第一句子大全 > 标签 > race
「双语科普」365天里的汽车往事(1909-11-6 112 years ago)

「双语科普」365天里的汽车往事(1909-11-6 112 years ago)

“闪电奔驰”汽车Victor Héméry set a new speed record at the Brooklands circuit of 202.691 km/h (125.946 mph) driving the famous 200hp "Blitzen Benz" (Lightning Benz).1909年11月6日,维克多·埃梅里(Victor Héméry)驾驶著名的200马力“Blitzen Benz”(闪电奔驰)在...

2018-11-03 #经典句子



... mountain pass in the Alps, on motorways, an avenue-or occasionally on the racetrack.运动旅行摩托车的骑手推崇运动鞍座、整流装饰和醒目的色调。全新宝马R 1200 RS 为这一传统市场的行进速率推波助澜:优异的动力传动系统,结合扎实稳定的底盘...

2016-08-03 #经典句子



一、原文翻译Race walking shares many fitness benefits with running, research shows, while most likely contributing to fewer injuries.研究显示,竞走和跑步有许多相同的健身益处,而且最有可能减少受伤。It does, however, have its own problem.然而,它也有自己...

2023-05-26 #经典句子

一课一练:三年级下册英语unit6 partC 可打印

一课一练:三年级下册英语unit6 partC 可打印

...文写出单词。so(adv.)(表示大小或数量)这么,那么 race(n.)赛跑;速度竞赛;竞赛 idea(n.)想法;注意only(adv.)只有 won(v.)获胜,赢(win的过去式)(2)短语学习。so many 这么多have a race举行一次比赛 only three只有...

2023-07-11 #经典句子



...在有生词。例如节选短文内容:……We played games and we ran races. Jow won the sack race.We all ……题目:Joe won the ().A. sand race B.sack race有些同学是不知道sack race是什么意思的,但是,题目这句话直接在短文中就能找到,进而选择...

2023-08-03 #经典句子



...体。注意:基本上只要是竞速类的运动,很多都会用到 race / racing,比如 car racing 赛车,horse racing 赛马We hold Dragon Boat Racing to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.我们举行赛龙舟来庆祝端午节。2. 大门上挂菖蒲和艾叶草hanging calamus and mugwo...

2015-10-01 #经典句子



28. Why are race walkers conditioned athletes?A. They must run long distances.B. They are qualified for the marathon.C. They have to follow special rules.D. They are good at swinging their legs.【答案】C答案解析:细节理解题。此题要求正确理解conditioned词义。Conditioned此...

2023-11-22 #经典句子

“稳扎稳打 无往而不胜”用英文该怎么说?

“稳扎稳打 无往而不胜”用英文该怎么说?

...往而不胜, 这个短语的英文表达是:slow and steady wins the race 稳扎稳打,无往而不胜Look, I know you"re eager to get all this data entered so you can move on to the next stage of the project, but slow and steady wins the race, OK? We"ll be much worse off if the data has err...

2019-03-10 #经典句子

高考英语必读之三:5G竞赛只是个神话The 'race to 5G' is a myth

高考英语必读之三:5G竞赛只是个神话The 'race to 5G' is a myth

...同,进而提高读懂读透文章的水平和能力。一、原文The "race to 5G" is a mythTelecommunications providers relentlessly extol the power of fifth-generation (5G) wireless technology. Government officials and policy advocates fret that the winner of the "5G race" will dominate the int...

2023-07-11 #经典句子



“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.”– Walter Elliott, Clergyman「坚持不是一个长跑,它是很多一个接一个的短跑。」- 沃尔特埃利奥特 (传教士)沃尔特埃利奥特(1842-1928)是美国天主教牧师和传教士,他撰写...

2017-04-15 #经典句子

关于节日 用英语介绍端午节

关于节日 用英语介绍端午节

...self in the Miluo River.It is said that the local people, who admired him, raced out in their boats to save him, or at least retrieve his body. This is said to have been the origin of dragon boat races. When his body could not be found, they dropped balls of sticky rice into the river so that the fi...

2023-11-25 #经典句子

温柔满溢的人生感悟句子 不媚俗 不跟随 不解释 你就是你

温柔满溢的人生感悟句子 不媚俗 不跟随 不解释 你就是你

...同样的路线。你在自己的道路上。Stop living life like its a race you are supposed to win.life isn"t a race.it can"t be because a race requires everyone to run the same course.you are on your own path.五、勇敢地去寻找你想要的生活,勇敢地去追求它。然后重新开始...

2022-12-04 #经典句子

「知识点汇总」人教版英语六年级下册Unit 4《Then and now》

「知识点汇总」人教版英语六年级下册Unit 4《Then and now》

...(make后的动词用原形,省略to)make you feel worried29、have a race with...和……比赛30、give sb sth=give sth to sb 给某人某物(双宾语)give the book to me=give me the book当sth为代词时,只能用第二种(所有双宾语的用法均如此)give it to me,不能...

2023-08-17 #经典句子



...imates 原型:primate 名词复数形式 ["pramet] n. 灵长目动物All races, age groups and both sexes of humankind interpret this behavior as an expression of positive emotions, such as love—including brotherly love, friendship etc.【译】不论种族、年龄和男女,所有人类都将...

2008-05-30 #经典句子

在托福语法中 many和much两个词的使用可不是那么简单的!

在托福语法中 many和much两个词的使用可不是那么简单的!

...肯定句和否定句做一做对比。例如:many:He hasn"t won many races.You"ve won a lot/lots of races./You"ve won a lot./You"ve won a greatmany(races).much:He didn"t eat much fruit.She ate a lot/lots/a great deal of fruit./She ate a lot/a great deal.看完肯定动词,我们在来看看...

2023-10-17 #经典句子

Heal the world歌词中英文

Heal the world歌词中英文

...place让它变得美好For you and for me为你 为我And the entire human race为了全人类There are people dying 世界上不断有人死去If you care enough for the living如果你真的关心生命Make a better place营造一个更美丽的地方For you and for me 为你 为我If you want to ...

2024-01-09 #经典句子

距离冬奥会100天 这些词汇的英文表达你掌握了?(二)

距离冬奥会100天 这些词汇的英文表达你掌握了?(二)

...速滑 The short track events occur on a 111-meter oval track. The skaters race in a pack of 4-8 at a time, and the first person crossing the finish line is the winner. 短道速滑项目通常在室内冰场举行,比赛所用跑道周长约111米。短道速滑比赛采用淘汰制,4到8运动...

2024-01-05 #经典句子



...驱,不分上下The two athletes have been neck and neck for this entire race. 两位运动员在这场比赛中一直并驾齐驱。The election is neck and neck. We"re going to have to wait until the very last votes are tallied.选举是并驾齐驱。我们要等到最后的票数统计出来...

2014-05-06 #经典句子



文明礼仪英语第117期后天(6月25日)就是端午节又到了吃粽子、划龙舟的日子端午节本是南方吴越先民创立用于拜祭龙祖的节日 后来人们亦将端午节作为纪念屈原的节日也有纪念伍子胥、曹娥及介子推等说法一起来学习“端午...

2022-12-19 #经典句子



...tival (龙舟节)。因为端午节人们会举行龙舟赛dragon boat races.Dragon 龙 boat 船 race 赛跑,是不是很符合字面意思(>_

2023-10-09 #经典句子