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Bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles in public. Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters. Their rules, moan the banks, have forced them to report enormous losses, and it’s just not fair. These rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party would pay, not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch.



我们看下第一句,Bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles in public.主语是Bankers, 第二句Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters.主语是they,看懂了又能怎么样,我们很多人都能看懂,为何还会做错。

我们今天讲下阅读方式,加强对语篇整体把握的能力。主位推进的模式在阅读中的地位。我们讲的主位不是主语,为了简单化,我们这样理解,一个句子由主位 和述谓 组成,主位,述谓的交替把文章往前推进,形成篇章。主位是已知信息,是从说话者角度看的,就是话题的引出。述谓,就是对话题进行论述,是未知信息,当然这是从接受者角度说的。


Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters.这一句主语是they,但是主位是behind the scenee,有的文章把主位也说成是they ,那么主位分析还有什么意义呢,所以主位是Behind the scenes.

我们看下,主位推进模式,第一句 Bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles in public.主位是Bankers 述谓是 have been blaming themselves for their troubles in public.

第二句Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters.主位是Behind the scenes 述谓是 they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters.

第二句主位 就是第一句的述谓的对比转化。


第二句 主位2(主位1)+述谓2

我们看下,为何主位2 等于主位1的转化。 in public 公开的,

如果不公开呢,Behind the scenes 私下里。这样就实现了句子的有效逻辑衔接。。。


Warm Waters Caused Many Sea Creatures to Move Far North

A study has found that warmer waters off North America’s West Coast caused many kinds of sea life to move farther north than ever before. The study was a project of scientists from the University of California, Davis.

___ 67______ They identified a total of 67 species between 2014 and 2016, during what was described as a “marine heatwave”. The researchers reported that 37 of the 67 species they studied had never before been observed so far north as California. These creatures are native to an area hundreds of kilometers to the south.

Some species were discovered outside a marine laboratory belonging to the University of California, Davis. A few were even found north of California. ______ 68 _______ The scientists involved in the study believe the findings can provide valuable information for predicting future sea life reactions to warming oceans.

There is also evidence suggesting that warming waters in the Atlantic Ocean have caused some sea creatures to move northward. A 2017 report in Yale University’s online magazine Environment 360 explores this subject. The report notes that for many years, the ocean has served as our best defense against climate change. ______69________ This has led to warmer oceans, with experts predicting continuing rising temperatures.

Warmer waters along the U.S. East Coast have affected a black sea fish. Researchers from Rutgers University reported the fish once was mainly found off the coast of North Carolina. But they discovered the species had traveled more than 700 kilometers northward, to waters off the coast of New Jersey.

________70________ Using climate models, researchers predicted that some species along the U.S. and Canadian Pacific coasts will move as far as 1,400 kilometers north from their current habitats. Such movement is expected to cause major difficulties for fisheries both in the U.S. and Canada, the study found.


第67题,我们要看下前后,The study was a project of scientists from the University of California Davis.______ 67______ They identified a total of 67 species between 2014 and 2016, during what was described as a “marine heatwave”.

前有 scientists, 后有they ,之间部分要有科学家内容。答案C,The scientists .

第68题,A few were even found north of California. ______ 68 _______ The scientists involved in the study believe the findings can provide valuable information for predicting future sea life reactions to warming oceans.这里可以看到前后具体信息north,后有the findings 这里这个the很重要,就可以推出前有发现,最好还能和north 有关系,答案D. The northward travel of so many different sea creatures was considered to have never happened before.

猴哥通过这三句演示下文章推进模式,A few were even found northof California. The northward travel of so many different sea creatures was considered to have never happened before.The scientists involved in the study believe the findings can provide valuable information for predicting future sea life reactions to warming oceans.


第69题,The report notes that for many years, the ocean has served as our best defense against climate change. ______69________ This has led to warmer oceans, with experts predicting continuing rising temperatures.前文的defense,后文的this,其实是一个东西,中间就是解释怎么defense的,答案为A. This is because ocean waters have taken in nearly all of the atmosphere’s extra heat.

第70题But they discovered the species had traveled more than 700 kilometers northward, to waters off the coast of New Jersey.

________70________ Using climate models, researchers predicted that some species along the U.S. and Canadian Pacific coasts will move as far as 1,400 kilometers north from their current habitats.

前后有啥,明显是species和travel,我们知道文章不能乱来,亲啊后都有的东西,必然中间有之,道理很明显了,答案为F. A study estimated climate change will force hundreds of fish species and other creatures to seek out cooler waters in coming years.

思考:从哪看出来前后句有相同的东西,这就是功力呀,travel和move,能看出同样的语义场吗,那么seek out不也是吗?不就是找寻其他地方,不就是准备travel 或 move吗?





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