


1 如何避免浪费粮食1 Saving food is glorious, wasting food is shameful2 The country is based on the people, and the people

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1. 如何避免浪费粮食

1. Saving food is glorious, wasting food is shameful

2. The country is based on the people, and the people live on food



No matter for a country or a family, saving food is very important. One of my experiences is still fresh in my memory

Once I cooked at home, because I put too much rice, I didn"t finish eating. I forgot to take the rice out of the pot and put it in the fridge. Due to the hot weather, the next day when I opened the pot to eat rice, I found that the rice was sour. I had to dump the rice in the trash. I seem to see farmers working hard in the fields. It"s very sad for me.

To avoid wasting food, I put forward the following suggestions. First, no matter when shopping or cooking, don"t buy or cook too much at one time. Secondly, when eating a buffet, don"t put more on your plate than what you"ll eat.

Saving food is glorious, wasting food is shameful. Let"s fight against food waste.






More and more people begin to choose shopping online. In my opinion, shopping online has both advantages and disadvantages. -19

The most advantages of online shopping is convenience. We just need to sit in front of the computer and click the mouse a few times. The goods we need will be delivered to our door in a few days. This is very popular for office workers. Secondly, The price of goods online are often much cheaper. Maybe it saves a lot of intermediate links, so the price is low. Last but not least, There is a wide range of goods to choose from. For example, you can buy goods from other cities or even abroad. -95

However, I think online shopping also has many disadvantages. First of all, because we cant see the things while we are shopping, so we are not sure whether the goods are good or not. Even we may buy fake goods. Secondly, lack of the fun of shopping with our friends. Last but not least, Because everyone can easily shop online, which is not good for students. Because students may buy some goods that are harmful to health, such as tobacco and wine. -84






With the coming of summer, square dancing is more and more. As an important bodybuilding activity, I agree to develop it.

First of all, square dancing is one of the best fitness exercises. It can not only keep fit, but also make people happy. What’s more, square dancing is easy to learn, so everybody can enjoy it. Through square dance, they can make many friends. Last but not least, because the place of square dancing is always in the city center, it will become a beautiful landscape of the city.

However, square dancing also faces the problem of disturbing people. Therefore, I suggest that square dancing should be properly limited. For example, square dancing near residential areas should be stopped before 8 o"clock. -125







It is reported that the number of wild animals is decreasing, and even some wild animals have been died out. Therefore, we should take some measures to protect wild animals. --30

The reasons for the decrease in the number of wildl animals are as follows: first, environmental pollution causes the destruction of wild animals living environment. For example, water pollution and air pollution. Second, lots of trees are being cut down has left wild animals homeless. In addition, many wildanimals are being killed for earn money. --55

How to protect wild animals? I think the following measures should be taken. First of all, raise people"s awareness of protecting wild animals. Secondly, more protected areas should be set up for wild animals to live safely in. In addition, the illegal killing and selling of wild animals should be severely punished by legislation. --54

Animals are our friends. We should love animals as well as ourselves.






Accidents often occur during holidays. Here are some safety suggestions for students.

First, Lock the door when you are alone at home. when going out, you should abide by traffic rules. Crossing the road should take zebra-crossing. What’s more, When you use gas to cook, you must stay by the side. You can"t do other things, such as watching TV or doing homework. Avoid drying the pan or leaking gas. Last but not least, Don"t swim alone or with your classmates, even if you think your swimming level is very high. Swimming must be accompanied by parents. Before swimming, safety protection equipment must be prepared, such as lifebuoy.

I think the above safety suggestions are very necessary. I hope everyone can abide by it. -126


1.Don"t travel alone or with your classmates, even if you think it"s safe. Parents are required to accompany visitors to other places.2.Abide by the traffic rules, Crossing the road should take zebra-crossing. When you enter the scenic area, you should read the safety instructions carefully.3.To pay attention to food safety, do not eat expired and deteriorated food. Pay attention to cold and keep warm, avoid catching cold.






Dalian is a coastal city, a large number of tourists go to the seaside every year. Drowning accidents often happen. Here are some safety suggestions for students.

First of all, don"t go swimming alone or with classmates, even if you think your swimming skill is very high. Swimming must be accompanied by parents. Before swimming, safety protection equipment must be prepared, such as lifebuoy. What’s more, be sure to swim in familiar places. In unfamiliar places, the water may be deep, or there may be reefs below. It is easy to cause danger or damage to human body. Last but not least, Don"t eat too much or have a stomach before swimming.

Swimming is very pleasant on holiday, but safety is always the first. -126






Dalian is a coastal city, a large number of tourists go to the seaside every year. Drowning accidents often happen. Here are some safety suggestions and emergency measures.

If you want to go swimming, you should follow these two suggestions. First, don"t go swimming alone or with classmates, even if you think your swimming skill is very high. Swimming must be accompanied by parents. Before swimming, safety protection equipment must be prepared, such as lifebuoy. Second, Don"t eat too much or have a empty stomach before swimming. If we see someone falls into the water, we should shout for help and ask someone with high swimming skills to help him.

Swimming is very pleasant on holiday, but safety is always the first. -122





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