
温情动人的情感文字 抚慰心灵 唯美高级


Think, time long enough to let me forget you, but found, or can not ignore you 不属于自己的东西,你去紧握在手里,那也只会弄痛自己

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Think, time long enough to let me forget you, but found, or can not ignore you.


If you cling to something that does not belong to you, you will only hurt yourself.


Under the same sky, just think about it and feel very happy.


Young years, depicting the bleak youth.


I am not a strong person, but I know to be strong when I should be strong.


Where I am, there is no time for you to suffer.


His dark, shining eyes rolled in a wise, intelligent way.


The whole army was as crooked as if drunk with soju, and was practically sleeping.


How nice. Such a simple friendship.


Are you all right?If I could do it all over again, if I could go back in time, I would hold your hand tightly until forever...


If my boyfriend cheats on me, I"ll marry his dad right away, and he"ll have to call me Mom when he sees me.


Sometimes, outwardly calm, in fact, the heart has been surging, sad want to cry can not cry out.

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