第一句子大全 > 标签 > sound
都是“声音” 英语到底用sound还是voice呢?

都是“声音” 英语到底用sound还是voice呢?

说到“声音”,大家可能会想到两个英文单词,一个是sound,一个是voice。那现在咔咔来考考你,下面这个句子的“声音”你会填哪个英文单词呢?Did you hear the ___?你听到那个声音了吗?是用sound呢还是用voice呢?如果你不清楚,...

2023-08-09 #经典句子



一、原文翻译1、For people, who are interested in sound, the field of sound technology is definitely making noise.对于那些对声音感兴趣的人来说,声音技术的领域就是制造噪音。2、In the past, sound engineers worked in the back rooms of recording studios, but many of t...

2010-10-16 #经典句子

Emma英语- 不要再念错数字啦 STOP saying numbers wrong

Emma英语- 不要再念错数字啦 STOP saying numbers wrong

...较困难的发音,你确实需要训练你的口腔肌肉。For certain sounds that are difficult for you, you literally have to train your mouth muscles. You need to take them to the gym for a daily workout and one of the best ways to do that is daily imitation practice, so copying or imitating ...

2008-01-01 #经典句子

让你的发音更地道 英语发音技巧 British Pronunciation Tips

让你的发音更地道 英语发音技巧 British Pronunciation Tips

...deo, we"re going to be talking about a few different ways in which you can sound more British. Everything I talked about is pronunciation.今天,在这段视频中,我们将说说几种让你的口音更英式的技巧。我说的都是发音。I"m a pronunciation teacher and I think there are a...

2023-06-30 #经典句子



...不舒服,可能是由于生理和心理的双重影响。For one, the sound from an audio recording is transmitted differently to your brain than the sound generated when you speak.首先,从录音中传来的声音与说话时产生的声音是通过不同方式传递给大脑的。When listen...

2011-09-20 #经典句子

英文美句D133:所谓春天 就是即使鞋子灌满泥巴 仍然想吹起口哨

英文美句D133:所谓春天 就是即使鞋子灌满泥巴 仍然想吹起口哨

...) 哨子:a small metal or plastic tube that you blow to make a loud high sound, used to attract attention or as a signalThe referee finally blew the whistle to stop the game.裁判最后吹响了终场的哨声。(2) 哨子声:the sound made by blowing a whistleHe scored the winning goal just se...

2022-12-20 #经典句子



...?1.Well,when two or more words rhyme (with each other),they have similar sounds, or similar pronunciations with each other.2.Well,when two or more words rhyme (with each other),they sound alike or sound similar.所以,表达英语“谐音”“押韵”,你除了可以使用很难记的rhyme...

2023-05-23 #经典句子

带pop的动词短语 Phrasal verbs with pop

带pop的动词短语 Phrasal verbs with pop

...一个在日常生活中最常见的动词短语。This will help you with sounding more confident and also more like a native when you speak and most importantly it will help you with understanding us we"re very complicated people. Hello, everybody. It"s me Elliott from ETJ English and we are talki...

2023-07-11 #经典句子

讲一口漂亮的英语 不可不知的语音学现象:同化 Assimilation

讲一口漂亮的英语 不可不知的语音学现象:同化 Assimilation

...eady, but it"s quite cool to understand this because it does help you with sounding more like a native and much more natural when you speak. We"re gonna talk about it in a second.你们中的一些人可能已经知道这是什么了,但如果你理解它,那就太棒了,因为它可以让你...

2023-10-26 #经典句子



... how to speak English like a native speaker, and more specifically, how to sound like a native speaker, okay.大家好,我是Englishfulltime.com的英语老师Stefanie。这期视频我们来讲一下怎样像母语者一样说英语。So that when you speak English people actually think that "Oh,...

2023-05-19 #经典句子




2008-02-15 #经典句子

英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME  Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

...它们了吗?我们哭了。And tear. Can you hear the different vowel sounds that I"m using in each word?和撕裂。你能听到我在每个单词中使用的不同的元音吗?But now I want you to try saying it out loud and I want you to listen to make sure that there"s a difference in the v...

2023-08-17 #经典句子



..., you can say three to five words – all but one will start with the same sound. For example, you can say: “Please, paper, bat.” Which word starts with a different sound? Once a child has mastered this game, you can play with the last sound. For example, you can say: “Cat, fat, chair.” Whic...

2023-05-18 #经典句子

如何有效提高你的英语发音 How to Improve Your Pronunciation

如何有效提高你的英语发音 How to Improve Your Pronunciation

...经知道这是什么了。If you watch my videos, you will have seen some sounds from the IPA before. It"s basically an alphabet of sounds.如果你看过我的视频,你会看到一些出自 IPA 的发音。它基本上是一个由音标组成的字母表。So, we have the alphabet ABCDEFG. We a...

2023-06-16 #经典句子

20句地道英语之人品 性格 态度的口语表达

20句地道英语之人品 性格 态度的口语表达

...相反, He keeps very much to himself. 他城府很深。8.He is a great sounding board and very supportive.他支持我说的话,也支持我做的事情。sound做名词的时候是声音, 做形容词是明智的,可靠的,健康的,完好无损的, sounding board 可靠的板儿也...

2023-05-23 #经典句子

双语——大厅里的幽灵(Ghost in the Hall)

双语——大厅里的幽灵(Ghost in the Hall)

...teen][e"tin] num. 十八"I think I saw one, Levi," Alvin told his brother, sounding frightened.【译】“我想我看到了一个,利维,”阿尔文告诉他的兄弟,听起来很害怕。【单词】sounding 原型:sound 动词现在进行式名词 [sound][sand] n. 声音;嘈杂声;...

2016-04-25 #经典句子

用英式英语道别的不同方式 Different ways to say Goodbye

用英式英语道别的不同方式 Different ways to say Goodbye

...见。有些学生说 so long,cheerio,farewell。Now, although these sound very very British, I mean the British if you"re living in like the 1930s but now not really, okay? These, these, these phrases, they don"t really happen that much anymore.虽然它们听起来很英式,我是说二十...

2016-07-20 #经典句子



...怎么说“He is not here”呢?我们该说“He"snt here”吗?It sounds cool, but no, you just have to say one, you can say, "He isn"t here", or "He"s not here", just one contraction. Rule number 2, we do not use affirmative contractions at the end of clauses.这听起来很酷,但是并...

2011-04-02 #经典句子

如何用英语请求帮助 How to ask for help in English

如何用英语请求帮助 How to ask for help in English

... well as how to actually use your intonation and pronunciation to actually sound like you need help and not to sound like a robot. Let"s do it.所以,这就是今天我们要学习的内容,以及如何使用你的语调和发音,让你听起来像需要帮助,而不是像一个机器人。...

2019-04-24 #经典句子



...ion phrases in this column, and here we"ve got what those question phrases sound like when native speakers are talking in a relaxed way, and here in this column we"ve got the IPA transcription.好的,那么我们在这一栏放了一些问题,这里是以英语为母语的人们说这些疑问...

2023-05-14 #经典句子