
温情动人的情感文字 充满正能量 内心爽朗


The rain stopped, the sky cleared up, you sweep the house for me, I will sweep the world for you 其实我并非不思念你,只是忘了思念所带来的冲击而已

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The rain stopped, the sky cleared up, you sweep the house for me, I will sweep the world for you.


In fact, I do not miss you, just forget the impact of missing it.


Not afraid of you to eat and drink piao wager, not afraid of you owe 3.5 billion, afraid of you finally run away when the people away is not me.


The whole city is asleep, only I and my heart can not sleep, the night is not ended, that long time no see you, and occupy my memories.


We always meet the most perfect love in the age when we do not understand love.


If bellowing were the answer, donkeys would rule the world.This is the most classic sentence I"ve seen this year.Control your emotions and speak softly.


I wouldn"t be alive if I didn"t have the ability to comfort myself.


You will never see my loneliest appearance, because only when you are not around me, I was the loneliest.


The world green mountains burn starlight yao Yao, the spring breeze breeze gradually, but also arrived between your eyebrows of the stars.


I just used to have you, not lack you.


Learn to be yourself and gracefully let go of things that don"t belong to me.


You owe me ninety-nine generations of love and hatred, a lifetime how to return it?

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