
错译?这句中of the men究竟和哪个并列?



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原文:We sometimes fall in with persons who have seen much of the world, and of the men who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it, but who generalize nothing and have no observation, in the true sense of the world.

这句话选自英国神学家John Henry Newman所著的《大学教育的范围与性质》,完整的篇章大家可以看这个网站



In like manner, we sometimes fall in with persons who have seen much of the world, and of the men who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it, but who generalize nothing, and have no observation, in the true sense of the word. They abound in information in detail, curious and entertaining, about men and things; and, having lived under the influence of no very clear or settled principles, religious or political, they speak of every one and every thing, only as so many phenomena, which are complete in themselves, and lead to nothing, not discussing them, or teaching any truth, or instructing the hearer, but simply talking. No one would say that these persons, well informed as they are, had attained to any great culture of intellect or to philosophy.

从这段中They abound in information in detail, curious and entertaining, about men and things我们可以看出,作者在说这样一种人:他们久经世故,也熟知很多人和很多事,他们知道很多信息,但是却没有因久经世故和熟知很多人而总结出很多人生见地。


原文:We sometimes fall in with persons who have seen much of the world, and of the men who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it, but who generalize nothing and have no observation, in the true sense of the world.


1. 主干是we sometimes fall in with persons,其中who have seen much of the world, and of the men who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it和who generalize nothing, and have no observation, in the true sense of the word是persons的定语从句;

of the men和of the world并列,完整的结构是have seen much of the world, and seen much of the men;

这里容易判断错结构,有的人可能理解为we sometimes fall in with persons和we sometimes fall in of the men who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it,但是其实没有fall in of sb这种用法。

2. who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it是the men的定语从句;


那有的人可能会问“of the men和of the world并列,完整的结构是have seen much of the world, and seen much of the men”,那much of可以修饰可数名词the men吗?

1. 常见的用法是much of修饰不可数名词,或者是抽象名词,修饰抽象名词的时候名词前有the,如汉英大词典例句:

Much of the oppositionto this plan has come from the media.


2. 单独的Much of the world可以指世界上许多国家,或者世界大部分地区,例如金融时报例句:

Throughoutmuch of the world, auto market prospects appear sluggish.


但是seen much of the world是一个固定表达,指的是见多识广、久经世故的、深谙世故的,同义词是sophisticated,比如英语专业四级考试听力题库中就有这么一句:

听力原文:Terry is anything but stupid, because hehas seen much of the world.

问题:What can we inter about Terry?

A.Terry is very stupid.

B.Terry is very much worldly.

C.Terry is very sophisticated.

D.Terry has not seen anything.


3. Much of也可以修饰可数名词,注意名词前有the,含义是许多,不过现在这种用法不常见,例如联合国网站上(documents-dds-ny.un.org)一份2010年的文件中就有这么一句话:

Much of the effortsresulted in crack downs by government sponsored gangs that routinely violated rights of citizens.



The U.S. government on Friday announced a seventh straight monthly increase in people being arrested or denied entry along the Mexican border, erasing much of the early gainsof President Donald Trump"s push to tighten the border.


The von Trapps never saw much of the huge profits The Sound of Music made.


After the surrender of France, Balbo was able to shift much of the menand materiel of the Italian Fifth Army on the Tunisian border to the Tenth Army on the Egyptian border.

可见,much of可以修饰可数名词,今天是much of修饰the men,注意有the;much of the men是指许多人。

4. See much of the men和see much of the world一样,不是真的具体见过世界,see much of the world指久经世故,而See much of the men指熟知很多人,而不一定是见过,比如有的人说起名人那可是如数家珍。

5. the men who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it中in their day是定语从句中的,所以指的the men,而不是persons的。



原文:We sometimes fall in with persons who have seen much of the world, and of the men who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it, but who generalize nothing and have no observation, in the true sense of the world.



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