第一句子大全 > 标签 > them


英语小贴士-语法有用的购物用语Excuse me. Have you got it / them in blue? 有蓝色的吗?Can I try it / them on? 能试穿吗? I take a size 8. 我要8号的。Have you got a bigger one? 有大一点的吗?Have you got the next size up / down? 有大一号/小一号的吗? ...

2023-09-26 #经典句子

端午节吃粽子和宝宝说英文 红枣鲜肉粘米 甜口咸口怎么说?

端午节吃粽子和宝宝说英文 红枣鲜肉粘米 甜口咸口怎么说?

... zongzi.宝宝:太棒了!我喜欢粽子。Mom: Let"s work on steaming them.妈妈:咱们把它们蒸一下吧。They"re nearly ready;它们是半成品;we just need to place them in the steamer.咱们只需要放蒸锅里蒸一下。This way the rice and filling become sticky and fresh.这...

2010-06-13 #经典句子



...tep of the process.)(2) 主谓宾句:主语+及物动词+宾语To help them better understand our tea-drinking culture, I takethem to the tea room in our school but (省略主语I) introduced the history of tea-making and tea culture to them.(解析:两个典型的主谓宾句:I taketh...

2023-07-18 #经典句子

天天英语 | See the light in others and treat them as if...

天天英语 | See the light in others and treat them as if...

...吧!51Talk一句话教你说早安▽See the light in others and treat them as if that is all you see.看别人的优点,与别人相处时仿佛他们没有缺点。这句话来自韦恩戴尔 (1940- ) 为美国著名励志作家,且参加过许多电视及广播节目,他的著作已超过...

2008-03-06 #经典句子

英语 give a heads-up 的用法

英语 give a heads-up 的用法

...起通过几个例句来学习一下它的用法。例句1:Did Tom call them and speak to them to give them a heads-up that this was coming?汤姆有没有给他们打电话,提醒他们这件事就要发生了?例句2:As long as we give them a heads-up a couple days in advance, they can usu...

2008-05-04 #经典句子

早安正能量语录 努力追梦 感谢时光教你宽容与珍惜

早安正能量语录 努力追梦 感谢时光教你宽容与珍惜

...n .五、I used to be so afraid of losing people, until I realized most of them were never really down for me in the first place. Even tho my loyalty and love for them ran deep, they could careless. So instead of being afraid of losing them, I fell back and watched them lose me.我曾经非常害怕...

2014-01-26 #经典句子

They和Them是单数代词 我们都学了假英语?

They和Them是单数代词 我们都学了假英语?


2020-08-20 #经典句子



...just their posture and suddenly — as if momentarily possessed — shoves them from their perch, sending them tumbling to their deaths.一先看一下文章题目:Debuting to Rave Reviews, Chinese Drama ‘The Bad Kids’ Cuts Deep题目的信息量极大,首先debut一词(读音 [debju])...

2023-11-23 #经典句子

88秒钟的英语 - 穿越约旦河 CROSSING THE RIVER JORDAN - 38

88秒钟的英语 - 穿越约旦河 CROSSING THE RIVER JORDAN - 38

... this people the land which I solemnly promised their fathers I would give them. Only be brave and strong to keep faithfully all the law, as Moses my servant commanded you.【译】要勇敢坚强,因为你要将我所应许给他们列祖的那地赐给他们。只要勇敢坚强,衷心遵守...

2016-12-31 #经典句子

「今日英语短文」The Most Expensive Fries - 最贵的薯条

「今日英语短文」The Most Expensive Fries - 最贵的薯条

...expensive fries in the world.The potatoes are high-quality. The chef boils them quickly in French champagne. Then, he fries them with French goose fat. He tops them with truffle salt and truffle oil.Guests eat the fries from a crystal plate. The chef puts gold foil on the top. Guests can eat the gol...

2016-05-12 #经典句子



...otions in words.但我们能轻易的用文笔表达出来But we can write them easily.我可以写无数页 写无数次...I can fill thousands of pages, millions of times with...我爱你 曼迪拉"I love you, Mandira."但我无法亲口对你说But not once could I say it to you.也许这就是...

2020-03-24 #经典句子

今天重阳节 用英文给宝宝讲讲如何尊敬老人

今天重阳节 用英文给宝宝讲讲如何尊敬老人

...妈妈:照顾我们身边的老人是很好的行为。By taking care of them,照顾他们的同时,we are respecting them.我们也表达了对他们的尊敬。Child: What does "respect" mean?宝宝:“尊敬”是什么意思?Mom: It means to honor someone妈妈:意思就是尊重某人...

2017-01-04 #经典句子



...一逗到底”。例如:Comma splices are easy to miss,many writers use them every day.在例句中,逗号左右两边都是独立、完整的句子,是不能直接单用逗号来分隔的。那么可以怎么改呢?句号+新句子最显而易见的解决方案是将每个子句改为独...

2023-01-15 #经典句子

不辜负流年的句子:不负四季 不负相遇 不负陪伴

不辜负流年的句子:不负四季 不负相遇 不负陪伴

...只有正确的人才能驾驭它。They left you,because it is easier for them to be with someone who doesn"t make them face their emotions.Your love is powerful,and only the right ones will be ablbe to handle it.三、他们不能选择你,因为他们还不能选择健康的爱情和健康的...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

凄美爱情温柔丧句 人海茫茫 没有人真正关心你

凄美爱情温柔丧句 人海茫茫 没有人真正关心你

...们一样。Some people will hurt you and then they will act like you hurt them.三、总有一天,你付出的所有的爱,会回到你身边,并最终留下来。Someday,all the love you have given away,will find its way back to you,and it will finally stay.四、最孤独的人也是最善...

2023-01-13 #经典句子

雅思口语中习语的运用 How to use idioms in IELTS Speaking

雅思口语中习语的运用 How to use idioms in IELTS Speaking

...ioms because it"s creative, it catches your attention that they do overuse them.你瞧,我们在对话中并不常用习语,由于雅思口语考的是自然对话,所以你还是不要用太多习语,一个或两个就好。你会注意到记者和政客们使用很多习语,因为这样...

2016-09-09 #经典句子

治愈系宝藏句子 深情虐心 朋友圈引起共鸣!

治愈系宝藏句子 深情虐心 朋友圈引起共鸣!

...uch you regret.二、你喜欢他们是因为你不了解他们。You like them because you don"t know them.三、以你没有发现的方式发现自己,你是一个神圣的部分。Find yourself the way you don"t find,you are a piece of divine.四、如果有人伤害了你,请记住,他们...

2022-12-09 #经典句子



...5.(1分)一 I can"t get on well with my family.一 Why not talk with them?You should communicate ________ things become worse.A.until B.unless C.after D.before6.(1分)一 What were you doing at the time of the rainstorm yesterday?一 I ________ at the library after school.A...

2023-10-28 #经典句子

早安人生微语录:面朝阳光 向上生长 跟随希望 绽放光芒

早安人生微语录:面朝阳光 向上生长 跟随希望 绽放光芒

...均和成功之间的差别。Everyone faces distractions. How you handle them makes the difference between average and successful.六、如果你看到有人落在后面,就走在他们旁边。如果你看到有人被忽视,想办法让他们参与进来。如果有人被撞倒了,把他们...

2014-04-07 #经典句子

朋友圈心酸签名句子 倍感无奈 哪一句让你难以释怀!

朋友圈心酸签名句子 倍感无奈 哪一句让你难以释怀!

...过的最可悲的事。I once begged someone to love me the way i loved them and that"s the saddest thing i"ve ever done.二、知道自己的价值,即使有时候会觉得有点孤单。Know your worth even if it gets a little lonely sometimes.三、You are not weak for missing someone who mist...

2023-10-02 #经典句子