第一句子大全 > 标签 > peasant


...展】farmland n. 农田farmer n. 农场主,农民,从事农业的人peasant n. 农民有关farmer与peasant的区别在之前的语法专题中有所涉及:farmer强调职业属性,表示“从事农业而非其他行业的人”。而peasant强调阶级属性和社会地位,表示“常...

2008-09-21 #经典句子



...《蚕妇》表达了对养蚕农妇的同情。悯农(其一)Pity for Peasants (I)唐·李绅春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。四海无闲田,农夫犹饿死。Each seed when sown in spring,Will make autumn yields high.What will fertile fields bring?Of hunger peasants die.悯农(其二...

2020-05-18 #经典句子

英语语法想学好 天天看我:第107篇:省略的用法

英语语法想学好 天天看我:第107篇:省略的用法

...前面相同的部分常常被省略My father is a worker, and my mother a peasant.( my mother is a peasant. )我父亲是个工人,我母亲是个农民。He is good at maths and his sister at English.化数学学得好,他妹妹英语学得好。Some went by train, others by ship.一部分人...

2022-12-25 #经典句子

「英语语法」薄冰英语语法 第二章 名词(15-33) 下

「英语语法」薄冰英语语法 第二章 名词(15-33) 下

...r life(通格) 单身男子的生活但有时二者意义不同。如: a peasant’s family (属格) 一个农民的家庭 / a peasant family(通格) 农民家庭(peasant在些相当于形容词)2.24 of属格的用法of属格的用法有:1)用于无生命的东西。如: the rocker of th...

2011-02-06 #经典句子



...的孩子们某些of所有格和"s所有格可以互换.the son of a poor peasant=a poor peasant"s son一个贫农的儿子但有时含义却不相同,请比较下面的例子:an old woman"s story(一个老妇人讲自己的身世)the story of an old woman(别人讲一个老妇人的身世)练...

2023-10-20 #经典句子

英语的“时态”来一波 过去完成时 不同场景的用法

英语的“时态”来一波 过去完成时 不同场景的用法

...用。-> 句子演练1:They said he had distributed the lands among the peasants since he became rich.[他们说,他富裕之后就把土地分给了农民。]-> peasants: n. (尤指昔日或贫穷国家的) 农民,小农,佃农; 老粗; 土包子; 没教养的人; ③在含有定...

2023-05-05 #经典句子

妙记单词|冬季来临 你知道哪些关于冬天描写的谚语吗?

妙记单词|冬季来临 你知道哪些关于冬天描写的谚语吗?

...庄稼好了就把它围得死死的方便收割When the cold comes, the peasants have enough food andclothing.——大寒见三白,农人衣食足。9.food [fu:d] 食物谐音:腐的联想:食物都是会腐烂的10.cloth [klθ] 擦布谐音:捆螺丝联想:用擦布来捆螺丝03Winter ...

2011-03-04 #经典句子



...rector 指挥、genius 天才、lose 失去;丢失、musical 音乐的、peasant 农民、symphony 交响乐;交响曲;交响乐团、talent 天分;天赋;才华、Austria 奥地利、Austrian 奥地利的、prince 王子;亲王、compose 作曲;创作、tour 巡回演出、album 专...

2024-01-08 #经典句子

GRE 阅读:这个近 80 个单词的长难句你看得懂吗?

GRE 阅读:这个近 80 个单词的长难句你看得懂吗?

...nce of the view, widely held in nineteenth-century France, that considered peasants performing physically demanding rural labor as the epitome of work. The numerous Impressionist representations of activities (often those of women) that we might classify as work—a woman serving beer in a cafe, man...

2023-07-18 #经典句子

考研作文怎么准备 我就靠这2点考了20分!

考研作文怎么准备 我就靠这2点考了20分!

... 公务员 ; refuse to take passengers 拒载lighten the burden on the peasants/farmers 减轻农民负担light rail train 轻轨火车 ; risk investment 风险投资2.文化交流类Confucius Institute 孔子学院; simple ethnic customs 淳朴民族风情cultural information tech...

2023-11-02 #经典句子

高考加油!来看看1977年高考英语卷 你都会做吗?

高考加油!来看看1977年高考英语卷 你都会做吗?

... men.5. Is this the subject ______________ (你最感兴趣的)?6. The old peasant asked me ______________ (是否到过延安).五、将下列短文译成英语(满分20分)我是红星公社的一个新社员。两年前离开城市到农村去插队落户。在贫下中农的帮助下,我提高...

2023-07-18 #经典句子



... bad .The population of China is 13.6 billion and 70%of the population are peasants .四、特别注意以下八点1、当主语中包括with,along with,as well as,together with,besides,except,but,including等时,谓语单复数由这些词之前的人物决定。如:A woman with a...

2024-01-12 #经典句子

朋友圈伤感句子 无论时光走出多远 都无法阻隔彼此心与心的眷恋

朋友圈伤感句子 无论时光走出多远 都无法阻隔彼此心与心的眷恋

...死,永不相弃。I want to travel to the feudal society and the small peasant economy. We are living a self-sufficient life of male farming and female weaving. There is nothing earth-shattering, and we don’t seek great wealth. I just want to be free from wind and cloud, and far away from fear....

2023-05-10 #经典句子

英语词汇的背后 有怎样的社会内涵?

英语词汇的背后 有怎样的社会内涵?

... liberalism和“自由主义者”,intellectual和“知识分子”,peasant和“农民”,boyfriend和“男朋友”, girlfriend和“女朋友”等等,其内涵意义都 不能划上等号。 再如,汉语中的“狗”常带有“令人讨厌、卑鄙”等贬义,像“走狗...

2020-03-03 #经典句子



...s left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labour. The surviving peasants had better bargaining power and were in a position to change their serfdom into paid labour. Some landlords, unable or unwilling to pay higher wages, tried to force peasants back into serfdom. In 1351 the government ...

2013-10-18 #经典句子

外研社版六年级英语下册 - 一年级起点单词列表 例句汇总

外研社版六年级英语下册 - 一年级起点单词列表 例句汇总

...要告诉你们的。)·born英 [b:n] / vt.出生,诞生He was born of a peasant family.(他出生于一个农民家庭。)·illness英 [lns] / n.病,疾病His illness was a severe one.(他的病很严重。)·round英 [rand] / prep.在……各处A cucumber was sliced into rounds.(黄瓜被切...

2007-05-21 #经典句子



...mer n. 农民(中性词,强调职业是从事农业,而非其他行业)peasant n. 农民(贬义词,强调身份等级)class n. 课;阶级,等级clean adj. 干净的,整洁的 vt. 打扫【拓展】cleaner n. 清洁工;清洁器;清洁剂clear adj. 清楚的,明白的;晴朗的;清澈的 ...

2007-08-06 #经典句子



... ought to set aside an appropriate fund for improvement of the standard of peasants" lives. They ought to invite some experts in agriculture to share their experiences, information and knowledge with peasants(农民[peznt]), which will contribute directly to the economic growth of rural areas....

2023-09-05 #经典句子

外研社版_六年级英语下册_三年级起点单词列表 例句汇总

外研社版_六年级英语下册_三年级起点单词列表 例句汇总

...告诉你们的。)·born英 [b:n] / abbr.出生,诞生He was born of a peasant family.(他出生于一个农民家庭。)·as英 [z] / prep.作为They have enviable reputations as athletes.(作为运动员,他们的声望令人羡慕。)·became英 [bkem] / v.(became的过去式)变成I became ...

2024-01-19 #经典句子



...之良。曰仁义,礼智信,此五常,不容紊。 They are scholar-peasants and businessmen. These four people are good for the country. The Five Principles of Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faithfulness must not be confused. 地所生,有草木。此植物,遍水陆...

2024-01-04 #经典句子