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英文翻译 诗和远方?是Poetry and far away吗?你的答案是什么

英文翻译 诗和远方?是Poetry and far away吗?你的答案是什么

...当我们直接搜索诗和远方时;搜索给出的翻译是Poetry and far away;显然是没有达到我们预想的那种意境效果。那我们看看其他的翻译是否能吸引到你。TOP1:Life is not only about compromise, but also poems and dreams.Top2:When life gives you lemons, make ...

2015-04-24 #经典句子



...。 如果这样做,也许你会很快失去对英语的学习兴趣。far adj./adv. 远【用法】far通常不会单独出现,而是以短语的形式进行考查。也就是说,far本身的含义并不重要,与far有关的短语的含义和用法才是关键:so far 到目前为止,...

2008-09-21 #经典句子



... thought.这个结构还有两个比较常用的表达,as long as 和 as far as.1)As long as表达的含义“只要......”只要你愿意,他们可以长期待在这里。They can stay here as long as you want.2)As far as有几组表达As far as I know 据我所知As far as I remember 据...

2023-05-10 #经典句子



...不再是什么困难了。下面即按此方法进行分析:原句:As far as choosing the participants themselves is concerned, that"s not really all that different from ordinary research -- the criteria according to which the participants are chosen may be something as simple as the age bracke...

2023-01-23 #经典句子

You ask for it可不是“你请求它” 而是一句狠话!

You ask for it可不是“你请求它” 而是一句狠话!

...1)“太离谱了”英语怎么说?太离谱了——It’s going too far.太离谱了,我们在英语中可以简单的说It’s going too far/You are going too far,主语是可以变化的。Far表示远,意思就是你这手伸得太长了,或者是你做的事情太过分了,那...

2023-08-17 #经典句子



...一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常考特殊疑问词:how far, how long, how soon和how often初中英语学霸提分笔记,初中提分必备购买常用的疑问词还有:what,who,whose,which,when,where,how,why, what color, what time, how much, how old, how tall等。难点:ho...

2013-01-22 #经典句子

高考语法复习系列 形容词和副词

高考语法复习系列 形容词和副词

...饰语1.常见的比较级的修饰语有:much, a little, a great deal, far, by far, even, will, still, a bit, a little, rather, any, (far) larger thanThis movie is far more interesting than I expected.这部电影比我原想的有意思的多。2. all the +比较级:愈来愈I worked all the h...

2007-03-07 #经典句子

亲子英语:五一户外活动 爱娃的爹妈肯定会用到这些安全用语!

亲子英语:五一户外活动 爱娃的爹妈肯定会用到这些安全用语!

...双语版在 小伙伴TV APP 在线观看3口语文本Don"t wander off too far! 别跑太远 Don"t go too far! 别跑太远Be careful! 小心哦Don"t hurt yourselves! 小心别受伤Watch out! 注意安全Our moms are always scared something will happen to us.妈妈们总是害怕我们会遇到什...

2023-05-17 #经典句子

情感文案这样写 认真细品 必有收获!

情感文案这样写 认真细品 必有收获!

...无所有,更远的地方更加孤独,远方的幸福是多么痛苦。Far away in addition to far away nothing, far more lonely place, far away happiness is how painful.你从来不说真心话,让我怎么大冒险。You never tell me what you mean. I can"t risk it.他不会在意,你满...

2013-06-28 #经典句子

雅思口语技巧加分秘籍表达观点Expressing Opinions

雅思口语技巧加分秘籍表达观点Expressing Opinions

...working in a group is more efficient and effective than working alone.n As far as I’m concerned…【注释】以我看;在我看来【例句】As far as I’m concerned, reading not only enriches our knowledge but also broaden our minds.n As far as I know…【例句】As far I as I know, inter...

2018-09-07 #经典句子

英文写作词汇积累:可替换“I think……”的21个表达

英文写作词汇积累:可替换“I think……”的21个表达

...e. 依我看,这是一桩很公平的交易。4. It seems to me....5. As far as I can see... "就我看来……“1. That"s the problem as far as I can see. 就我看来,那就是问题。2. As far as I can see there are only two reasons for such an action. 就我看来,做出这样的动作...

2020-07-15 #经典句子

看着很是让人心疼的悲伤语句 满怀期待 尽显忧伤

看着很是让人心疼的悲伤语句 满怀期待 尽显忧伤

...无所有,更远的地方更加孤独,远方的幸福是多么痛苦。Far away in addition to far away nothing, far more lonely place, far away happiness is how painful.那日我狂哭不止,曾经差一点想过死,多少艰辛不可告人,多少光阴都因为等。That day I cried more...

2023-09-20 #经典句子

英语语法专题94:副词的比较级和最高级 常考知识点 也很常用!

英语语法专题94:副词的比较级和最高级 常考知识点 也很常用!

...。例句:A learner can no moreobtain knowledge without reading than a farmer can get good harvest without ploughing.不阅读便不能获取知识,正如农民不耕地就不能收获一样。②如果用于两者之间的比较,no+比较级+than...意为“都不”,是对两者的共同...

2024-01-04 #经典句子

让自己坚强的文案 句句扎心 超有意境!

让自己坚强的文案 句句扎心 超有意境!

...走高飞,远走高飞,远走高飞,远走高飞!I will fly away, far away, far away!你们一直是我的笑柄和泪痕。You have always been my laughing stock and tears.记住,要始终保持对生活热情负责的心态。Remember, always maintain a responsible attitude towards life ...

2022-11-28 #经典句子

看到忍不住流泪的伤心小句子 浪漫又深情 让人记忆深刻

看到忍不住流泪的伤心小句子 浪漫又深情 让人记忆深刻

...无所有,更远的地方更加孤独,远方的幸福是多么痛苦。Far away in addition to far away nothing, far more lonely place, far away happiness is how painful.若无宽恕,生命将被无休止的仇恨和报复所控制。我真的无意伤害你,真的很想与你和好如初,...

2022-10-24 #经典句子

暖心文案|隔着星辰大海 无谓世俗里的尘埃

暖心文案|隔着星辰大海 无谓世俗里的尘埃

...是你,多远都算不上遥远。The sea of stars in my eyes can not be far, as long as it is you, how far is not far away.在太阳落山之前,别忘了我们的约定,要记得下一次陪我看一场日出。喜欢你的证据不经意间就被你找到了,对不起,我把喜欢你当...

2023-01-28 #经典句子

搞定这个神奇的词性 你不再是英语门外汉

搞定这个神奇的词性 你不再是英语门外汉

... him at a bar in a small town in New York State.副词辨析How long、how far、how often、how soonhow long:根据字面翻译为“多长”,没错!但这里的多长具体指什么呢?一般分为两种情况:第一种情况为对时间的提问,意为“多长时间”,一般对过...

2023-09-21 #经典句子

1996年考研英语写作题型的分析和范文举例—Good Health

1996年考研英语写作题型的分析和范文举例—Good Health

... to become successful and happy.Realizing the importance of good health is far from being enough. We must do something effective to keep fit. The best place to begin is at the dinner table. Eating less junk food and having a balanced diet is the first step for most people. The next step is to exerci...

2023-10-26 #经典句子

适合留言的温柔治愈句子|彩虹是否会到来 未来是否会温柔

适合留言的温柔治愈句子|彩虹是否会到来 未来是否会温柔

...ws. They all say that near the heart of the country, uneasiness. But I was far away from my hometown, very uneasy, sitting on the car to a foreign country, watching the crowd.有坐得,站得,睡得,说得,笑得,发呆的,仿佛只有我,静静地在一个人的世界里,思念着...

2022-12-23 #经典句子

杨钰莹《心雨》英文版 听到前奏瞬间沦陷!

杨钰莹《心雨》英文版 听到前奏瞬间沦陷!

...人坐着 i keep thinking of your love 一直想起你的爱 trying to get far 越来越远 男: all of my lonely time 我所有的寂寞时光 女: i can feel the rain 我可以感觉到雨 falling down the whole night through 下了一整晚 right now i feeling so blue 我现在感觉很忧郁...

2008-10-22 #经典句子