第一句子大全 > 标签 > Yeah


...gh the night time译中文:我将整日佯装欢喜 直至夜幕降临Oh yeah oh yeah I"ll tell you what you wanna hear我会伶牙俐齿 投其所好keep my sunglasses on while I shed a tear流泪之际 就戴上墨镜遮掩It"s never the right time yeah因为对我而言 示弱不合时宜I put ...

2012-05-08 #经典句子

看学霸如何在雅思口语中获得八分 How to get a band 8 in IELTS

看学霸如何在雅思口语中获得八分 How to get a band 8 in IELTS

...ns on your test results which you just got through the other day, right? - Yeah. Thank you very much.还不错,挺好的,很好。非常好。太棒了!听着,恭喜你拿到成绩了,你几天前拿到成绩了对吧?- 是的。非常感谢。Fantastic! So, how are you feeling at the mo...

2009-04-09 #经典句子



是去暖和点的地方吗Going somewhere warm?是啊Yeah.婚礼客人包里有笔记本电脑或者平板电脑吗Any laptops or iPads in your bag today?没有No.谢谢Thank you.先生 请站在标记处 双手举过头顶Feet on the points and hands in the air, sir.先生 请出来Step out, si...

2019-12-16 #经典句子



...今天要玩点有趣的! -对!-Oh, we"re gonna have some fun today! -Yeah.小汉克和垃圾车:拯救圣诞节A Trash Truck Christmas.弄好了吗?Are we done yet 快了 再来几个Almost. Just a few more.没有彩灯 圣诞老人就不会来Santa won’t come if the lights are not up.别...

2015-04-03 #经典句子

英语口语:别再只用yes表示同意了 这些词可以更好的表达

英语口语:别再只用yes表示同意了 这些词可以更好的表达

...、太僵硬,甚至会使人生气。下面是一些更随意的回答:Yeah!是啊!Yup!(Tends to sound more definitive than yeah)是的!(听起来比yeah的确定性更强)Mhm (Can sometimes come off as dismissive)嗯(有时会显得轻蔑)Uh-huh (Same connotations as mhm)嗯哼(...

2023-12-12 #经典句子

【跟我学】每天一首英文歌《love is color blind》(3.26)

【跟我学】每天一首英文歌《love is color blind》(3.26)

...动。[哈哈]Love is color blind (爱无种族之分/爱是色盲)yeah!嘿!what"s up?最近怎么样?it"s TQ and Sarah again TQ和莎拉又来给大家唱歌了haha, right back at ya 为您呈现(love is color blind)(爱无关肤色)that"s right 没错this time we got a serious situat...

2024-01-20 #经典句子

看动漫学英语 海绵宝宝第一季第五集对白(中英对照)

看动漫学英语 海绵宝宝第一季第五集对白(中英对照)

...y"s good.他是个天才!He"s a natural!耶,你太棒了,章鱼哥!Yeah, you got it, Squidward!耶,你太棒了,加油,章鱼哥,加油!Yeah, you"re doing great! Go, Squid, go!耶,你太棒了,章鱼哥!差点就抓到了!Yeah, you"re doing it, Squid! See what you"ve been m...

2011-03-20 #经典句子

Yeah 文明:武平这些忙碌的身影 怎么这么好看!

Yeah 文明:武平这些忙碌的身影 怎么这么好看!


2018-03-12 #经典句子



...after school?- 嗯 大概吧 - 别忘了带上你的肾上腺素注射剂- Yeah, probably. - Don"t forget your EpiPen. Please,请记住 外面世界人心险恶remember, the world is terrifying.千万别掉以轻心 你是我的心肝宝贝再见Be careful of everything. I love you more than life it...

2023-11-21 #经典句子



景色真美This spot is beautiful.嗯 的确是Yeah, it really is.你们真幸运 我小时候可不是在这么美的地方长大的You guys are lucky. I didn"t have a place like this where I grew up.你在说什么 What are you talking about? 你小时候居住的地方离这里只有半小时...

2013-01-06 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈酷野 超A的短句 潮人必备!

适合发朋友圈酷野 超A的短句 潮人必备!

...forgiven十五,行就是行 不行就是不行 还行是什么意思。Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. what do you mean.十六,不是我性格不好,是你驾驭不了It"s not that I have a bad personality, it"s that you can"t handle it十七,逗逗猫 逗逗狗 谈什么天长地久.Tease t...

2023-05-21 #经典句子



...爱你I love you more and more...是的把它们放在那上面去小心点Yeah, put "em on top of the other one. Easy!就这样That"s it.就放那里兄弟Just there, mate.三比零啊兄弟我的天3-0, mate. Oh, my days.不过是英格兰足总杯谁在乎啊FA Cup, mate, who gives a toss?你在...

2016-05-15 #经典句子



...能陪你since I can"t be here on the day.没关系 你给我买了什么Yeah, yeah. What"d you get me?我的天呐My God.你还在画这个地方吗Are you still painting pictures of this place?不过 比我以前画的好多了 是吗It"s better than my old ones, though, hey?我想绘画艺术远...

2009-06-28 #经典句子



...bout a year.你们是大学认识的吗And you met in college, right?是的Yeah.是七年前的事了It was about seven years ago.但我还...我和杰克是朋友But I"m more... I"m friends with Jack, you know.他以前常在煎锅里铺上一层奶酪He used to take a frying pan and just put chees...

2008-04-18 #经典句子

骂人不带脏字是一门艺术 英语中又该如何婉转表达呢?

骂人不带脏字是一门艺术 英语中又该如何婉转表达呢?

...。▼ 例句:- Donald said Global Warming is invented by the Chinese?- Yeah, he kinda needs to pull his head out of his ass...- 川普说全球暖化是中国人编造出来的故事?- 是啊……请把脑子拿出来使用好吗?② not the brightest bulb 头脑不灵光电灯泡通常都...

2009-06-27 #经典句子



...手抬高一点吗Could you put these up a little?-好 -放在脸前面- Yeah. - In front of the face.好了 如果有人向你扑过来Okay. If someone"s coming at ya,你要把手放在哪里呢where you gonna put "em?这里Uh, here.你能记住吗You gonna remember that?能Yes.靠近脸旁边Up ...

2023-11-18 #经典句子



...ou just left me a message about the babysitting position.是啊 是我Oh, yeah, I did.你是怎么知道这个电话号码的How did you get this number?请原谅我很着急 如果你仍旧感兴趣的话Please excuse the urgency, but if you"re still interested,我想跟你见面I would like to m...

2013-09-27 #经典句子



...rgy I can get. My sister Elaine and her kids are flying in town for a week.Yeah, that"s exciting. I wish my sister would visit more often.Yeah, sisters are great.Yeah. Just three or four pills. I"m really hitting a wall here.Yeah, the calm down can be a real bitch. I wish I could help.I"m not going ...

2017-11-12 #经典句子



...believe we have a fireplace.是啊 勉强算个壁炉吧 那是烧丙烷的Yeah. Sort of a fireplace. It"s propane.那就是壁炉It"s a fireplace.麦蒂?Maddy?来 过来坐好All right. Up you go.来吧 来穿鞋子Okay. Let"s get your shoes on.我喜欢你的画Hey, I like your drawings.那是...

2023-12-08 #经典句子

“咖势”精品咖啡文化艺术节又来了 周末到海心沙感受一下

“咖势”精品咖啡文化艺术节又来了 周末到海心沙感受一下


2019-06-06 #经典句子