
温情动人的情感文字 治愈您的心情 内心爽朗


The furthest distance on earth is not when I stand in front of you and dont know that I love you But when undoubtedly kn

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The furthest distance on earth is not when I stand in front of you and don"t know that I love you.But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both, yet cannot be together.


The love world is big, which can hold hundreds of disappointments;The love world is also small, which is crowded with three people and will suffocate.


The wine of love is sweet but bitter.Two people drink, is nectar;Three people drink, is vinegar;Drink whatever you want. It"ll poison you.- tao xingzhi


After all of these years you are still a scar on my heart.


You let me taste the pain of thinking of you every moment, taste you and you together happy, you are the only one can let me taste the sour, sweet, bitter and hot people.


The bump and bump of memory, make each other"s appearance coagulate into eternity under the pale blue sky.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.But to me, you are the world.


My head says I should let go, my heart says I should wait.


Now the bitch all said to destroy the bitch, is really funny dead, you say not?


There is only one name in the world that I care so much about. It is like an invisible thread, bound to my heart at one end and in your hand at the other.


Memory is like water in the palm, whether you are spread out or clenched, will eventually drip clean from the fingers.


You know, show your teeth in class just to get your attention.

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