
温情动人的情感文字 浪漫又深情 充满爱意


Difficulties, stimulate the power of progress; Frustration, hone the courage to struggle; Failure indicates the direction of success 爱情是想自己的心,婚姻是绑自己的心,爱情是吞自己的心

友情提示:本文共有 1694 个字,阅读大概需要 4 分钟。


Difficulties, stimulate the power of progress; Frustration, hone the courage to struggle; Failure indicates the direction of success.


Love is to think of your own heart, marriage is to tie your own heart, and love is to swallow your own heart.


Come alone, change feelings together, show love, swear and talk about feelings.


Hug yourself when you are tired, and coax yourself when you cry. You can"t always have someone around to spoil you. You should learn to love yourself.


Some people say that they want to thank their predecessors for making you grow and make you better. I don"t think so. You bite the bullet and get through it day by day. Why thank others? You should thank yourself.


Don"t be angry because others can"t be what you want, because you can"t be what you want.


I don"t know where my failure is, I feel that my EQ is not too low, I don"t consider other people"s feelings, and my temper is not bad. Why is my interpersonal relationship always like this, and my dissatisfaction seems to panic?


Admire, what can the mouth say! Completely disregard other people"s feelings.


Once love, once pain, once confusion, who made me forget your appearance, now it is an eternal injury.


Time will slowly precipitate, and some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go, your happiness needs your own enrichment.

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