第一句子大全 > 标签 > dove
“放鸽子”英文怎么说?竟和“鸽子” dove 完全没关系!

“放鸽子”英文怎么说?竟和“鸽子” dove 完全没关系!

...“放鸽子”用英语怎么说呢?大家可千万别直译为 fly the dove,我们都知道,鸽子的英文是 dove,但我们所说的“放鸽子”,可是跟鸽子 dove 完全没关系哦~在中文里,“放鸽子”就是指:爽约、违约、不信守承诺而在英文里,歪...

2020-02-05 #经典句子



...。(文末的补充材料对理解本文有帮助)标题:OrnonomicsDoveish policyHow an auction is helping the turtle dove鸟语学鸽派政策拍卖如何帮助斑鸠原文日期:2021年7月24日Paragraph 1:“As sun to day, as turtle to her mate,” declares Shakespeare’s Troilus of hi...

2023-06-18 #经典句子

被恋人冷落时候看的情感句子 心动又温暖 慰藉内心伤痛!

被恋人冷落时候看的情感句子 心动又温暖 慰藉内心伤痛!

... have something at the bottom to feel.May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.有时候,两个人要分开以后才会意识到,他们多想在一起。Sometimes, it takes two people...

2022-10-28 #经典句子

忍不住掉眼泪的伤感文案 分享快乐 治愈伤感伤心

忍不住掉眼泪的伤感文案 分享快乐 治愈伤感伤心

...为什么离开?Why is there no coffee ribbon floating around when I eat Dove? Why have you never seen a big piece of beef when you eat Master Kong?为什么我吃Dove的时候没有咖啡飘带飘来飘去?为什么吃孔夫子从来没见过大块牛肉?Although I like you very much, I didn"...

2011-12-25 #经典句子

英语周总结10~英语阅读量3100+ 44个词汇 11 个句型~

英语周总结10~英语阅读量3100+ 44个词汇 11 个句型~

...么说?熟词僻义:ground在本周文章中取什么意思?turtle dove的中文意思是什么?1.《经济学人》双语:亿万富翁亚马逊创始人贝索斯进入太空~【本篇内容简述】(英文词数682左右)【Para1&2】引入:7月20日下午1点多,杰夫贝佐斯和...

2023-05-10 #经典句子

英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME  Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

...索。So as a noun this is a type of bird, right and it"s pronounced /dv/. Dove. It"s that short vowel sound.因此,作为名词,这是鸟的一种,对,发音是/dv/。鸽子。是短的元音。But this word is also a verb. It"s the past tense of "dive".但是这个词也是动词。这是...

2023-08-17 #经典句子



...鹅goose 鹅pigeon 野鸽 美[pdn]hawk 隼 美[hk]stork 鹳 美[strk]dove 鸽子 美[dv; dov]sparrow 麻雀parrot 鹦鹉crow 乌鸦chickens 鸡其他鸟类动物condor 秃鹰 美[kɑndr]heron 苍鹰 美[hern]golden eagle 鹫kite 鹞vulture 秃鹫 美[vltr]pelican 鹈鹕 美[pelkn]c...

2013-04-07 #经典句子



...揉造作的白鸽.The wild crow disdains to kiss the affectation of the dove.八、你涉水而过,不代表拥有这条河。Just because you wade across, doesn"t mean you own the river.九、总有人想等下去,可惜爱不能靠毅力。There are always people want to wait, but love can"t ...

2007-10-06 #经典句子



...nal[nnl] flag [flg]升旗仪式flag-rising[raz] ceremony [sermni]和平鸽 Dove [dv] of peace [pi:s]黄金周相关词汇golden [gldn]week 黄金周one-week-long holiday. 一周长假Golden week for tourism [trzm]旅游黄金周self-funded ["self f"ndd]travel 自助游group tour[t(r)] 跟团旅游...

2019-12-20 #经典句子



...powder你说教堂里的白鸽会在田野上亲吻乌鸦吗Do you say the dove in the church kisses the crow in the field没有回音我也不怪你,你不回I don"t blame you for not answering. You don"t经常记录,因为生活是值得的。Keep a record often, because life is worth it.每...

2022-12-12 #经典句子

浪漫七夕 教你如何用英语向爱表白

浪漫七夕 教你如何用英语向爱表白

...我变成了怎样的自己。NO.6By riverside are cooing,A pair of turtle doves.A good young man is wooing, A maiden fair he loves.关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。只要两个人像话喜欢,不论何种方式,相信大家都能够收获到自己的另一半的!我...

2020-11-21 #经典句子

一些治愈伤感的温柔句子 抚慰心绪 值得分享!

一些治愈伤感的温柔句子 抚慰心绪 值得分享!

...in the wind and cloud;Knowing that yesterday is hard to find, I send out a dove of love - I miss you very much!从此我爱的人都像你,可惜他们都有一个缺点——不是你。From now on, THE people I love are all like you, but they all have one shortcoming -- not you.爱情是一位...

2022-10-18 #经典句子

时下最流行的句子 温柔治愈 人见人爱!

时下最流行的句子 温柔治愈 人见人爱!

...nd and sunset. If the wheat is just ripening, the cooking smoke rises. The dove flew over the water and perched on a reed. Reid just prepared a piece of music. So, enough to love this broken and muddy world.

2022-12-02 #经典句子

高端大气的文案短句 精致简短 低调奢华有内涵!

高端大气的文案短句 精致简短 低调奢华有内涵!

... good.你说教堂里的白鸽会在田野上亲吻乌鸦吗Do you say the dove in the church kisses the crow in the field我只想把你藏起来。I just want to hide you.虽然不常和你在一起,却永远在你身后Although not always with you, but always behind you你们到银河中偷点...

2023-02-02 #经典句子

那些让人意难平的句子 满满都是不舍 句句都是心酸

那些让人意难平的句子 满满都是不舍 句句都是心酸

...爱上落难的民女,我的意思是,喜欢谁都没有错.The white dove will envy the skin color of crows, the princess will love the poor villagers, and the prince will fall in love with the women in distress. I mean, there is nothing wrong with liking anyone6.我不要山,也不要海,...

2022-12-01 #经典句子

很“悲剧”的句子 皆是悲伤 皆是凄凉

很“悲剧”的句子 皆是悲伤 皆是凄凉

...白鸽爱上了田野里的鸟鸦,他们被世俗“sha”死了。The dove in the church fell in love with the crow in the field. They were killed by the secular "Sha".少年游历人间成了风的墓碑。硝烟四起,爱人在脚下在尘泥里。Young people travel in the world and become t...

2022-12-23 #经典句子

经典有韵味的短句子 句句独特 总有一句与你心有灵犀

经典有韵味的短句子 句句独特 总有一句与你心有灵犀

...光Remember childhood山里的水是白鸽The water in the mountain is a dove你会是我最快乐的人。You will be my happiest person.融化了我所有的心。早上好!Melt all my heart. good morning!就算风雨交加你也会平安回家Even if the wind and rain add, you will go home safely...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

能治愈内心的柔情小句子 满是悔恨 快乐爆棚

能治愈内心的柔情小句子 满是悔恨 快乐爆棚

...in the wind and cloud;Knowing that yesterday is hard to find, I send out a dove of love - I miss you very much!我们的爱坚不可摧,但你是我的软肋。Our love is strong, but you are my weak spot.

2020-01-25 #经典句子

温暖的治愈系句子 成熟有气质 一见倾心

温暖的治愈系句子 成熟有气质 一见倾心

...是那只开在鸠鸣声里的花?Are you the flower in the nisound of the dove河川变得越来越小Rivers are getting smaller and smaller on la有什么能滋润你白皙的脸庞What else can moisten your white face愿我在梦中化作君子LJuset me dream of becoming a gentleman风儿起了,...

2022-11-30 #经典句子

高级有质感的句子文案 句句惊艳 引人共鸣!

高级有质感的句子文案 句句惊艳 引人共鸣!

...回答。迟来的阳光救不了枯萎的花朵。The story of the church dove will not kiss the crow, only the seagulls will answer.The belated sun cannot save the withered flowers.这是一个人不如狗的世界,没有人可以没有自我照顾的生活。It is a world where one is less dog,...

2022-12-24 #经典句子