that encourages all UN Member States to join the US in supporting Taiwan"s robust, meaningful participation throughout the UN system and in the international community, and highlighted Taiwan"s participation in ICAO and the WHO. What is your comment?汪文斌:美方有关声明严重违背一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,违背自身所作承诺,违反国际关系基本准则,向“台独”分裂势力发出严重错误信号。中方对此强烈不满、坚决反对,已向美方表明严正立场并提出严正交涉。Wang Wenbin: The US statement seriously violates the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-US joint communiqués, violates the promise it has made, violates the basic norms governing international relations, and has sent seriously wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces. China deplores and firmly opposes this, and has made clear its solemn position to and lodged stern representations with the US.

关于中国台湾地区参与联合国等国际组织问题,中方已多次阐明立场。世界上只有一个中国,中华人民共和国政府是代表全中国的唯一合法政府,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,这是任何人、任何势力都无法改变的历史和法理事实。台湾地区参与国际组织,包括世界卫生组织和国际民航组织活动,必须按照一个中国原则处理。50年前,联大通过第2758号决议,恢复了中国在联合国的合法席位,从政治上、法律上和程序上彻底解决了中国在联合国的代表权问题。联合国系统、各专门机构和联合国秘书处任何涉及台湾的事务均应遵循一个中国原则和联大第2758号决议。此后,世界卫生组织、国际民航组织等相关国际机构也都通过决议等法律形式确认了这一根本原则。On the issue of the Taiwan region"s participation in the UN and other international organizations, China has made its position clear many times. There is only one China in the world. The government of the People"s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. The Taiwan region is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory, which is a fact based on history and jurisprudence that no one and no force can change. The participation of the Taiwan region in activities of international organizations, including the WHO and ICAO, must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle. Fifty years ago, Resolution 2758 adopted by the General Assembly restored the lawful seat of the PRC in the UN, and has solved once and for all the issue of the China"s representation in the UN in political, legal and procedural terms. The system, agencies and the Secretariat of the UN should abide by the one-China principle and UNGA Resolution 2758 when dealing with Taiwan-related affairs. The WHO, ICAO and other relevant international agencies all affirmed this fundamental principle in resolution or in other legal forms.


The Taiwan authorities recalcitrantly stick to the "Taiwan independence" separatist position and refuse to recognize the 1992 consensus. As a result, the political foundation for the Taiwan region to participate in the activities of the WHO and ICAO has ceased to exist. The responsibility fully rests with the Taiwan authorities. In fact, on the premise of the one-China principle, the Central Government of China has made proper arrangement for the Taiwan region"s participation in international cooperation in various areas. In the health sector, there is an International Health Regulations Contact Point in Taiwan. Taiwan enjoys unimpeded channel and sound mechanism for information exchanges with the WHO and countries in the world. Medical and health experts in the Taiwan region also regularly attend WHO technical meetings and activities. In the civil aviation sector, the Taiwan region is linked to many cities in the world with convenient flights and has unfettered access to standards, suggested measures and other information from ICAO. The US statement exalts Taiwan"s "contributions" in the science and health sectors and endeavors to solicit support for its participation in activities of the UN and other international organizations under such pretexts as a "gap" in the defense against COVID-19 and aviation safety. It is attempting to achieve political goals by fabricating lies to angle for sympathy. The international community has long seen through this sort of political trick. In recent years, when certain countries hyped up Taiwan-related issues on the platforms of the World Health Assembly and the International Civil Aviation Conference, they were opposed unanimously by all countries upholding justice and their attempts were foiled time and again. This fully demonstrates that the one-China principle is the overriding trend with strong popular support in the international community and shall not be defied.


We urge the US side to earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, comply with UNGA Resolution 2758, stop issuing irresponsible erroneous remarks, stop assisting Taiwan in expanding its so-called "international space", refrain from sending wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" forces, and uphold the political foundation for China-US relations with concrete actions.




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