
温情动人的情感文字 简单美好 治愈内心


What I miss is not someone, but the past that I cant go back to 时间总是在不经意间从指缝间消失,还没来得及欣赏就已经过去了

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What I miss is not someone, but the past that I can"t go back to.


Time always disappears between fingers inadvertently, and it has already passed before I could appreciate it.


The world can be discarded and recaptured, the army can be scattered and reorganized, but people cannot be resurrected after they die.


I just want to break up with you, but I can still afford a dime for short messages.


It"s really too long. Sorry, I can"t wait for that day.


People only live once, do what they want to do, go where they want to go, love the people they should love, cut them for a period of time, and the books will be bright and beautiful, looking for the spring in their own lives.


And the ending and the process are there, and then you get tangled up and even feel greedy.


Thanks for your existence, I will be happy for several years.


On my way to escape my fate, I met by chance.


Thanks again, people come and go. If you are destined to be a passer-by, why bother at the beginning?

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