第一句子大全 > 标签 > burning
今日短语|Have a burning sensation

今日短语|Have a burning sensation

...入刺激性异物时,也会感觉到火辣辣的疼痛……搭配 “a burning sensation” 表示身体某个部位有 “烧灼感”。在形容这类症状时,应使用动词 “have” 或动词搭配 “have got”,即 “have (got) a burning sensation” 有火烧火燎的不适感。...

2018-04-06 #经典句子

英语习语“money to burn” 被翻译成“把钱烧了” 老师笑了

英语习语“money to burn” 被翻译成“把钱烧了” 老师笑了

...习语表达,大家赶紧拿起小本子,做好笔记。1、money to burn英语习语表达“money to burn”被翻译成“把钱烧了”,老师笑了,从字面上的意思来看,money to burn确实是指代“把钱烧了”的意思。但是它作为一个英语习语,则有更深...

2024-01-20 #经典句子



...——漠不关心, 这个短语的英文表达是:fiddle while Rome burns 漠不关心 ,不管不问Environmentalists claimed authority were fiddling while Rome burned. 环保主义者称当局漠不关心。With the world’s population growing fast and millions getting hungrier every day,...

2013-06-01 #经典句子

抚慰伤心的情感小短句 满怀爱意 治愈不安!

抚慰伤心的情感小短句 满怀爱意 治愈不安!

...,那是因为你觉得他倒霉,你不帮他?你敢不帮他吗?No burning incense, no burning incense. Don"t burn incense, feel your own people are popular; Don"t burn incense at home, that"s because you think he"s unlucky and you won"t help him? Dare you not help him?看着你的笑容在...

2008-08-02 #经典句子

“晒太阳 太晒了 怕晒”英文怎么说 细讲与太阳有关的亲子英文

“晒太阳 太晒了 怕晒”英文怎么说 细讲与太阳有关的亲子英文

...is very big today,因为这句话指的是太阳形状的大小。9. I"m Burning up 热死了I need to take my jacket off. I"m burning up.我得把外套脱了。热死了。I"m burning up,是不是和中文里的“我快被烤焦了”很像啊?但是,在中文里,只有“被太阳晒...

2007-09-19 #经典句子



...st be boiling in that sweater.你穿着那件毛衣一定很热吧。It is burning hot.和boiling异曲同工的,还有burning. burning是指在燃烧的感觉,而天气热到快烧起来了。The temperature is too high.温度实在太高了~~~The heat wave is unbearable.这种热浪真是没...

2013-08-19 #经典句子



...ere is water dripping through the ceiling.天花板漏水。The light bulb burned out.灯泡烧了bulb 读作 /blb/,是“灯泡”的意思,“灯泡”也可以说 light bulb,burn out 表示“烧坏”,电线、插排烧坏都可以用 burn out。The engine burned out.发动机烧坏了...

2023-06-19 #经典句子

男生出门秒变暖男 “热死宝宝了”用英语怎么说?

男生出门秒变暖男 “热死宝宝了”用英语怎么说?

...en the window? I"m boiling.我开个窗你介意吗?我热死了。It is burning hot.和boiling异曲同工的,还有burning. burning是在燃烧的感觉,而天气热到快烧起来了,当然可以代表“热死宝宝啦”。It is burning hot =天气超级热!I am nearly melting!melting...

2019-06-08 #经典句子



...列并列句转化为伴随状语:1. He fell asleep, and the lamp was burning. 2. She opened the box, and took out a box.3. They sent us an open letter, and hope to get our support.S: 答案:1. He fell asleep, the lamp burning. 或He fell asleep, with the lamp burning.2. She opened the b...

2023-07-10 #经典句子



...:A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete thought.Fire burns.Wolves howl.Rain is falling.Charles is courageous.Patient effort removes mountains.London is the largest city in the world.A man who respects himself should never condescend to use slovenly language.Some of these sentenc...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

刀圈短讯:太后与小何破镜重圆?仅仅一句话 就让他匆忙下播!

刀圈短讯:太后与小何破镜重圆?仅仅一句话 就让他匆忙下播!


2023-08-28 #经典句子

周末想赖个床 “赖床”英语咋说?简单到你不敢相信!

周末想赖个床 “赖床”英语咋说?简单到你不敢相信!

...。除了用pull an all-nighter,第二个表示熬夜的英文表达是burn the midnight oil。这个英语表达其实更好理解一点,就是烧起午夜的灯油,想象一下旧时候的晚上,你需要点起一盏煤油灯来学习。这可不就是burn the midnight oil吗?看个英...

2023-07-23 #经典句子

让人委屈落寞的句子 心酸伤感 句句是心事

让人委屈落寞的句子 心酸伤感 句句是心事

... water. You have to keep spontaneous combustion all the time. If you don"t burn it, you"ll finish it. If you burn it, you"ll burn yourself to death. 人真的很奇怪,一路走来,从陌生人成为朋友,慢慢超出朋友关系,最后又回归到陌生人。People are really strange. Alo...

2023-01-07 #经典句子

齐文玉:有方法很简单 轻松掌握初三英语语法重点之过去完成时

齐文玉:有方法很简单 轻松掌握初三英语语法重点之过去完成时

...fire.Can"t you see the black smoke ( )above the( ) building?A.rise;burning B.rise;burned C.rising;burned D.rising;burning3.He is an honest person,so what he said is( ) .A.knowledgeable B.valuable C.comfortable D.believable4.Don"t know where your kids are in the house?Turn off the Interne...

2017-06-26 #经典句子

经典励志语句 非常正能量的句子可以发朋友圈用

经典励志语句 非常正能量的句子可以发朋友圈用

...燃烧或腐烂。我不会腐烂,我愿意燃烧。A person"s life may burn or rot. I will not rot, I will burn.

2022-10-18 #经典句子

天气太热发朋友圈的沙雕句 头上可以煎鸡蛋的季节到了!

天气太热发朋友圈的沙雕句 头上可以煎鸡蛋的季节到了!

... 请在每年这时候给我烧一台空调If I"m hot to death, please burn me an air conditioner at this time of year十二,热到想进冷宫Hot enough to want to go into the cold palace十三,这年头秀恩爱已经不可耻了 最可耻的就是秀空调了It ’ s no shame to show love ...

2023-07-30 #经典句子

适合下雪天发的文案句子 干净温柔 适合发朋友圈

适合下雪天发的文案句子 干净温柔 适合发朋友圈

...气中,踏过脚下踏过的是收获后留下的废渣。The smell of burning grass and fireworks after burning grass is diffuse in the dry and hot air. If you want to boil, what you step under your feet is the waste residue left after harvest.烈火毫无疑在干涸的大地上划出一道魔...

2009-03-03 #经典句子



...态,有网友通过在线翻译功能获得译文后(Cooking beans and burning beans,Osmunda japonica in the cauldron weeping is the same root, so why is it too anxious?),面对译文中大量的豆子(beans),甚至坚持认为这是马斯克在分享一道与豆子有关的菜谱。...

2015-07-18 #经典句子

写出这种句子的人 我十辈子都追不上了

写出这种句子的人 我十辈子都追不上了

...生命可以燃烧,也可以腐烂,我会烧掉所有的光。Life can burn, can rot, I will burn all the light.勤奋是成功的通行证。Diligence is the passport of success.乐观者在每一次危机中都看到机会,而悲观者在每一次机会中都看到危机。An optimist sees a...

2022-12-21 #经典句子

深夜独自伤神的情感文字 温柔而高级 句句扎心!

深夜独自伤神的情感文字 温柔而高级 句句扎心!

...么烧焦的味道那是我的心在燃烧Did you ask about the smell of burning that is my heart burning快去睡吧,不然梦中情人就和别人跑了。Go to sleep, or the girl of your dreams will run off with someone else.我们再也不会像以前那样,以为彼此不可替代;我们...

2022-12-02 #经典句子