
英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

时间:2023-08-17 06:03:01


英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME  Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

Hey there I"m Emma from mmmEnglish! Today"s pronunciation lesson is all about some extremely common English words, like this word and actually this word, like all the others that I"m gonna share today has more than just one meaning.


It can be more than one type of word. It can be a verb and a noun so of course, a verb and a noun, the meaning is different and interestingly, the pronunciation is different.


I mean which really is quite annoying but we"re going to take a look at some of these different words and learn some cool tricks so that you know how to pronounce them correctly so you ready to dive in? So let"s start nice and simple with this word.


Now there"s actually two ways to pronounce this word. Do you know them?


Do you know them already? We have tear.


And tear. Can you hear the different vowel sounds that I"m using in each word?


But now I want you to try saying it out loud and I want you to listen to make sure that there"s a difference in the vowel sounds that you"re using. Nice! I always like to remember that a tear comes down near your ear and you know when you hold something up to tear it you"re holding it up in the air right.


A little reminder there. So practise with me.


A tear rolled down his cheek as he saw his dad tear up his favourite book. Your turn.


Nice! Now there are some clues in this sentence that help us to know which word is a noun and which one is a verb. So articles are always in front of nouns and when we have a subject, dad, and an object, our favourite book, we know that this must be a verb right?


We need it to complete the clause in the sentence. So I want you to keep looking for these clues as we go through this lesson okay keep looking for the types of words in each sentence as a clue for how to pronounce them.


So as a noun this is a type of bird, right and it"s pronounced /dv/. Dove. It"s that short vowel sound.


But this word is also a verb. It"s the past tense of "dive".


And that"s a diphthong vowel sound, the sound //. It"s the same sound that you hear in "go" and "no".

在这里就是双元音,是//音。这和形容词 wounded 里面是同样的音。

He dove into the pool. So let"s see if we can put those two words together in a sentence, might be a little tricky.


Miraculously, the dove dove into the river to escape the cat. Your turn.


I don"t know about you but I"ve never seen a dove dive into a river but there you go, that"s what practice at mmmEnglish is all about. So how about this one?

我不认识你,但我从未见过鸽子潜入河中,但是这就是 mmmEnglish 的练习。那这个呢?

Do you know the different ways to pronounce this word? I think you probably know the verb, to lead right?

你知道这个单词的不同发音方法吗?你可能知道这个动词,to lead?

And you really need to try and make that long vowel sound there. Make that sound too short, it"ll sound like lid.


Now there are quite a few different uses for this verb so I"m gonna give you a few different examples. You lead the way!


Last time I checked, the green team was leading the race. And I asked Sarah to lead this project for us.


So the verb form is probably the most common way that you"ll come across it right? You"ll hear it pronounced lead often.


But lead is also a metal. It"s a noun.

但是 lead 也是一种金属。这是一个名词。

And so when it"s used this way the pronunciation is /led/. And it used to be really commonly used in pipes and construction until people started realising that it was actually poisoning us.


And it"s also the dark part inside a pencil. That"s also called lead, a lead pencil.


An exposure to lead can lead to serious health problems. He was asked to lead the children off the stage.


Now one of the trickiest things here is trying to work out when to pronounce it as a verb and when to pronounce it as a noun. So usually we look at the words around it to give us a clue, to try and work out what type of word it is.


But look here, we"ve got the preposition to coming before lead or lead in both examples. We have exposed to lead.

但是,看这里,在两个示例中,我们有介词 to 在两个 lead 之前出现。我们已经接触到铅了。

And he was asked to lead. So it"s not always as simple as it seems.


Now this one I know you know. What are the two different ways to pronounce this word and it"s got nothing to do with the vowel sound.


It"s actually the consonant sound, close. That /z/ voiced consonant sound.


You know this is when we, you know, close a door or we close the shop early. But it can also be an adjective as well and when it"s an adjective, we pronounce it as /kls/, to say that something is nearby or a short distance away.


It"s /kls/ and this is the unvoiced sound, exactly the same mouth and tongue position as the sound /z/, but /s/, it"s made with air pushing through our mouths. Can you please close the door?


Sounds a bit odd, doesn"t it, because it"s not the right word. Although you live close by, you still need to close the front door and lock up before you leave.


So we"re getting a little trickier now. Do you know the two different ways to pronounce this word?


As a noun, this is an injury right especially when you cut your skin so it can be quite serious right? And it"s pronounced wound with that long /u: / sound.


And this is the same sound that"s used in the adjective wounded. So we would say the soldier was wounded on the battlefield.


But this is also a verb, it"s the past tense of wind, wound. Again it"s that diphthong sound /au/.

但这也是动词,这是 wind 的过去时,弯曲的。同样的,那是个长元音/au/。

And it"s the same sound that you hear in words like flower and frown. So it"s wound.


He had wound up the window just as it started to rain.?Now let"s put them together in a sentence.


Sam wound the belt tightly around his leg to stop the blood flowing from the open wound. So first things first, we are not talking about this right?


At least we know these are different words because they"re spelt differently but did you know that this word can actually be a verb and a noun and the pronunciation is different when we"re using each type of word and it"s all in the syllable stress. We have desert.


This is, you know, an area of land that doesn"t have a lot of water. Then we"ve got the verb desert.


Exactly like dessert right but it means to leave someone alone and to abandon them in the middle of nowhere. I"m not going to desert you in the middle of the desert.


So again we"ve got a noun and a verb to consider here. An object, object is a thing, right?

同样的,这里也是一个名词和一个动词。一个东西,object 就是一个东西,对不对?

The stress is on the first syllable but the verb object means to be opposed to something you know, using words and it"s quite a formal verb. Will you object if I move the object from the table?

重音在第一个音节上,但动词 object 意味着反对你知道的东西,用话语来反对,这是一个挺正式的动词。如果我将东西从桌子上移开,你反对吗?

That is a really random sentence. So just to mix things up a little bit here, this word can be a noun and an adjective.


So the noun content is a really generic word. It"s not very specific and you"re probably most familiar with it in the context of social media.

因此,名词 content 是一个非常普通的词。它不是很具体,你可能在社交媒体的语境中最熟悉它。

It means any material or piece of writing or video or music that appears on a website, on Youtube, or on social media somewhere. This is called content.


I produce a lot of content on YouTube! Now if you are happy and satisfied with life, then you are content.

我在 YouTube 上制作了很多内容!如果你对生活感到满意和满意,那你就是 content。

The very best way to be. So when it"s used as an adjective, the syllable stress shifts to the second syllable and the first syllable reduces right down so the vowel sound becomes a schwa.


So listen to the difference between those two words. Are you content with the amount of content that you post on social media?


So tell me how do we pronounce this word here? Because we can use it as an adjective to say that two things are not together then we say separate.

告诉我这个单词该如何发音呢?因为我们可以将它用作形容词,说两个东西不在一起,那我们就会说 /sep()rt/。

Keep the cheese separate from the meat. And usually you just hear it pronounced with two syllables separate.


But as a verb, / spret/, we hear three syllables right and it means to put things in groups so can you separate the red apples from the green ones? Separate.

但是作为动词,/ spret/,我们听到了三个音节,对吧,这意味着将事物分组,你能把红苹果和绿苹果分开吗?分开。

So let"s compare them together. Practise out loud with me.


Now even though these are different types of words, they do have a really similar meaning so we can compare them together. I try to separate my work life from my home life.


I try to keep my work life separate from my home life. Okay we"re going to end on a tricky one.


I"m wondering if you"ve ever heard this word before and if you know how to pronounce it but it actually follows a really similar pattern to the previous word, right? As an adjective, we say /dlb()rt/, meaning that an action was fully intended or it was carefully considered. It wasn"t done by accident.


He made a deliberate attempt to embarrass me in front of my boss. Now as a verb, the pronunciation changes to deliberate.


So we"ve got four syllables. The second is the strongest and the fourth is also strong.


So to deliberate is to think really carefully about something and to consider all the different options. So again the word types are different but the meaning is quite similar.

因此,to deliberate 的意思就是认真考虑,并考虑所有不同的选择。同样的,单词类型是不同的,但是意思很相似。

So deliberate means that something is carefully considered and to deliberate means that well the verb is to carefully consider, right? We don"t need to deliberate over how deliberate his actions were.

所以形容词 deliberate意味着某些事情是谨慎的考虑的,而动词 deliberate的意思是,是的,动词的意思是认真思考,对吧?我们不需要仔细考虑他的行为是多么刻意的。

So there you have it! I hope that this lesson highlighted how important pronunciation is, especially vowel sounds in English.


Often they"re the only thing that separates one word from another. Now before we finish up, I want to quickly go over the pronunciation of all these words again so get ready to say them out loud with me.


Awesome work everyone! Don"t forget to hit that subscribe button just down there so that you never miss an mmmEnglish lesson and I"ve got more for you to practise with right here.

大家都太棒了!别忘了点击那里的订阅按钮,这样你就不会错过mmmmEnglish 课程,我还有更多的课程可以让你继续练习。

See you in there!

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