
抚慰伤心的情感小短句 满怀爱意 治愈不安!


Watching in the rain, crying in the rain, waiting in the rain, being unrestrained in the rain, just waiting for her in the rain 有些人,没有知己,也不觉得孤独,生活也挺美好的

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Watching in the rain, crying in the rain, waiting in the rain, being unrestrained in the rain, just waiting for her in the rain.


Some people, who have no bosom friends, don"t feel lonely, and have a good life.


The greatest happiness in life is to find that the person you love is to love yourself.


Many things are like weather, getting hot or getting cold. It is already a season after awakening.


No burning incense, no burning incense. Don"t burn incense, feel your own people are popular; Don"t burn incense at home, that"s because you think he"s unlucky and you won"t help him? Dare you not help him?


Watching your smile burn in other people"s eyes, but not getting a hug.


At that moment, I seemed to hear the sound of the world collapse.


I watched the chat record again from the beginning and found out how irrational I was. What I said really hurt your heart. Alas, those words didn"t mean what I meant. I was really crazy at that time. Please forgive me, forget what I said, there is no point in saying those words. You are the best to me, the one who cares about me the most and will never cheat me.


I can"t allow any betrayal, anyone, any form, any reason.


Suicide is not terrible. More terrible than suicide is disappointment and world-weariness.

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