第一句子大全 > 标签 > sophisticated
英语词句学习become increasingly sophisticated变得越来越精密

英语词句学习become increasingly sophisticated变得越来越精密

【英语词句学习】Marketing techniques are becoming increasingly sophisticated. 市场营销技巧越来越巧妙。【核心词汇】1. technique a special way of doing something 技巧;手法2. increasingly more and more all the time 不断增加地,越来越多地3. sophisticated a soph...

2023-11-27 #经典句子



...他过着高端时尚的生活我们看一组英语句子:1. He leads a sophisticated life,often visits sophisticated restsurants,listens to sophisticated music,and prefers socializing to a quiet night at home.2. He leads a very elegant life,often visits elagant restsurants,listens to elegant musi...

2023-11-17 #经典句子



... operate under the chinese communist Party"s rule. As those firms get more sophisticated and expand globally, America worries that their products might be subverted by the Chinese state for nefarious purposes.第一句:①Huawei, ②a Chinese telecoms giant,③ dominated headlines in 2019 ④as it...

2023-07-02 #经典句子



...世故,善自嘲而不嘲人,唯愿自己温柔且有力量。Know the sophistication but not the sophistication, be good at self-deprecating but not at others, only wishing to be gentle and powerful.只愿世间风景千般万般熙攘过后,字里行间,人我两忘,相对无言。——...

2023-05-03 #经典句子



...et stopped that process. ⑧This allowed the researchers to quickly create sophisticated, smooth-sided objects, achieving speeds of around 2 metres per hour (compared with a few centimetres for traditional methods).⑨ The results were a lattice, a toy boat and a blocky “M” university logo.先...

2023-09-16 #经典句子

英语阅读:伊朗展示新武器 cutting-edge drones

英语阅读:伊朗展示新武器 cutting-edge drones

...5. Okay.Got you.Something cutting-edge is something advantageous,something sophisticated.我知道,英语sophisticated对你来说“少见少用”,但如果你不在这样的“阅读”中“用一用”,你就更没机会用之:不要指望有跟老外面对面用上的那天!7) and cu...

2023-11-28 #经典句子

错译?这句中of the men究竟和哪个并列?

错译?这句中of the men究竟和哪个并列?

...,指的是见多识广、久经世故的、深谙世故的,同义词是sophisticated,比如英语专业四级考试听力题库中就有这么一句:听力原文:Terry is anything but stupid, because hehas seen much of the world.问题:What can we inter about Terry?A.Terry is very st...

2023-12-17 #经典句子



...观察下面例句:①Highbrow critics sniff that the programme was "too sophisticated" to appeal to most viewers.品味高雅的评论家轻蔑地表示,该节目“太深奥”,对大部分观众没有吸引力②Amy, why are people so into celebrity gossip? Its such lowbrow entertainment!Amy...

2024-01-24 #大杂绘

发朋友圈的友情句子 各自忙碌 相互牵挂!

发朋友圈的友情句子 各自忙碌 相互牵挂!

...谙世事却不世故,才是最善良的成熟。Know the world but not sophisticated, is the most kind mature.10.我会在每个有意义的时刻,远隔山海与你共存。I will live with you in every meaningful moment, far away from the mountains and seas.11.以为努力就会有结果,...

2022-11-12 #经典句子

富有深意的人生短句 句句精辟 总有一句适合你

富有深意的人生短句 句句精辟 总有一句适合你

...世故。You are not wrong. What is wrong is that you are not tactful and sophisticated enough.如果你觉得我哪里让你不高兴了,一定要跟我说,我会加倍努力,让你不高兴。If you think where I make you unhappy, you must tell me that I will redouble my efforts to make you ...

2023-12-25 #经典句子

考试来了 这些你会了吗?英语四级你必会的单词 四级高频词汇!

考试来了 这些你会了吗?英语四级你必会的单词 四级高频词汇!

... 地区;范围;幅度. register v./n.登记,注册. stable a. 稳定的. sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的. splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的. cancel vt. 取消,废除. variable a. 易变的,可变的. prospect n. 前景,前途;景象. prosperity n.兴旺...

2011-04-18 #经典句子

激励自己的文案 句句有道理 适合做签名

激励自己的文案 句句有道理 适合做签名

...你的脸不会风化。May you always do a good own, know the world, not sophisticated. May your eyes be full of stories, but your face not be weathered.愿你所遭受的艰辛和劳累在不久的将来闪闪发光,成为最美的奖牌。May your hardships and tiredness shine as the most beaut...

2022-12-06 #经典句子

可以触碰到心灵深处的文案 字字精辟 句句发人深思!

可以触碰到心灵深处的文案 字字精辟 句句发人深思!

...ou act on me.人一简单就快乐,一世故就变老。Simple is happy, sophisticated is old.正因为我还记得,所以才会在你走了之后再看看你的背影。It is because I still remember, so I will look at your back after you left.物是人非事事休。欲语泪先流。Things ar...

2009-07-26 #经典句子

适合一个人的文案短句 经典入心 句句获赞

适合一个人的文案短句 经典入心 句句获赞

...在不值得的关系中苟延残喘。How many people, due to the social sophistication of that kind of thin face, let themselves in the relationship is not worth living.多年以后再见面,还能笑着打招呼,看来真的是失眠了。Many years later, when we meet again, we can still say...

2023-01-14 #经典句子

温柔简单的短句 适合各种情绪 值得人爱

温柔简单的短句 适合各种情绪 值得人爱

...砺,变得世故圆滑。Maturity is just character being honed, become sophisticated.如果有上帝,我怎么能忍受我不是那个上帝,所以没有上帝!If there is a God, how can I bear that I am not that God, so there is no God!没有可怕的深度,就没有美丽的水面。No ...

2023-01-24 #经典句子

简简单单的一句话 深情浪漫 温柔而美好

简简单单的一句话 深情浪漫 温柔而美好

... say goodbye.人一简单就快乐,一世故就变老。Simple is happy, sophisticated is old.我告别了曾经,却怎么也到不了未来。I said goodbye to the past, but how also can not reach the future.不要追问他为什么?所有的疑问,在某个明天,一定会有一个答案...

2022-10-22 #经典句子

那些心疼的句子 天空黑暗到一定程度 星辰就会熠熠生辉。

那些心疼的句子 天空黑暗到一定程度 星辰就会熠熠生辉。

...,而不是越来越现实。Maturity is to know the world and not to be sophisticated,It"s you who are more and more receptive to reality,Instead of becoming more realistic.8.,你在雨中行走,你从不打伞。你有自己的天空,它从不下雨You walk in the rain, you never carry an u...

2022-12-26 #经典句子

网易云伤感文案分享 这文案你爱了嘛?

网易云伤感文案分享 这文案你爱了嘛?

... the honor to meet a gentleman who took good care of me, taught me worldly sophistication, and protected me as naive as ever. Even now, I wish him a bright future对一个人真正失望是什么样的感觉:我发生的事再也不想让你知道,同样你的事情我也一样完全不想了解...

2011-09-19 #经典句子

充满爱意的温柔句子 暖心高甜 让人倍感幸福!

充满爱意的温柔句子 暖心高甜 让人倍感幸福!

...catch your heart通常最老练的话也是最有效的。Usually the most sophisticated words are also the most effective.你今天特别特别漂亮特别迷人我特别特别喜欢You are very beautiful and charming today. I like it very much虽然我们最终会落谷但我对你没有Although w...

2022-12-02 #经典句子

看完很心酸的心情句子 现实认真 治愈人心!

看完很心酸的心情句子 现实认真 治愈人心!

... were young, we were always naive, but when we grow up, we always hate the sophistication of adults.碌碌无为也好,光鲜亮丽也罢,什么样的过程才会有什么的结果。Whether it is mediocre or brilliant, what kind of process will have what result.不解释,不解释,不需要...

2023-06-18 #经典句子