
温情动人的情感文字 治愈您的心情 值得收藏



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Our attitude towards life determines the attitude of life towards us. Our attitude determines how successful our life is.


Every truly powerful person has to spend some time without help and support. Everything is supported by oneself, and all emotions are only known to oneself. But as long as you get through it, everything will be different. No matter who you are, no matter what you are going through, stick to it and you will see the strongest self.


Boring and boring, not blind spot because of fear. The joy of dancing is not only contentment or coziness, but also a sudden arrival, just like the spring rain in April or the blooming of flower buds.


When I was young, I didn"t understand; In middle age, I can"t bear to lose; Only in the twilight years do you know something, and when you have it completely, you feel dull. Some things are precious when you lose them forever.


Maybe you had a bad day, but that doesn"t mean you will have a bad day.


If life is a beautiful music, pain is one of the indispensable notes. If life is an endless sea, then setbacks are sudden huge waves. If life is a blue sky, then frustration is a floating white cloud.


Let me be a masked man, I really can"t do it! People who don"t like it just don"t like it, not to mention personality problems.


The past is very important. Life without it is empty, but it is even more empty without looking at the future. There is still a long way to go, and there is still hope for life.


Be a person who appreciates himself, learn to appreciate himself and give himself a smile every day. Why are you worried that life is not happy?


Maturity is a bright but not dazzling brilliance, a mellow but not dull voice, a calm feeling without looking at others, an atmosphere that finally stops attracting people around, a smile that ignores the fuss, an extremely indifferent rejection, a thickness that does not need to be told, and a height that is not steep.

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