
cat out of the bag不是猫跑出袋子!关于猫的这些英语你知道吗



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在美剧中我们经常会听到一句话:“let the cat out of the bag”,难道就是说猫从袋子里出来这种行为?其实不是的,它的意思是指泄露秘密。比如你想给你妈妈生日一个惊喜,但是爸爸知道后不小心告诉了妈妈,就可以用这个词:

I wanted it to be a surprise, but my father let the cat out of the bag.



cat"s meow太棒了,妙极了


Your new car is the cat"s meow.


cat"s pajamas 卓越的人,不同凡响

pajamas是睡衣的意思,而且多指那种睡衣睡裤成套的睡衣。Cat"s pajamas和cat"s meow比较相似,可以用来表示十分厉害的人或很棒的物。不过这两个习惯用语也可以带有批评的语气,用来形容那些觉得自己很厉害的人,带有一点讽刺意味。

Lee thought he is the cat"s pajamas, and he doesn"t like to talk with the other people.


like a cat on hot bricks如坐针毡

like a cat on hot bricks直译的意思是“像热砖头上的猫”,和中文“急得像热锅上的蚂蚁”一个意思,形容一个人很急很紧张。同样意思的还有“cat on a hot tin roof”,直译是“热铁皮屋顶上的猫”的意思。两个都是用猫在一种困境中来引申人十分着急的意思。

After he heard this news, he is like a cat on hot bricks.


Failing to find his keys, Harry is just like a cat on a hot tin roof.


curiosity killed the cat好奇心害死猫

Stop asking so many questions. Don"t you know that curiosity killed the cat?


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