



友情提示:本文共有 14448 个字,阅读大概需要 29 分钟。

Hello everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy. Today, we"re going to be looking at the use, formation and pronunciation of contractions.


This is something that many of you have requested and also, many people get wrong. We use contractions such as "I"m" and "we"re" in everyday speech and in informal writing, you shouldn"t use these in formal writing.

这是你们很多人要求的内容,而且也是很多人容易犯错的地方。我们在日常交流和非正式书写中使用缩略形式,比如“ I"m ”和 “we"re”,你不应该在正式书面语中使用这些。

They usually combine a pronoun or noun and a verb or a verb and "not" in a shorter form. In everyday life, we use these all of the time, but they can actually be quite hard to pronounce.


They can also be quite confusing, because one contraction can mean multiple things. Don"t worry, we"re going to discuss all of that today and you will end up knowing your contractions 100%.


So, this video is perfect for improving your vocabulary and pronunciation, but if you want to improve your pronunciation and listening even further, I highly recommend the special method of reading actual real-life books at the same time as listening to the audiobook version on Audible. It might not makes sense yet, but let me explain.


Take a book that you have already read in English or one that you would like to read in English, I"ve got some great recommendations in the description box. Read this English book whilst listening to the audiobook version, reading alone will not help you with your pronunciation because English isn"t a strictly phonetic language, the way something is written is not necessarily the way something"s pronounced.


If you listen to a word as you read it, your brain will start making connections and next time you see that word, you"ll be able to pronounce it, and next time you hear that word, you"ll know exactly how it"s spelt. This is such an effective method and the best part is, you can get one free audiobook, that"s a 30-day Audible free trial by clicking on the link in the description box, then you can download some of my recommendations.


Give it a try, because it really, really works. Also, a lot of you requested to meet my fiance, so, over on my personal channel, the Lucy Bella Earl channel where I talk about everything that"s not related to English, Will and I have done a fiance tag, so you can check that out, the link"s down below.

试试吧,因为它真的真的很有用。因为你们很多人要求要见见我的未婚夫,所以在我用来讨论跟英语无关的一切的个人频道 Lucy Bella Earl 中,Will和我完成了一个未婚夫标签,所以你们可以查看它,链接就在下面。

Right, let"s get started with the lesson. Let"s cover a few contraction rules, these will really help you when knowing when to, or when not to, use a contraction.


Rule number 1, we do not use more than one contraction, this is very, very important. You might see it in ancient, old-fashioned texts, but not in the modern day, it"s just weird.


So, if you have "he"s" as in "he is", and "isn"t" as in "is not", what should we say all right if we want to use contractions in the phrase, "He is not here"? Should we say, "He"snt here"?

所以如果你要说“he is”的缩略形式“he"s”,和“is not”的缩略形式“isn"t”,那么我们要怎么说“He is not here”呢?我们该说“He"snt here”吗?

It sounds cool, but no, you just have to say one, you can say, "He isn"t here", or "He"s not here", just one contraction. Rule number 2, we do not use affirmative contractions at the end of clauses.

这听起来很酷,但是并不对,你只能说一个,你可以说“He isn"t here”或“He"s not here”,只能用一次。第二条规则,我们不会在从句的结尾处使用肯定式缩略语。

For example, if somebody says to me, "I think he"s left", I would reply, saying, "Yes, I think he has", not, "Yes, I think he"s". You can"t use an affirmative contraction at the end of a clause.

比如,如果有人跟我说:“I think he"s left(我想他离开了)”,我会回答说:“Yes,I think he has(是的,我认为他离开了)”,而不是“Yes,I think he"s”。你不能在从句的结尾处使用肯定式缩略语。

However, rule number 3, we do use negative contractions at the end of clauses. For example, "Have you seen her? "


"No, I haven"t. " That"s fine to use a contraction there.

“No,I haven"t(不,我没见过)。”在这里使用缩略形式是可以的。

And rule number 4, in question forms, "am not" is actually contracted to "aren"t". For example, "I am invited, aren"t I? "

第四条规则,在问句中,“am not”其实会被缩写成“aren"t”。比如,“I am invited,aren"t I?”(我被邀请了,不是吗?)

The non-contraction version would be, "Am I not? " But this is very, very posh, it sounds incredibly formal, "am I not? "

非缩略形式是“Am I not?”但是这非常非常考究,它听起来非常正式,“am I not?”。

"Aren"t I", is much more relaxed and casual. Right, now it"s time to go through most of the contractions, I can"t go through every single one, because we"d be here for hours, but I"m going to go through the most common contractions, and most importantly, their pronunciation.

“Aren"t I”要轻松随意得多。好的,现在要列举大部分的缩略形式了,我无法涵盖所有的,因为这样我们要花好几个小时,但是我会涵盖最常见的缩略形式,以及最重要的,它们的发音。

Let"s start with contractions with "not". The contraction of "not" is "n"t", "n"t", the sound you make when a football hits you in the playground.


Now, a lot of students struggle with the "n"t" contractions, but not because of the "n"t" part, they actually struggle with the verb part because the pronunciation of that can change. Take a look at "can", "cannot", "can"t", it changes and you have to be very, very careful with the pronunciation of "can"t", because if you do a short "a" vowel sound in the middle, you say one of the worst swear words in British English and, I imagine, American English as well.


Number 2 is "are not", which changes to "aren"t", "aren"t". This is exactly the same pronunciation as the woman who marries your uncle, your aunt.

第二个是“are not”,它会变成“aren"t”,“aren"t”。它的发音跟aunt的发音一样,也就是嫁给你叔叔的那个人,你的婶婶。

Next, we have "could not", "could not", "couldn"t", "couldn"t". I hear a lot of students say, "couldant", "couldant", it"s a schwa, "couldn"t", "dn"t".

接下来我们有“could not”,“could not”,“couldn"t”,“couldn"t”。我听到很多学生说“couldant”,“couldant”,它是一个中元音,“couldn"t”,“dn"t”。

"Did not", "did not" changes to "didn"t", "didn"t". Again, be really careful with the "dn"t" sound, it"s not "dent", "I dident go" is a very kind of Spanish way of saying it, I had a lot of Spanish students, and I would really try and make them focus on not including a vowel there, just "didn"t", "didn"t".

“Did not”,“did not”变成“didn"t”,“didn"t”。再一次强调,请千万注意“dn"t”的发音,不是“dent”,“I dident go”听起来有点像西班牙语,我有很多西班牙学生,我会让他们注意不要在这里加一个元音,就是“didn"t”,“didn"t”。

You don"t have to move your mouth at all, "didn"t", "dn"t". "Has not" changes to "hasn"t", "hasn"t".

你完全不用懂你的嘴巴,“didn"t”,“dn"t”。“Has not”变成“hasn"t”,“hasn"t”。

"Have not" changes to "haven"t", "haven"t". "Is not" changes to "isn"t", "isn"t".

“Have not”变成“haven"t”,“haven"t”。“Is not”变成“isn"t”,“isn"t”。

"Must not" is one that you should focus on, although it"s written as "mustn"t", "mustn"t", we don"t include that "t" at the end of "must", we say, "mustn"t", "mustn"t", so ignore the "t" in "must". "Shall not" is another irregular one, we say, "shan"t", "shan"t", same pronunciation as "can"t", "can"t", "shan"t", it"s a long vowel sound.

你们应该注意“must not”,尽管它被写作“mustn"t”,“mustn"t”,但是我们不会读“must”最后的“t”,我们说的是“mustn"t”,“mustn"t”,所以要略读“must”中的“t”。“Shall not”是不规则的,我们说的是“shan"t”,“shan"t”,跟“can"t”的发音一样,“cant”,“shan"t”,这是一个长元音。

"Should not" changes to "shouldn"t", "shouldn"t". "Was not" changes to "wasn"t", "wasn"t".

“Should not”变成“shouldn"t”,“shouldn"t”。“Was not”变成“wasn"t”,“wasn"t”。

"Were not" changes to "weren"t", "weren"t". I know that "er" sound can be quite difficult for a lot of you, "er", "er", it"s the same sound as in "world".

“Were not”变成“weren"t”,“weren"t”。我知道“er”的发音对很多人来说很难,“er”,“er”,它跟“world”这个词里面的发音是一样的。

"Will not", another irregular, changes to "won"t", "won"t", make sure you don"t say "wan"t", it"s an "o" sound. I have got a video about the "o" sound, which I shall also link down below, it goes "uh", "n", "oh", "won"t".

“Will not”又是一个不规则的,变成“won"t”,“won"t”,请注意不要读成“wan"t”,这里是“o”的音。我做过一个关于“o”的音的视频,链接也在下面,它的发音是“uh”“n”“oh”,“won"t”。

And lastly, we have "would not" which changes to "wouldn"t", "wouldn"t". Next, let"s talk about contractions with "I, you, it, he, she, we, and they".

最后我们有“would not”,它会变成“wouldn"t”,“wouldn"t”。下面我们来说跟“I,you,it,he,she,we,和 they”在一起的缩略形式。

"Am" as in "I am" changes to "I"m", "I"m". "Are" as in "you are", "they are", or "we are".

“I am”中的“am”会变成“I"m”,“I"m”。下面是“you are”,“they are”或“we are”中的“are”。

"You are" changes to "you"re", "you"re", that"s a long "or" vowel sound, we do not pronounce the "r" at the end of it. "We are" changes to "we"re", "we"re", we"ve got the "ee" sound and then, the "a" at the end, the schwa, "we"re", "we"re".

“You are”变成“you"re”,“you"re”,这是一个读作“or”的长元音,我们不发末尾“r”的音。“We are”变成“we"re”,“we"re”,我们先发“ee”的音,然后在末尾是“a”,半元音“we"re”,“we"re”。

"They are" changes to "they"re", "they"re", and this "ey"re" sound can be really, really difficult again for many students from all different parts of the world, it"s an "eh" and then an "a" sound, "eh", "a", "ey"re", it"s a. . . it sounds weird, but it"s a diphthong, "ey"re", "ey"re". Now, "is" and "has" have the same contraction, apostrophe s, so "he"s" or "she"s" can be both "he is" or "she is" or "he has" and "she has", it all depends on the context.

“They are”变成“they"re”,“they"re”,这里“ey"re”的音对世界各地的学生来说也是一个很难的音,它是一个“eh”的音,然后是一个“a”的音,“eh”“a”,“er"re”,它......它听起来有点奇怪,但它是一个双元音,“ey"re”,“ey"re”。“Is”和“has”的缩略形式是一样的,都是撇号s,所以“he"s”或“she"s”即可以指“he is”或“she is”,也可以指“he has”和“she has”,这取决于语境。

"He is" or "he has" is "he"s", "he"s". "She is" or "she has" is "she"s", "she"s".

“He is”或“he has”的缩略形式是“he"s”,“he"s”。“She is”或“she has”的缩略形式是“she"s”,“she"s”。

Focus on the "zz" sound at the end, a common mistake I hear is a "ss" sound, it"s not "he"ss" or "she"ss", it"s "he"s", "she"s". "It is" or "it has" is "it"s", "it"s", this is the "ss" sound, not the "zz" sound.

请注意末尾的“zz”音,我听到的常见错误是发“ss”音,不是“he"ss”或“she"ss”,而是“he"s”,“she"s”。“It is”或“it has”的缩略形式是“it"s”,这里发“ss”的音,而不是“zz”的音。

The contractions for "will", "I will", "I"ll", "I"ll". "You will" is "you"ll", "you"ll".

下面说“will”的缩略形式,“I will”,“I"ll”,“I"ll”。“You will”是“you"ll”,“you"ll”。

"He will", "he"ll", "he"ll". "She will", "she"ll", "she"ll".

“He will”是“he"ll”,“he"ll”。“She will”是“she"ll”,“she"ll”。

"It will", "it"ll", "it"ll". "We will", "we"ll", "we"ll", like the wheel on a car.

“It will”是“it"ll”,“it"ll”。“We will”是“we"ll”,“we"ll”,就像汽车上方向盘wheel这个词的发音。

And "they will", "they"ll", "they"ll". We have another double contraction now, both "had" and "would" are contracted to apostrophe d, "d".

然后“they will”是“they"ll”,“they"ll”。我们还有另一个双重含义的缩略形式,“had”和“would”的缩略形式都是撇号d,“"d”。

"I had" or "I would" is "I"d", "I"d". "You had" or "you would" is "you"d", "you"d".

“I had”或“I would”的缩略形式是“I"d”,“I"d”。“You had”或“you would”是“you"d”,“you"d”。

"He had" or "he would" is "he"d", "he"d". "She had" or "she would" is "she"d", "she"d".

“He had”或“he would”是“he"d”,“he"d”。“She had”或“she would”是“she"d”“she"d”。

"It had" or "it would" is "it"d", "it"d", remember there is a schwa sound at the end of that, "ud", "it"d", "it"d". "We had" or "we would", "we"d", "we"d".

“It had”或“it would”是“it"d”,“it"d”,请记住末尾有一个半元音“ud”,“it"d”,“it"d”。“We had”或“we would”是“we"d”,“we"d”。

And "they had" or "they would" is "they"d", "they"d". Right, now let"s talk about some other contractions.

然后“they had”或“they would”是“they"d”,“they"d”。好的,现在我们来说说其它的缩略形式。

Contractions can occur after nouns, names, "here", "there", and "now" and question words. Remember, don"t use these in formal writing.


I"m going to give you some example sentences so you can see these other contractions in action. "My brother has arrived home", "my brother"s arrived home".

我要给你们几个例句,这样你们就能够看到这些其它缩略形式的用法了。“My brother has arrived home(我的哥哥到家了)”,“my brother"s arrived home”。

"Helen will be here soon", "Helen"ll be here soon". "Here is my watch", "here"s my watch".

“Helen will be here soon(海伦很快就会来)”,“Helen"ll be here soon”。“Here is my watch(这是我的手表)”,“here"s my watch”。

"There is your dog", "there"s your dog". "Now is a good time", "now"s a good time".

“There is your dog(那是你的狗)”,“there"s your dog”。“Now is a good time(现在是个好时机)”,“now"s a good time”。

"Where is my car? ", "where"s my car? " Right, that"s it for the lesson on contractions, I really hope it answered all of your questions.

“Where is my car?(我的车在哪?)”,“where"s my car?”。好的,缩略形式的课就到这里,我希望它解答了你们所有的疑问。

I"ve been seeing so many under my videos when I use contractions like "aren"t I? ", I could see people saying why is it "am I not? ".

我看到很多人在我使用“aren"t I”这样的缩略形式时在视频下面提问。我看到有人说为什么不是“am I not?”。

I"m really glad that I"ve finally done this video for you. Your homework for today has two levels, if you"re at a beginner level, I would like five sentences using contractions, and if you"re at a more advanced lesson, I want a short story of no more than 10 lines using as many contractions as you can.


I"ll be looking through the comments to see who participates. I"ll try and mark as many as I can, but don"t be afraid to help each other out.


Don"t forget to check out Audible, you can claim your free audiobook and 30-day Audible free trial by clicking on the link in the description box, and there are loads of recommendations for books and audiobooks there as well. Don"t forget to connect with me on all of my social media, I"ve got my Facebook, I"ve got my Instagram, I"ve got my Twitter and I"ve also got my personal Lucy Bella Earl channel where I"ve just done the fiance tag with my fiance and people seem to really, really like it, so maybe you will too, the link to that video is down there as well.

别忘记查看Audible,你们可以通过点击描述栏中的链接获取免费的有声书以及30天的免费试用,描述栏里还有很多推荐书目和有声书。别忘记通过我所有的社交媒体联系我,我有脸书、INS、推特,我还有个人频道 Lucy Bella Earl,在那里我刚刚和我的未婚夫完成了未婚夫标签,而且人们似乎非常喜欢这个标签,也许你们也会喜欢的,视频链接也在下面。

I will see you soon for another lesson.






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