第一句子大全 > 标签 > donkey
“猴年马月”用英语怎么说?网友:可以用“donkey's years”吗

“猴年马月”用英语怎么说?网友:可以用“donkey's years”吗

...“猴年马月”的意思,比如:The new motorway won"t be ready for donkey"s years(建好新的高速公路恐怕要等到猴年马月了),这句话中用“donkey"s years”来表示“猴年马月”,有人会说“donkey”不是驴子的意思嘛,怎么能表示“猴年马月...

2023-12-12 #经典句子

精心整理的100首英文儿歌 磨耳朵首选

精心整理的100首英文儿歌 磨耳朵首选

... tail 你看到我的尾巴了吗?45.Itsy Bitsy Spider 小小的蜘蛛46.Donkey donkey47.Cows in the kitchen奶牛在厨房奶牛48.The lion and the unicorn狮子与独角兽49.The bear went over the mountain小熊上山50.Froggie froggie 小青蛙,小青蛙51.Goosey goosey gander大鹅大鹅瞧...

2017-09-05 #经典句子

自然拼读法好资料 120张英语顺口溜卡片 记单词练听力

自然拼读法好资料 120张英语顺口溜卡片 记单词练听力

...11集:英语顺口溜(6张卡片)顽皮 monkey,捡起 key,扔向 donkey。要买 honey,节省 money。有个 boy,玩着 toy,心中 joy。跳进 soy,尽情 enjoy。一只 hare,居然 dare, 对我 stare。困难 share, 互相 care, 赶走 scare。

2019-07-07 #经典句子

笑到掉牙的沙雕句 聊天必备!

笑到掉牙的沙雕句 聊天必备!

...ng thing occured, other girls laugh for a little while, but you are like a donkey with asthma.丑的笔画是4,穷的笔画是7,加起来等于11,这就是你光棍的原因。The character ugliness has four strokes, the character poverty has seven strokes,they add up to eleven.That"s why you"...

2023-05-21 #经典句子



...ove this,难道你不爱吗don"t you just love this?当然了 驴子Sure, donkey.这将会是最好的圣诞聚会This is going to be the best Christmas party ever.因为今年大家都会唱Because this year eveverbody is going to sing他们最爱的圣诞颂歌their favourite Chriastmas carol.我...

2016-12-15 #经典句子

励志的简短句子 句句让人心痛 让你战斗力满满!

励志的简短句子 句句让人心痛 让你战斗力满满!

...始变成驴腿,云变成雨了!Recently, god horse began to turn into donkey legs, and clouds turned into rain!有些错误,一次就够了,永远不要再犯第二次。Some mistakes, once is enough, never make a second time.我不想做别人的配角。我是我世界的主人。I don"t ...

2023-01-13 #经典句子

让人瞬间眼红的虐心爱情句子 越看越心疼 点赞超高!

让人瞬间眼红的虐心爱情句子 越看越心疼 点赞超高!

...都是驴子。Before the princess met prince charming, all she met were donkeys.想找棵大树乘凉,不如自己种,自己养。If you want to find a big tree to enjoy the cool, you might as well plant it yourself and raise it yourself.不需要建议,不需要认可,我值得喜欢。No ...

2022-12-16 #经典句子

一句话回怼三观不正的句子 犀利霸气 让人心服口服!

一句话回怼三观不正的句子 犀利霸气 让人心服口服!

...:好驴不乱叫。Let"s go. Good dogs don"t get in the way.Reply: good donkeys don"t bark.你说说你,他还小,你都这么大了,就不能让着他点吗?回怼:那我也小呀!你一个大人跟我计较什么?Tell me about you, he is still young, you are so big, can"t you let h...

2022-11-27 #经典句子

8个趣味英语谚语 汉语中也有相同表达 你能想到几个呢?

8个趣味英语谚语 汉语中也有相同表达 你能想到几个呢?

...物”。你知道汉语里哪个成员也有这个意思吗?2. Force a donkey to dance,直接翻译是“强迫一只驴跳舞”,比喻强迫别人去做能力达不到的事情。汉语里也有一个俗语表示这个意思,你知道是哪一个吗?3. Rob Petter to pay Paul,直接翻...

2020-10-17 #经典句子



...prinkled with soybean noodles, which is like the bursts of loess raised by donkeys in the suburbs of old Beijing when they roll with joy, hence the name "donkey roll".另附一些特色美食的英文:早餐类:馒头 steamed buns包子 steamed stuffed buns饭团 rice and vegetable roll蛋饼 pl...

2011-12-04 #经典句子

骂人优雅戳心的精句 句句到点放肆!

骂人优雅戳心的精句 句句到点放肆!

...ook like an idiot on the left, a fool on the right, a pig on the top and a donkey on the bottom.政客的最大不要脸是,他们把出尔反尔,硬叫做此一时彼一时。The most shameful thing about politicians is that they call it one time and another when they turn around.停在苍蝇...

2023-01-19 #经典句子

说到心坎里的文艺句子 小众不俗 朋友圈必备

说到心坎里的文艺句子 小众不俗 朋友圈必备

...到天涯海角。有人说我是因为爱了杨过而成为大侠Little donkey answered, relying on the sword to accompany me to the end of the world. Some people say I am a great Xia because I love Yang Guo否则我的意中人怎么会这样呢Otherwise, how could my favorite people do this你怎...

2023-01-04 #经典句子

感悟生活的哲理句子 经典入心 值得收藏

感悟生活的哲理句子 经典入心 值得收藏

...题的话!驴早就统治世界了!If yelling can solve the problem! Donkeys have long ruled the world!3.幸福是回到家后敲门,而不是去摸那冰冷的钥匙。Happiness is to knock at home, not to touch the cold key.4.生活有一百种过法,别人的故事再好,始终容不下...

2022-11-20 #经典句子

温情动人的情感文字 充满正能量 内心爽朗

温情动人的情感文字 充满正能量 内心爽朗

...句话。——控制情绪,温柔说话。If bellowing were the answer, donkeys would rule the world.This is the most classic sentence I"ve seen this year.Control your emotions and speak softly.我要是没点自我安慰的本事,还真活不到现在。I wouldn"t be alive if I didn"t have the...

2015-04-04 #经典句子

无厘头又可爱的句子 经典逗趣 其乐无穷!

无厘头又可爱的句子 经典逗趣 其乐无穷!

...头小毛驴,你从来都不骑,因为你太重了。You have a little donkey, you never ride because you are too heavy.5、抛个硬币,如果摔碎了,今天就不吃晚饭了。Toss a coin. If it breaks, we won"t have dinner today.6、我还有八个多月就过生日了,现在吃个蛋...

2022-12-31 #经典句子



...bee蜜蜂bear熊bull公牛cat猫 wolf 狼dog狗 deer鹿 donkey驴 tiger老虎 lion狮子 horse 马 ox 公牛pig猪 sheep 绵羊 rhino犀牛 kitten小猫 leopard 豹 fox 狐 rabbit 兔子 hare 野兔 rat 鼠 mouse 家鼠 eagle 鹰 monk...

2011-04-26 #经典句子

适合五一发说说的句子 句句精致 值得分享

适合五一发说说的句子 句句精致 值得分享

...d I love Yang Guo,小驴儿在滴答,倚天剑伴我走天涯。The little donkey is ticking, and I walk with the sword.正好赶上,Just catching up,世上总有一个人在某处等着你。小小的快乐随处可见,容易满足就是天堂。There is always a person waiting for you somewhere in...

2022-12-16 #经典句子

可可爱爱的朋友圈文案 精辟搞笑 趣味满满!

可可爱爱的朋友圈文案 精辟搞笑 趣味满满!

...ding feet, with bee flower conditioner to give red carp and green carp and donkey ."

2015-05-25 #经典句子

用在作文里让人惊艳的句子‖正值春华枝俏 待秋实果茂 与卿共勉

用在作文里让人惊艳的句子‖正值春华枝俏 待秋实果茂 与卿共勉

...he flow of people shuttling back and forth. The trumpets of small electric donkeys and private cars echo each other in the corner of the lane, and are instantly submerged in human fireworks.12.“要好好把握这个秋天好好努力在温柔的风里可以做很多事可以鲜活而生动可以...

2022-12-26 #经典句子

英语词汇轻松学 动物世界的名词 形容词 动词单词汇总 实用收藏

英语词汇轻松学 动物世界的名词 形容词 动词单词汇总 实用收藏

...] n. 螃蟹crocodile [‘krkdal] n. 鳄鱼deer [d] n. 鹿dog [dg] n. 狗donkey [‘dk] n. 驴duck [dk] n. 鸭子eagle [‘ig()l] n. 鹰elephant [‘elf()nt] n. 大象fish [f] n. 鱼fly [fla] n. 苍蝇fox [fks] n. 狐狸frog [frg] n. 青蛙giraffe [drɑ:f] n. 长颈鹿goat [gt] n. 山...

2009-11-30 #经典句子