第一句子大全 > 标签 > romance
romance romantic用法(英语词汇一万突破)

romance romantic用法(英语词汇一万突破)

...氛围v. 虚构(故事),渲染;和(某人)谈情说爱,追求(某人)romance起源于罗马,最初指的是从拉丁语译成法语的故事。它们大多是骑士的风流韵事,这就是romance与爱情故事联系在一起的原因。I try to recall all the romance movies we watched to...

2017-03-29 #经典句子

适合圣诞节发朋友圈的可爱句子 让我们一起浪漫整个冬天!

适合圣诞节发朋友圈的可爱句子 让我们一起浪漫整个冬天!

... on you into the gift box, and then give it to you. Merry Christmas! Let"s romance the whole winter together!今天是圣诞节,我想向圣诞老人许个愿,希望他能给我一个男朋友。圣诞快乐!让我们一起浪漫整个冬天!Today is Christmas, I want to make a wish to him. ...

2022-11-16 #经典句子

实用英语 -“四大名著”翻译成英语应该怎么说?

实用英语 -“四大名著”翻译成英语应该怎么说?

...头记》所以还可以翻译为The Story of the Stone《石头记》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms《三国演义》romance /rmns/ n.爱情故事,浪漫嗯?好像往奇怪的方向发展了除了爱情故事romance还表示“传奇故事”例如:The figure comes froma medieval romance....

2007-04-07 #经典句子

适合早上发到朋友圈的优质文案短句 简单干净 值得分享

适合早上发到朋友圈的优质文案短句 简单干净 值得分享

对爱的执着才是最高级的浪漫To love is the highest romance你知道吗?只有你对爱相信,才是这个世界上最高级的浪漫。You know what? Only when you believe in love is the highest romance in the world.回首那些年走过的辛酸岁月,可是有遇见你还是怦然...

2023-08-18 #经典句子



...了所有的浪漫和温柔的意义。Don"t let the world drown out the romance and warmth of lifeDon"t let this familiar ruthlessness drown out all the romantic and gentle meaning.我们也曾拥有过别人艳羡的时刻,我们也曾一度陷入爱河里。哪怕星星碎了也会溢出光,...

2023-11-10 #经典句子

很走心的高质量短句子 简单温柔 经典温暖!

很走心的高质量短句子 简单温柔 经典温暖!

...red, either understand or stay away.浪漫永远不会挂。买花看海。Romance never dies. Buy flowers to see the sea.要安全健康地前进,也必须无拘无束。To move forward safely and healthily, we must also be free.不需要理解每一个浪漫。Don"t need to understand every roma...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

「晚安」让人难过的一句话:我满身浪漫 但无人懂我

「晚安」让人难过的一句话:我满身浪漫 但无人懂我

...ly fall into the sewage pond, wake up full of light", this is the hope and romance that I also look forward to in the dark.让人难过的一句话:我满身浪漫,但无人懂我。Sad words: I am full of romance, but no one understands me.我明明是个在热恋生活的人啊!我不想找...

2023-09-22 #经典句子

今日份爱情治愈小句子 浪漫温柔 干净走心

今日份爱情治愈小句子 浪漫温柔 干净走心

...望你爱的那个人一直都是我。Love and east rise and west fall, romance has a beginning and an end. I hope the person you love is always me.我可以对很多人讲幼稚的话,可是我却不能对你这么说,因为我早就把你看成了另一半。I can say childish words to many p...

2023-06-08 #经典句子

成熟有魅力的人生感悟 修身养性 总有一句适合你!

成熟有魅力的人生感悟 修身养性 总有一句适合你!

...数的鲜花和浪漫。Well, I wish you and I have countless flowers and romance.情绪不佳,就准备删几个微商,让她们知道创业的道路也不平坦。When they are in a bad mood, they are going to delete a few wechat businesses to let them know that the road to entrepreneurship is...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

告白文案|不想去想遥远的事儿 直到今晚暮色的浪漫

告白文案|不想去想遥远的事儿 直到今晚暮色的浪漫

...浪漫Don"t want to think about distant things, until tonight"s twilight romance.我不想去想太多遥远的事,我只想和你体会这短暂的浪漫,因为这个生活并没有那么多的突然而至。我会把所有的礼仪全部都展现在你那里。我只是你恰巧遇到而已,...

2016-07-01 #经典句子

超温柔置顶句子|感谢你突然出现 温柔了我的全世界

超温柔置顶句子|感谢你突然出现 温柔了我的全世界

...了,因为我是爱的。I carefully prepared for you the beginning of romance between us, and later found that you do not belong to me, but I also prepared, because I love.我像极了你理想中的另一半,比悲伤更悲伤的感觉。I"m like your ideal partner, more sad than sadness.我...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

深刻表达爱意的句子 治愈走心 挑一句发朋友圈吧

深刻表达爱意的句子 治愈走心 挑一句发朋友圈吧

...待的那个人Just like I know you like the mountain wind, and I like the romance of sunflower, and you are the person I always want to wait for我将永远忠于自己,披星戴月的奔向你,因为你是我这世间深沉的浪漫I will always be loyal to myself and run to you, because you a...

2022-11-16 #经典句子

温柔系句子‖我想请你喝可乐的意思是 我希望你可爱又快乐

温柔系句子‖我想请你喝可乐的意思是 我希望你可爱又快乐

...kboard writing and 5000 words in notes said: do you know the etymology of "Romance"? Originated from chivalry literature, it describes the love between knights and ladies in the middle ages.“Romance”的本意就是知其不可为而为之,是明知不会有结果却无法停止爱你。The ori...

2022-12-07 #经典句子

飘零一世的温柔短句 爱意浓浓 浪漫至极!

飘零一世的温柔短句 爱意浓浓 浪漫至极!

... 浪漫至极。May the stars in your eyes overflow with tenderness and romance.二,盛夏阳光篮球场试卷快乐毕业季。Happy graduation season of sunshine basketball court examination papers in midsummer.三,添平了山海却发现你在云端。I leveled the mountains and seas but f...

2023-07-08 #经典句子

适合秋天发朋友圈的浪漫文案 精美暖心 让人越看越喜欢!

适合秋天发朋友圈的浪漫文案 精美暖心 让人越看越喜欢!

...温柔,想在这个秋天与你诉说。You know what? I have saved the romance and tenderness of the whole summer, and I want to tell you in this autumn.你闻,早晨的风,有没有这秋天的味道。You smell, the morning wind, there is no smell of this autumn.秋风瑟瑟,落叶归根...

2016-01-05 #经典句子

温柔可爱的神仙句子 做一个宝藏女孩/男孩!

温柔可爱的神仙句子 做一个宝藏女孩/男孩!

...心翻腾,在推着我前进。The vastness of mountains and seas, the romance of the universe, are churning in my heart, pushing me forward.做一个素净的人,把目光停留在微小而光明的事物上,远离那些混乱和嚣张。Be a pure person, keep your eyes on the small and brigh...

2022-11-23 #经典句子



...兜转转的重逢才是浪漫的开始。The reunion is the beginning of romance.关关难过关关过,前路漫漫亦灿烂。Pass sad, pass, the road is long and bright.我走得很慢,但我不会后退。I"m a slow walker, but I"m not going back.但愿我们殊途同归,你能同我讲讲...

2023-12-18 #经典句子

英语写作素材 I Am Surrounded By Love

英语写作素材 I Am Surrounded By Love

...to yourself the growing love that you have for yourself. Treat yourself to romance and love. Show yourself how special you are. Pamper yourself. Buy yourself flowers. Surround yourself with colors, textures, and scents that please you. Life always mirrors back to us the feelings we have inside. As y...

2016-01-02 #经典句子

经典爱情语录 唯美走心 值得收藏

经典爱情语录 唯美走心 值得收藏

...缘分,我从来都没有放弃你。So my love for you is not only the romance of chaimi, youyanmaosuao, but also the bit by bit of life. You come and I go in the rush. Everyone is fate, but I never give up on you.因为我知道一辈子的擦肩而孕就已经少得可怜,更何况我已经...

2023-09-04 #经典句子

温柔干净的高质量文案 干净唯美 温柔大方

温柔干净的高质量文案 干净唯美 温柔大方

...神秘的爱情。The universe never fails to promise any secret heart and romance.和我一起去梦游,穿越可能穿越的已知宇宙。Sleepwalk with me across the horizon of the possible across the known universe.紫色的葡萄,你是一种有形状的光。The grape is the purple moon a...

2023-11-20 #经典句子