
朋友圈伤感句子 无论时光走出多远 都无法阻隔彼此心与心的眷恋


You love you so much that you do not love you, those who love you do not love, but those who love each other will soon

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Happiness is that in spring, go to see the flowers in the mountains and plains with your loved one; in summer, go to the beach with your loved one to step on the waves; in autumn, go to pick ripe fruit with your loved one; in winter, share sweet roasting with your loved one Sweet potatoes, season is not important, time is not important, it’s most important to have you around


You love you so much that you do not love you, those who love you do not love, but those who love each other will sooner or later separate! Because the deeper the love, the more painful it will be, and the pain will produce hate! Love is as deep as it hurts, and if you hold it too tightly, you will not be free. If you are too indulgent, you will gradually leave! After studying for thousands of years, it is really difficult to define---from now on, no longer touch in this life, old and dead.

3、可能在彼此看不到的地方,都有着奋不顾身为其执着的事,希望你在那都会发光发亮,你没有表面上看起来的那么脆弱,也没有试一试时的坚强。愿你能再遇见那个对你说,你坏怎么了谁让我喜欢你 我能怎么办的一个人。一切都正合你意。

There may be places where you can"t see each other, and there are things that do not care about your attachments. I hope you will shine and shine there. You are not as fragile on the surface, and you are not as strong as you try. I hope you can meet someone who tells you, what"s wrong with you, who makes me like you, what can I do. Everything is exactly what you want.


After chasing someone for a long time and not catching up, I finally gave up. At this time, you come back and ask me, why don"t you work hard? I asked rhetorically, whether I didn"t work hard enough or you didn"t even think about slowing down. There is no more mourning than death, no more death than a smile

5、爱而不往非礼也, 爱一个人很累很累, 真正的爱,都是卑微的, 现在的社会有多少真爱, 而仅存的一点真爱,都被现实拍得稀碎。

Love is not impolite, loving someone is very tiring, true love is humble, how much true love there is in today"s society, and the little true love that remains is all shattered by reality.


I like you so much, but you say you don"t feel it. I don"t know what feeling is or how to feel. I will not pester you hard, you will be annoying. You said we should be friends as before, I just replied! Everyone thinks I"m vigorous and resolute, but in the dead of night you will go around in circles


In the days when the clouds are light and windy, I have a sense of understanding, sitting in the depths of time and counting, looking back, only those days that I have walked with you are the most true and beautiful memories. A faint fragrance, cold smoke dripping with green, amazing time, gentle years. You smile in the depths of time without saying a word. No matter how far the time goes, and how many vicissitudes of life the years leave us, we can"t stop the attachment of each other"s hearts and hearts...


Very good, I know, have been acting all the time, are you tired? Looking forward and backward, broken lines, nostalgic memories... Then why do you want to start the next paragraph? Hurt others, behave yourself…… Love will never live, but love will overflow. I wish you and your ex and you will be good again and grow old. So be it. You will see. I stopped acting in this small theater. Goodbye.

9、我想穿越到封建社会,小农经济下,我们过着男耕女织自给自足的生活,没有什么惊天动地的事情,不求大富大贵,只想没有风谲云诡,远离人言可畏。 世间雅态,虽不得识,然千山万水,永不相离,生老病死,永不相弃。

I want to travel to the feudal society and the small peasant economy. We are living a self-sufficient life of male farming and female weaving. There is nothing earth-shattering, and we don’t seek great wealth. I just want to be free from wind and cloud, and far away from fear. The graceful state of the world, although not knowing it, will never be separated from each other, never abandoned by birth, old age, sickness and death.


The three words "I love you" are very cheap, I can say to anyone, but for you, I really dare not say these three words, even "I like you" I only told you once . I don"t know why you suddenly heard the news, if the information does not answer the phone, I still give you good morning and good night every day. Do you really don"t understand my heart? Do you know how much I want you back?

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