第一句子大全 > 标签 > band


...梅·奥尔科特Little Women 《小妇人》Don"t shut yourself up in a band box because you are a woman, but understand what is going on, and educate yourself to take part in the world"s work, for it all affects you and yours.不要因为自己是女人就把自己禁锢起来,要了解时下到...

2023-11-19 #经典句子



...or shaking a plastic containter half-full of dry beans, or plucking rubber bands stretched over a small open box.【译】你可以在锅上敲鼓,或者在纸塔筒里哼唱,或者摇晃一个装满半干豆子的塑料容器,或者在一个打开的小盒子上拉起橡皮筋来演奏音乐...

2014-12-20 #经典句子



...巡演,该演出拥有一批狂热追随者。然后新冠来了。The band used ensuing lockdowns to produce a second album, “Black Harvest”. By December it was recorded and ready to be mastered and pressed onto 5,000 gold-vinyl records. 乐队利用随后的封锁时间制作了第二张专...

2023-06-23 #经典句子



...I love my family.DMusicians WantedWe want four good musicians for our rock band.Are you a musician?Can you sing?Can you play the piano,the guitar or the drums?Do you want to be the best musician?If you want to join us,please send(发送)an e-mail.Our e-mail address is rockband200...

2012-07-08 #经典句子



...IELTS test really evaluated and scored and what do you need to do to get a band seven. Listening and find out.都是关于口语评分的。那么,雅思考试到底是如何评估和评分的,你需要做些什么才能拿到7分呢。听听视频怎么说吧。So, in this video, we"re looking ...

2023-08-03 #经典句子



... a winding mountain road over the Potomac River in West Virginia。It was abandoned,full of broken glass and rubbish。我发现了一处破旧的房子,在西弗吉尼亚州的波托马克河顺蜿蜒的山路上行四公里处。这所房子被遗弃了,满屋都是碎玻璃和垃圾。单词c...

2023-05-13 #经典句子

好方法 好未来!跟语言君一起记单词!

好方法 好未来!跟语言君一起记单词!

...眼泪(tear)。第九组(全部含有字母组合an)ban(禁止;禁令) band(乐队)bank(银行)can(可以,能够,罐头) fan(风扇,迷) man(男人,人类) pan(平底锅) ran(跑,run的过去式)一句话,一个生活情景把上面的词汇串联起来: A strange...

2023-11-19 #经典句子

英语中 有关求助和求救的英语单词汇总 请记牢以备用!

英语中 有关求助和求救的英语单词汇总 请记牢以备用!

...ing a mask is ill. 那位戴口罩的女士病了。30. gauze 纱布;31. bandage 绷带;32. bind up 包扎;33. first aid 急救;34. first-aid kit 急救箱;Where did you put the first-aid kit? 你把急救箱放哪里了?35. band-aid 创可贴;We"ll put a band-aid on the cut. 我们会...

2009-05-14 #经典句子

句句入心的感情句子 值得摘抄下来的情感文案

句句入心的感情句子 值得摘抄下来的情感文案

...应伤害。只要他放手,你就同时放手。Love is like a rubber band. When two people fall in love, they pull tightly together. Don"t love, anyone let go first, the rest of you will be hurt by the rubber band"s reaction. As soon as he lets go, you let go.不要告诉别人他们的感受和...

2022-12-29 #经典句子

云边文案铺|微风吹拂着天空 慢慢地爬上山顶

云边文案铺|微风吹拂着天空 慢慢地爬上山顶

...在台阶上等待日落Looking at the children next door dancing rubber bands,There is a firefly flying in the wind, bright and dark.在风中飞舞的萤火虫,明暗不定。When you were young, you sat on the steps, waiting for the sun to set年轻时,你坐在台阶上等着太阳落山Looking ...

2010-08-11 #经典句子

看学霸如何在雅思口语中获得八分 How to get a band 8 in IELTS

看学霸如何在雅思口语中获得八分 How to get a band 8 in IELTS

...listen, what are the next steps for you now, now that you"ve got your your band seven?我们试图抓住这种感觉,并把这种感觉带到考试中去,在说英语的时候放松心情。非常好!太棒了!现在你已经拿到了七分,那么,你下一步是什么呢?I will get my...

2009-04-09 #经典句子

腾讯vs老干妈 腾讯被骗了?老干妈用英语怎么说?

腾讯vs老干妈 腾讯被骗了?老干妈用英语怎么说?

...老干妈榨菜:Old Fvck Mother Zha Cai5.老干妈乐队:Angry Momma"s Band ; S BAND6.老干妈排骨饭:Rice with Spare Ribs and Chili Sauce7.老干妈黄瓜:old mom cucumber8.老干妈回锅肉饭:Laoganma twice-cooked pork with rice9.老干妈香辣酱 :Hot Sauce随着警方的公告...

2013-06-12 #经典句子

让人感觉幸福的句子 精致暖心 句句入心

让人感觉幸福的句子 精致暖心 句句入心

...了。受伤了贴个创可贴,伤就不痛了。Why do you always carry band aids? Sometimes people get hurt, not because of physical injury, but because of mental injury. If you get hurt, stick a band aid and it won"t hurt.10.人家说,如果现实生活,比梦境还美好的话,那就代...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

换一下同义词 AI就把句子意思弄反|华人研究者揭示NLP模型脆弱性

换一下同义词 AI就把句子意思弄反|华人研究者揭示NLP模型脆弱性

...助一套木制的台阶洗手。需要判断这句话“The boys are in band uniforms.”(男孩们穿着乐队制服)和前提的关系。AI会把这个句子判断为”矛盾”。当把uniforms这个单词改为garments以后:The boys are in band garments。AI 就会把句子判断为“...

2023-01-04 #经典句子



...》,轻盈曼妙的舞姿中,我们恍若再见西子浣纱溪边。V BAND社带来的演唱《VIVA LA VIDA》,饱含着梦想的力量,振奋人心。高二16班 《汉密尔顿》用歌剧的形式为我们再现了一代政治家汉密尔顿辉煌的一生。初中部鹃声合唱团的同...

2007-04-07 #经典句子



...to expect the singer"s ideas about society(社会).The first punk rock bands (乐队) Ramon"s and Black Flag came to the world in the early 1970s.Then more new punk rock bands came to the world such as the Sex Pistols,the ClashWhy did punk rock music go so fast?Because people at that tim...

2023-07-04 #经典句子

委婉表达想谈恋爱的文案 可可爱爱 发朋友圈点赞量超多

委婉表达想谈恋爱的文案 可可爱爱 发朋友圈点赞量超多

...,只要你愿意,我都可以给你。Who would like to be my rubber band holder? I have thousands of rubber bands, as long as you want, I can give you.十三、请问,我这个小哭包要到什么时候才能找到那个愿意给我擦干眼泪的人呀!Excuse me, I this small cry bag to w...

2018-12-14 #经典句子



...解?第一:大学英语四级考试,即CET-4,College English Test Band 4的缩写。了解听力部分的分值情况。第二:听力耳机使用情况:每个学校的听力音频由各个学校的广播音频决定,统一使用FM,会在考前公布频率方便大家提前试音。...

2010-07-29 #经典句子



...各为248.5。大学英语四级考试,即CET-4,College English Test Band 4的缩写,是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性英语考试。考试的主要对象是根据教育大纲修完大学英语四级的在校专科生、本科生或研究生。大学英语各部分及格...

2015-07-18 #经典句子



...s and cars.我需要预定婚礼用的酒店和车。3. Where can I hire a band for the wedding?我在哪里可以找婚礼的乐队?4. We are planning a wedding ceremony at the hotel.我们计划在这家酒店举行婚礼仪式。5. Is your wedding to be held at a Church?你们的婚礼是在教...

2023-01-10 #经典句子