第一句子大全 > 标签 > Plans
用英语取消预约 Cancelling Plans In English

用英语取消预约 Cancelling Plans In English

...t politely. Now, there"s lots of reasons why you would need to change your plans or cancel your plans in English.在英语中,你必须注意自己所使用的语言,以确保你表现得很礼貌。你可能有很多原因需要用英语来更改计划或取消计划。Perhaps you genuinely can...

2023-11-27 #经典句子



...可以说成:if he gets my letter in time,he’ll be able to change his plans如果他能及时收到我的信,他就能改变他的计划。却不能说成:if he will get my letter in time,he’ll be able to change his plans.2、在if引导的从句中还可以使用“would+动词原形”...

2023-09-05 #经典句子

励志正能量满满的句子 加油!努力迎接更美好的生活

励志正能量满满的句子 加油!努力迎接更美好的生活

...,你的计划行不通,因为上帝有更好的计划。Sometimes your plans don"t work out because God has better plans.

2022-11-12 #经典句子



...ans that a special software (软件) helps the driver drive the car. Tesla plans to make a fully automated car this year. A fully automated car can move without a driver.特斯拉公司生产半自动汽车。这意味着一种特殊的软件辅助驾驶员开车。特斯拉计划今年生产一款...

2008-08-24 #经典句子

表达自己很穷的句子 搞笑逗趣 皮一下很开心!

表达自己很穷的句子 搞笑逗趣 皮一下很开心!

...划,但所有的计划都有一个前提,等我有钱了。I have many plans for my future, but all plans have a premise, when I have money.图源网,侵联删想了解更多精彩内容,快来关注小宏君

2022-11-29 #经典句子



...h 〔协议、计划等〕失败,告吹落空;失败;成为泡影Our plans fell through because of lack of money. 我们的计划由于缺钱而落空了。 Our vacation plans have fallen through.我们的假期计划落空了。XX never hurts# 地道表达:A backup plan never hurts. 词...

2023-12-26 #经典句子

中英文正能量短句 勇敢善良 向暖而生

中英文正能量短句 勇敢善良 向暖而生

...人的速度行动;果断地行动。没有人能阻止你。Keep your plans, goals and wishes for yourself. Secretly lay the groundwork then move with electrifying speed; act with finality. No one will be able to stop you.四、在评判别人之前先看看自己的缺点。这听起来可能很...

2023-05-21 #经典句子



... 4 中,提示和问题是You will hear a boy talking to a girl about his plans for the weekend.What’s the girl surprised about?关键词可以是:his plans for the weekend,what girl surprised*“读题干,划关键词”这件事可以在卷子发下来填完个人信息后的第一时间...

2023-11-08 #经典句子

单词重音小课堂 让你的发音像母语者一样地道

单词重音小课堂 让你的发音像母语者一样地道

... 我们用非正式英语说。So here"s a sentence, " Residents refUSED plans for new REFuse bins".这儿有一句话“Residents refUSED plans for new REFuse bins”。There"s the verb; there"s the noun. " Residents refUSED plans for new REFuse bins".这句话中有动词; 有名词。 “Resident...

2022-12-17 #经典句子



... a valuation of at least $70bn, roughly the same as General Motors. Do its plans match the fizz?新来者之一的Rivian于8月27日提交了首次公开发行上市的文件,据报道,该公司正在寻求至少700亿美元的估值,与通用汽车大致相同。它的计划和泡沫相符吗...

2023-05-04 #经典句子

“高潮退去 曲尽人散”英语怎么说?

“高潮退去 曲尽人散”英语怎么说?

the high tide goes down:高潮退去了。The government plans to free the vessel when the high tide goesdown.政府计划在星期六高潮退去时至少两次释放船只。When the high tide goes down you can see the guy who isswimming. 当高潮退去时,你就能看见谁在裸泳。When t...

2018-09-23 #经典句子

英语 down the drain 的用法

英语 down the drain 的用法

...流了。例句3:But once this scandal broke, all the Republican Party plans seemed to go down the drain.但是一旦丑闻爆发,共和党的所有计划似乎都付诸东流了。例句4:Mishandle them during blending, and the whole enterprise goes down the drain.在混合过程中处理不...

2016-12-10 #经典句子

生活中难免有消极 愤世的情绪 这些话用英文怎么说

生活中难免有消极 愤世的情绪 这些话用英文怎么说

...例子:-Rumor has it that we will have another no-pay leave.-Not again! Plans can"t ever keep up with changes.A: 听说我们又要被放无薪假了。B: 又来了!计划永远赶不上变化。

2022-12-22 #经典句子



... /ttz/Catches /ktz/Pledges /pledz/③其他情况都读作/z/Calls /klz/Plans /plnz/Gives /gvz/Runs /rnz/Says /sez/Agrees /gri:z/Allows /laz/Reads /ri:dz/以上就是动词一般现在时第三人称单数的变形规则和读音,咱们一定要牢记!后面有更多英语专题内容分享...

2020-06-04 #经典句子



... salary ranges and progression rates for each level, making job evaluation plans, questionaires, application forms, etc., recruiting new employees, formulating and revising training programs, initiating and implementing programs to improve and utilize potential of staff members.august XX to july XX ...

2024-01-21 #大杂绘



...octor and obey his suggestions,再如:Kitty"s brother doesn"thave any plans for his holiday. 。像这些例子中的will 、should、doesn"t ,它们后面的动词都用动词原形。这是语法的关联。all year long是整年,可以联想到all day是整天。这是相似类型的关...

2023-07-12 #经典句子

温柔简约的文案句子 句句可爱 句句值得

温柔简约的文案句子 句句可爱 句句值得

...划,不要下决心。Next time you fall in love, enjoy it. Don"t make plans, don"t make resolutions.你拯救了我的爱,却把它推向了更深的深渊。You saved my love, but you pushed it deeper into the abyss.如果爱没有错,错的是爱上你。If love is not wrong, wrong is falli...

2023-07-17 #经典句子



...有的明天。If things don"t work out as expected, there must be other plans. I hope this year"s regret will be next year"s surprise.如果事与愿违,那一定是另有安排希望今年的遗憾是明年的惊喜。I want to waste all my time on you, even if the future is barren and the futur...

2023-07-21 #经典句子

英语表达时 这些短语可以帮你“打开话匣子” 你常用的是哪个?

英语表达时 这些短语可以帮你“打开话匣子” 你常用的是哪个?

...着说我的下一点。Example: Today I’d like to tell you about my new plans. 今天我要告诉大家我的新计划。Example: I’m going to tell you the specific procedures to follow. 我给您介绍一下具体的办理方法。Example: I won’t be talking about our guidelines for Internet...

2023-08-07 #经典句子



...liday.我要在五一假期好好享受一下。例:A: Do you have any plans for May Day holiday?你五一有什么计划吗?B:No, I decided to stay at home.What about you?没有,我决定就在家里呆着。你呢?A:I’m going to visit my parents.我回家去看望我的父母。

2023-10-29 #经典句子