第一句子大全 > 标签 > Curiosity
Never Lose a Holy Curiosity.爱因斯坦这句话成功打到教育者的心

Never Lose a Holy Curiosity.爱因斯坦这句话成功打到教育者的心

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.下面我们来逐句看一下今天的这篇文章:The important thing is not to...

2023-08-02 #经典句子



Lecture FiveUnit One 9 curiosity n. 好奇心当它的意思是“好奇心,好奇”时, 是不可数名词:Looking up I saw his eyesfixed on in curiosity.但有时候前面可加不定冠词:The boy burned with (a) curiosityto know what was in the letter.同义词:inquisitiveness,...

2017-06-28 #经典句子



...步,我们也开始勇敢做梦,并使之实现吧!Ideas come from curiosity.灵感来自于好奇心。When you"re curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.如果你有好奇心,你会找到很多有趣的事做。The secret of making dreams come true can be summarized in four C...

2024-01-15 #经典句子

cat out of the bag不是猫跑出袋子!关于猫的这些英语你知道吗

cat out of the bag不是猫跑出袋子!关于猫的这些英语你知道吗

...a hot tin roof.哈利找不到他的钥匙,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。curiosity killed the cat好奇心害死猫Stop asking so many questions. Don"t you know that curiosity killed the cat?不要再问这么多问题了,你不知道好奇心害死猫吗?

2015-06-24 #经典句子

早安正能量幸福语录 脚踏实地 心所向 将所成

早安正能量幸福语录 脚踏实地 心所向 将所成

...接触到新的想法。好奇心是最大的财富创造者。继续学习Curiosity is what opens you to new ideas. Curiosity is the greatest wealth generator. Keep learning.十二、没有爱的生活算什么?生活是美好的,开始传播爱,善待他人。你可能永远不会知道你...

2011-06-25 #经典句子

英语的音节和语音 钰全民英语第2节内容

英语的音节和语音 钰全民英语第2节内容

...三个音节上,重读音节中的元音字母一般读短音。Economy curiosity四音节以上的词常有次重音,多在重读音节前第二个音节上agriculture [grklt] congratulations [kngrtj"lenz]destination[destnen]X在两元音之间重音落在后一元音/gz/Exact [gzkt]exalt [...

2008-06-03 #经典句子



...al downloads and now streaming have made vinyl records look like a vintage curiosity. 首先是CD的出现,然后是数字下载,现在是流媒体,使得黑胶唱片看起来像是一种古董。In recent years, however, sales have soared, as fans have taken to owning their favourite bands’...

2023-06-23 #经典句子



...as adults. A child’s day is filled with fascination, newness and wonder. Curiosity gave us all a natural awareness.大多数人在孩童时观察到的东西,比成年时观察到的东西要多得多。小孩子的一天多充满向往、新奇和惊奇。好奇心让我们所有人都有一种...

2023-11-13 #经典句子

苏轼《 蝶恋花·春景》英文版“Dielianhua · Spring Scenery”

苏轼《 蝶恋花·春景》英文版“Dielianhua · Spring Scenery”

...g inside the wall with laughter,The passerby walking outside the wall with curiosity.笑渐不闻声渐悄,多情却被无情恼。 Laughter gradually becomes unheard,Ruthlessness makes sentimental me vexed.注:本文为作者自行翻译,仅供学习交流;欢迎批评指正、留言交流...

2015-10-29 #经典句子



...同位语从句Whether/if he succeeded in the experimentaroused people’s curiosity. 主语从句I don’t know whether/if he succeeded in the experiment. 宾语从句My question is whether or not he succeeded in the experiment.表语从句显然,将疑问句作名词成分时,需要用whether...

2023-09-29 #经典句子



...am、Thomas9、英国元素Harry、Louis、Niall、Zayn10、太空元素中Curiosity、Endeavour、Luna、Stella、Star、Skye、Heaven、Sally、Sky、Skylark、Leo、Mars、Red带寓意的英文名Jeneen译名詹; 赫; 金; 延。解释优美 雅致 高雅 潇洒 詹妮。Gary加里 Gary是Gerald...

2020-02-04 #经典句子

适合开学的朋友圈励志句子 只有奋斗的生活才是真正的生活!

适合开学的朋友圈励志句子 只有奋斗的生活才是真正的生活!

...ightenment.保持你的好奇心,这将是你创造的源泉!Keep your curiosity, it will be the source of your creativity!请不要假装努力,结果你不会和你一起玩。Please don"t pretend to work hard, as a result you won"t play withyou.力量塑造性格,性格决定命运。Stre...

2022-12-03 #经典句子



...《威尼斯商人》First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. (George Bernard Shaw) 初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G)离别之于爱情好比风之于火,它能将小火熄灭,使大火熊熊燃烧。(法国作家 比西-...

2023-10-04 #经典句子

考研英语那些事 资深考研英语老师带你揭开考研英语面纱

考研英语那些事 资深考研英语老师带你揭开考研英语面纱

...,因为你会想到一些非常好的词汇,比如 fascinate, merit, curiosity 等等。但不是每个词你都会用,比如说 fascinatingly,fascinating 意为 extremely interesting,通常说 a fascinating movie,或是 I find the movie fascinating. 就像你不会用 interesting 去修...

2012-05-23 #经典句子

那些超级温柔治愈的文案 句句暖心 超级值得收藏

那些超级温柔治愈的文案 句句暖心 超级值得收藏

...好奇、天真、不甘、绝望、麻木、盒子!Most people"s life: curiosity, innocence, unwillingness, despair, numbness, box!5.2020这一年遇见、失去、释怀、获得、成长,完结当阳光胜果阴霾,这个世界一定能重新填满色彩。Meet, lose, release, gain and grow...

2013-04-17 #经典句子

口语中“in the middle of sth”是什么意思 你绝对猜不到!

口语中“in the middle of sth”是什么意思 你绝对猜不到!

...共和党,现在倒向了民主党。His emotion swung between fear and Curiosity.他时而害怕时而好奇。The game could swing either way=either side could win it.这场比赛生死未卜。父母不在家,鲍比穿个裤衩在客厅随意走动、闲庭信步,这是他最舒服的状态...

2016-07-21 #经典句子

备忘录里的温柔句子|因为喜欢忧郁 所以喜欢消逝

备忘录里的温柔句子|因为喜欢忧郁 所以喜欢消逝

...ough rough, but not annoying. She smiled and asked, perhaps discovering my curiosity, want to know? I smiled and nodded to him.Then she listened quietly to tell me the sad story, as I thought, she had a beautiful and heartbreaking passing experience. Because like melancholy, so like to die.但是因...

2023-01-14 #经典句子

感悟人生的精美好句 经典入心 值得分享

感悟人生的精美好句 经典入心 值得分享

...谈中的主动:迎合和好奇Initiative in conversation: Catering and curiosity再想想,以前你每一次主动付出,人家有没有接受?反过来说,对你有好处吗?Think again, every time you took the initiative to pay in the past, did others accept it? Conversely, is it good...

2023-07-21 #经典句子

适合用来做个性签名的小众文案 幽默有趣 值得收藏!

适合用来做个性签名的小众文案 幽默有趣 值得收藏!

...注定不会有情感上的交集。He doesn"t like you at all. She has no curiosity about you. You are doomed to have no emotional intersection.心存以后,就有了猜疑、怨恨和嫌弃。After the heart has been preserved, there will be suspicion, resentment and repugnance.忘了从什么...

2023-12-06 #经典句子

适合早上发朋友圈的励志签名 句句积极向上

适合早上发朋友圈的励志签名 句句积极向上

...ars, not down at your feet. No matter how difficult life is, please keep a curiosity.10、青春是你奋斗的资本,年轻不是你堕落的理由。Youth is the capital of your struggle, and youth is not the reason for your degeneration.11、任何愿望,只要诚恳,并做好充分准备...

2023-05-16 #经典句子