第一句子大全 > 标签 > wild


...一些俗语,如果仅从字面理解,很可能望文生义,比如:wild goose chase.02、wild goose chase.那么,这到底是什么意思?怎么来的呢?其实,这个短语来自于莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,在剧中,莎士比亚把罗密欧和茂丘西奥之间...

2024-01-04 #经典句子



...denia fragrance overflowed everywhere, like the goddess of sunken fish and wild geese.(2)、沉鱼落雁俏西施,朝来浣纱暮妃子(2) The fish and the wild goose are beautiful, and the concubine Huansha comes in the morning(3)、我既没有沉鱼落雁般的容貌,我也没有咏絮之才...

2022-11-23 #经典句子

初级每日英语《鲁滨逊漂流记》双语小说连载阅读-24 轻松学习英语

初级每日英语《鲁滨逊漂流记》双语小说连载阅读-24 轻松学习英语

...我醒来做了计划。‘I’ll try to catch one of the prisoners of the wild men,’ I said to myself.“我将试图去救一个野人们的俘虏,”我自言自语。‘He’ll be happy to be live and perhaps he’ll help me to escape.’“他将因为活着而高兴,也可能他会帮助...

2023-11-29 #经典句子



...当像爱护自己一样爱护动物。It is reported that the number of wild animals is decreasing, and even some wild animals have been died out. Therefore, we should take some measures to protect wild animals. --30The reasons for the decrease in the number of wildl animals are as follows: first, ...

2019-12-12 #经典句子

过于真实的农药憨憨句子 赞爆你的朋友圈!

过于真实的农药憨憨句子 赞爆你的朋友圈!

...不来支援,在野区采灵芝吗。If you don"t come to support in the wild, do you collect Ganoderma lucidum in the wild?七、安琪拉你在放烟花?Angela, are you setting off fireworks?八、婉儿你是恐高吗?Wan"er, are you afraid of heights?九、昭君在求雨?Zhao Jun is ask...

2022-12-28 #经典句子



...s after the failure of the European Union’s biggest economic project, wild currency swings between those in the core and those in the periphery would almost certainly bring the single market to a shuddering halt. 【词汇突破】recriminations相互指责,吵架; 反诉; 揭...

2022-11-18 #经典句子



...wimming.我最喜欢的运动是游泳。I used to swim in the pool of the wild when I was a kid.我小时候经常在野外的水池里游泳。When I was swimming, I was very happy.每当我在游泳的时候,我都非常地开心。I looked like a funny little fish in the pool.我看起来像...

2017-12-06 #经典句子

“when”不作疑问读的时候 你怕不怕。状语从句 同位同从句用法

“when”不作疑问读的时候 你怕不怕。状语从句 同位同从句用法

...ls which are found in America. ②When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.③However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by peopl...

2023-08-31 #经典句子



...的英语短语。1.表示人物喜乐难以形容的开心 indescribably wild joy既兴奋又开心 a mixture of excitement and happiness被强烈的吸引 be powerfully attracted to心情愉快 in cheerful spirits对……感到满意 be content with 因……而高兴 be joyful over/about欣喜...

2020-03-16 #经典句子

《人民日报》发推特 竟出现英语错误?被网友逮个正着……

《人民日报》发推特 竟出现英语错误?被网友逮个正着……

...报》(People"s Daily)的推特原文,大家先看看:A herd of 15 wild Asian elephants continue to linger in the outskirts of the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming. The elephants traveled approximately 500 km from their forest home in the Xishuangbanna before reaching Kunming.译:15只...

2023-08-19 #经典句子



...1.(15分)阅读短文,从每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中Wild animals are important to us.They (1) together with us on the earth .The earth without (2) is like the blue sky without clouds,and we (3) will not live on without them,so we should see them as family mem...

2023-05-21 #经典句子

深情撩人的情话小短句 暧昧暖心 让人无法抗拒

深情撩人的情话小短句 暧昧暖心 让人无法抗拒

...flat than the past, but I am not afraid, my eyes still flash the shadow of wild lily and wild rose.外面的世界是美好的,我的世界是平凡的。The outside world is beautiful, my world is ordinary.老白茶,令人愉悦。纸张化后,就是关门独坐。门前长流,日长如年...

2023-09-21 #经典句子

经典治愈系爱情文案 精辟有理 个性十足!

经典治愈系爱情文案 精辟有理 个性十足!

...寂时的独特,融于眉心。You are a drop in the ocean, a two-night wild goose, a long-lasting wild goose, a desire nurtured in the silent corner, a unique moment of silence, and a blend of eyebrows.我喜欢安于现状,享受来日可期I like to be content with the situation and enjoy the...

2023-06-16 #经典句子



...dhole population at risk of extinction”和“Stop the decline of China"s wild otters”两篇文章。“China"s dhole population at risk of extinction”一文于4月30日在Science(科学)杂志发表,曲阜师范大学为通讯作者单位,张洪海为通讯作者,其团队成员、...

2020-09-01 #经典句子

新冠肺炎高考作文怎么写?怎样介绍钟南山?别急 这些范文来了!

新冠肺炎高考作文怎么写?怎样介绍钟南山?别急 这些范文来了!

...被捕食或作他用比比皆是。请根据以下表格写篇Protecting Wild Animals的英语作文。素材要点:1.写作应包括表格及文字等各项内容。2.为使写作流畅,在不影响主题表达完整准确的前提下,允许必要的增减与发挥。3.词数100左右。Since th...

2007-05-26 #经典句子

找了好久的温馨短句文案 沁人心扉 适合发在朋友圈

找了好久的温馨短句文案 沁人心扉 适合发在朋友圈

... bad temper.野花再好,它也是路边的野花。No matter how good a wild flower is, it is also a wild flower on the roadside.

2023-05-20 #经典句子

特别漂亮的爱情文案 阳光又美好 很治愈心灵

特别漂亮的爱情文案 阳光又美好 很治愈心灵

...我年轻的时候,你就是兵荒马乱,When I was young, you were in a wild and wild state,你说的话What you said吾酸,一种酸。I acid, an acid.纵然有千年,也有八荒;前途似海,来日方长。Even if there are thousands of years, there are eight famine; The future is like the sea, ...

2023-12-18 #经典句子

超级温柔的神仙句子 句句有感而发 让人一秒沦陷

超级温柔的神仙句子 句句有感而发 让人一秒沦陷

渴望就像野马,可我只是想要你。Desire is like a wild horse, but I just want you.一个哲学家计算了一下,年后,A philosopher calculated it, and years later,我要变成一阵风,想你的时候可以去撩一下I want to be a wind. I can lift it when I want you一切都将重演...

2023-06-04 #经典句子

世间最温柔的文案句子 入了太多人的心 建议收藏

世间最温柔的文案句子 入了太多人的心 建议收藏

...d in others但愿我的野性和末节能为你所喜爱I hope you like my wild and wild即使在梦中哭泣你也猜我有多伤心Even if I cry in my dream, you can guess how sad I am有些东西熬过去一定会超级无敌好Some things will be super invincible if they can"t survive心中隐...

2023-01-11 #经典句子

摘抄满满3页语录随身带 “小湿地长”的笔记本亮了

摘抄满满3页语录随身带 “小湿地长”的笔记本亮了

...导向,分为4个小组,分别命名为:关爱鸟队、PWB(Protect Wild Birds)、湿地探索队、湿地青头潜鸭队,组员分工明确,有的是观察员,有的是美术指导,还有的是新闻发言人等。来自武汉市大兴路小学的夏承昊、施忆晨等4人组成...

2012-04-13 #经典句子