


The riders of a Roadster are looking for a visually dynamic power bike, which, as a genuine lightweight, settles easily int

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As little as possible, as much as necessary: A powerful engine, a nimble chassis, the few components clearly visible, using top-quality materials and achieving a perfect finish-that’s all it takes: pure riding pleasure.


The riders of a Roadster are looking for a visually dynamic power bike, which, as a genuine lightweight, settles easily into bends but can also make longer journeys with or without a passenger effortless.

跑车型骑手更热衷于一款能够彰显澎湃动力的摩托车,真正的轻质设计,不仅能轻松过弯,而且可胜任长途骑行需求 - 无论是否携带后座乘员。

Its unrivalled range of available equipment and options, such as the new dynamic ESA, launch the roadster into a new era-making the R 1200 R an irresistible temptation.

车辆有着无与伦比的装备与选装配置范围,比如全新的动态 ESA,将这款跑车带入全新的境界 – 让 R 1200 R 焕发出令人无法抗拒的魅惑。

Keeping existing customers loyal as well as conquering new prospects will be an easy-to-accomplish task for the R 1200 R.

全新款R 1200 R不仅足以让现有客户忠诚到底,而且还将不断地攫取更多潜在客户。



The riders of a sports touring bike prefer a sporty seating position, a fairing and a noticeable color scheme. The new BMW R 1200 RS is the booster for this very traditional segment: Its superior power train together with a stable chassis promise pure riding pleasure. The aerodynamics and an optimized ergonomic triangle provide maximum fun on extended tours: Be it no mountain pass in the Alps, on motorways, an avenue-or occasionally on the racetrack.

运动旅行摩托车的骑手推崇运动鞍座、整流装饰和醒目的色调。全新宝马R 1200 RS 为这一传统市场的行进速率推波助澜:优异的动力传动系统,结合扎实稳定的底盘,为骑手带来纯粹的骑行悦趣。采用空气动力学元素与经过优化后的人机工程学骑行三角结构,确保骑手在长途骑行中也能尽享乐趣:无论你是在阿尔卑斯山的山路上披荆斩棘,还是高速公路上尽情疾驰,亦或是在林荫大道上迎风疾驰 - 还是只是偶尔在赛道上骑骋人生。

The Dynamic ESA, the standard ride modes with ASC and ABS or the noble yet sporty “Style” variant stir desirability. Different seat variants together with accessories such as panniers and topcase will help to inspire many new customers. In a nutshell: With the new R 1200 RS you will be getting a genuine sales turbo!

通过动态 ESA、标准骑行模式带 ASC 和 ABS 或优雅而运动的“Style”配件,突破骑行的体验。不同的鞍座款式搭配着边箱和尾箱等多种附件,引更多新客户入胜。总而而言:全新 R 1200 RS 必将大幅提振销售业绩!

Against the winds.


Super Bike, The new BMW S 1000 RR.

超级RR摩托车,全新宝马S 1000 RR。



RR – these two letters epitomise the ultra-high adrenaline desires of professional racers and ambitious sports bikers. For the third generation of this model line, they also represent the ultimate superbike: The new BMW S 1000 RR. What awaits your customers in 2015 is by far more than just a facelift or a model improvement. Expect a higher engine performance, a new main frame, and even better handling combined with increased stability as well as an entirely new design – look forward to a radically new RR. With a distinct performance improvement in all areas, we set a new precedence in benchmarking – the top level has just got higher!

RR,引爆职业赛车手的极致兴奋度,诠释着极富侵略性的摩托跑车性能以及第三代终极跑车:全新 宝马 S 1000 RR。2015 年,呈现在客户眼前的将不再是简单的设计改款或车型的改进。而是一辆从本质上焕发新貌的 RR摩托车,将注定带来更为出色的发动机性能、全新的主车架、更理想的操控性能、更高的稳定性以及全然改观的设计。凭借性能表现的全方位显著提升,宝马摩托车再次成为更高市场标准的制定者。



If we say new, we mean new. The RR of gen. 3 is an entirely new superbike – from headlights to tail. Not one single fairing panel–apart from the front and rear mud-guards – is similar to that of the predecessor model. The highly dynamic design is even more sophisticated, straightforward and sharper than that of all predecessors – whilst being light and agile.

一见倾心,全新 RR。彻头彻尾地焕发出新生的第三代 RR。除了前后挡泥板外,哪怕一片整流板也与上一代车型迥然有别。车辆远超前辈车型,呈现出极致的动感设计,更能洞见精密尖端,视觉冲击力更为直接,也更加锐化,同时,又不失轻质设计和操作灵敏的特质。

The sporty and low nose, and the slim and high tail characterise the compact silhouette, which promises nimble and precise handling. Well-known RR features, such as the asymmetric side panels and the characteristic split face, enhance this impression: The new RR is a muscular powerhouse on and off the racetrack.

极富运动感的前端,搭配纤细的高车尾,营造出紧凑的车身,并成就了灵敏而精确的操控。闻名遐迩的 RR 特质配置-非对称侧围板和独特的分离式前车身 - 等让车辆气宇不凡:全新 RR 是一款无论是在赛道,还是在公路上,都能彰显出澎湃动力的动力型摩托车。

BMW Motorrad is expanding its global racing involvement with innovative projects. The objective is to present our products through motorsports activities and to feed back the experience gained in racing into production development. Our customers active in racing are furthermore perfect ambassadors for our brands, since they are flying the colors of BMW Motorrad on all continents. BMW Motorrad Motorsport is most willing to reimburse their commitment by offering comprehensive support and additional benefits. The offers reach from the Race Track Experience on to the Race Trophy and further on to the HP Race Support.

宝马摩托车依托旗下的创新项目,愈发积极地参与到全球各项赛车的活动中。旨在通过摩托赛事,来为产品提供抛头露面的难得契机,并将赛车实况体验等,反馈到产品日常的研发工作中去。积极投身赛车活动的客户们也是最好的品牌形象大使,是他们,让宝马 摩托车的品牌旗帜飘扬于世界各地。宝马 摩托车赛车部门将竭诚提供全面的支持和更多利好,包括:赛道体验、赛事奖品乃至 HP 赛车支持服务。

BMW MOTORRAD RACE TROPHY:As the world’s very first manufacturer, we offer a global racing project with a joint ranking for our private competitors that spans across all continents. The BMW Motorrad pilots all round the globe thus grow into one big family, with the participants collecting points for the BMW Motorrad Race Trophy in a total of 15 championships and 206 racing events held in 19 different countries and on six continents. The winners will ultimately be rewarded with prize money at the end of the season that is certainly worth-while.

宝马摩托车赛事奖品:作为世界最早的制造厂商,我们提供全球性赛事项目和相应的世界级个人车手的评级标准。宝马摩托车在世界范围内已大同为一家,各个成员都可将获得宝马 摩托车赛事奖品积分,活动涵盖了 6 大洲 19 个国家为数 206 项赛事和涉及的 15 个冠军头衔。优胜者将在赛季结束时,赢得物所超值的奖金回报。

HP RACE SUPPORT: Refers to the technical support provided for professional racing in the form of a team of experts, which will support the national and international customer teams of BMW Motorrad with abundant expertise. Be it in the heavily embattled Superbike IDM, on the occasion of the FIM Endurance World Championship, the 24 hours of Le Mans or any of the many national Superbike challenges: The HP

Race Support is successfully chasing titles and has secured numerous victories and places on the rostrum for a variety of teams during the past season.

HP 赛车支持服务:由专家团队提供专业的赛车技术支持,国内或国际的客户团队都将汲取到 宝马 摩托车的丰富专业经验和知识。在高手如云的超级摩托车赛事 IDM、FIM 世界拉力锦标赛、24 小时勒芒赛和各项国内超级摩托车赛事中,HP 赛车支持服务多次成功力拔赛道头衔,并多次捍卫各参赛团队的名次与奖励,在过去的赛季中,成绩更是斐然。

RACE TRACK EXPERIENCE: This is where all riders – irrespective of racing experience or the brand they ride – may twist the grip on the world’s best racetracks. Whether a test ride of 20 minutes astride a BMW motorcycle or a quick lap with one’s own bike, whether with or without professional coaching – this is where ewcomers as well as experts will fully get their money’s worth.

赛道体验:无论赛车手经验的多与寡、所驾驭的摩托车品牌为何,各骑手都有机会骑行飞驰在世界顶级的赛道上。任何骑手都可以骑乘宝马摩托车进行 20 分钟的试驾或骑自己的摩托车绕场一周,而且,无论是否带有专业的教练员 - 这是让新晋车手和资深骑手都能尽情挥洒的操练场,绝对值得斥巨资全情投入。



Dependent on rider and track, the new S 1000 RR will be up to one second quicker than the HP4.

Quite a statement! Since 2012, we have been awaiting a response to our RR, either from Japan or

from Italy. But that has not yet arrived. The engine technology employed by our Japanese competitors is currently not yet on the level of the RR. No one is able to keep up. Suzuki, Yamaha, Honda, and Ducati will presumably launch new models or modifications and upgrades.

根据骑手和赛道成绩,全新 S 1000 RR 比 HP4 快了近一秒。着实蔚为壮观!自 2012 年伊始,我们就对日本或意大利厂商推出的旨在针对 RR 的竞争车型翘首期盼,然而迄今为止,没有任何产品敢于问世。日本厂商的发动机技术甚至与 RR 不在同一个竞技层次上。这是无人可以企及的高度。只是有传闻说铃木、雅马哈、本田和杜卡迪可能会打造新车型或改款车型以及升级产品以同场竞技。

The new RR is and will, however, remain THE benchmark. In order to transfer this lead into sales figures, what is primarily required is your technical expertise and commitment. We count on you!

但无论如何,全新 RR当今乃至今后,都将始终保持其行业标杆的地位。能否将这种领先优势转化为销售业绩,这完全取决于你们的专业技术能力与责任心。现在一切由你们做主!






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