
88秒钟的英语 - 穿越约旦河 CROSSING THE RIVER JORDAN - 38


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* 本篇文章难度系数9.3,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。* 提高英语阅读水平要 “轻翻译,重分析理解”,译文仅在不得已的时候参考用,这里的译文也不求高质量,甚至有时都不一定通顺,但一定有助于提高阅读能力。* 本文选自《Child Bible》,讲述的是摩西去世之后他的帮手约书亚继续带领族人跨越约旦河的事情。

CROSSING THE RIVER JORDAN【译】穿越约旦河【单词】crossing 原型:cross 动词动名词形式 [krs] v. 穿过;横过【单词】RIVER 原型:river 名词 ["rv(r)] n. 河;江;河流【专有名词】JORDAN 原型:Jordan 名词 ["ddn] n. 约旦;约旦河

After the death of Moses, Jehovah said to Joshua, Moses" helper, "Moses my servant is dead: Now arise, go over the Jordan with all this people to the land which I am about to give to the Israelites.【译】摩西死后,Jehovah对摩西的帮手约书亚说:“我仆人摩西死了,你现在起身,带着所有这些人跨越约旦河,到我要赐给以色列人的那片土地去。【短语】am about to 原型:be about to 即将,将要;例句:He came just as the bus was about to leave. 汽车刚要开他就赶来了。【单词】death 名词 [deθ] n. 死;死亡【单词】helper 名词 ["help] n. 助手;帮手【单词】servant 名词 ["svnt] n. 仆人【单词】dead 形容词 [ded] adj. 死的;无生命的【单词】arise 动词 ["raz] v. 起来;起身【专有名词】Moses ["mzz] n. 摩西【专有名词】Jehovah [d"hv] n. [圣经]耶和华(指上帝)【专有名词】Joshua ["dw] n. 约书亚(男子名)【专有名词】Israelites 原型:Israelite 名词复数形式 ["iz,rilait] n. 以色列人

As long as you live no one will be able to stand against you.【译】只要你活着,没有人能反抗你。【短语】As long as 原型:as long as 只要;例句:I don"t mind as long as it doesn"t rain.只要不下雨就行了。【短语】stand against 对抗,反对;例句:No one can stand against us now. 现在没人能与我们抗衡了。

As I was with Moses, so I shall be with you: I will not fail you nor forsake you.【译】我之前和摩西在一起,现在将要与你在一起:我不会让你们失败,也不会丢弃你们。【单词】fail 动词 [fel] v. 失败【单词】forsake 动词 [f"sek] v. 放弃;抛弃

Be brave and strong, for you shall give this people the land which I solemnly promised their fathers I would give them. Only be brave and strong to keep faithfully all the law, as Moses my servant commanded you.【译】要勇敢坚强,因为你要将我所应许给他们列祖的那地赐给他们。只要勇敢坚强,衷心遵守所有律法,照我的仆人摩西吩咐你的去做。【单词】brave 形容词 [brev] adj. 勇敢的;英勇的【单词】solemnly 副词 ["slmli] adv. 严肃地;庄严地【单词】promised 原型:promise 动词过去式 ["prms] v. 允诺;发誓;答应【单词】faithfully 副词 ["feθfli] adv. 忠实;诚心诚意【单词】commanded 原型:command 动词过去式 [k"mɑnd] v. 命令;指挥

Turn not from it to the right nor to the left, and you shall have success wherever you go.【译】严格执行不要有偏差,这样无论你走到哪里,你都会成功。【单词】success 名词 [sk"ses] n. 成功;成就;胜利【单词】wherever 连词 [wer"ev] conj. 无论在哪里

Have I not commanded you?【译】我没有吩咐过你吗?

Be brave and strong; fear not nor be afraid, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go."【译】要勇敢坚强,不要害怕恐惧,因为无论你走到哪里,你的神Jehovah与你在一起。【单词】fear 动词 [f] v. 害怕;恐惧;敬畏【单词】afraid 形容词 ["fred] adj. 担心的;害怕的【专有名词】God 名词 [ɡd] n. 上帝

Then Joshua gave this order to the officers who were over the people: "Go through all the camp and give this command: "Prepare food for yourselves, for within three days you are to cross this Jordan, to go in and take the land which Jehovah your God has given you as your own.""【译】约书亚对掌管百姓的首领们吩咐说:“你们去所有的帐篷,发布以下命令:‘准备好食物,因为三日之内,你们要过这约旦河,进入并居住在你们的神Jehovah所赐给你们的地。’”【单词】order 名词 ["d] n. 命令【单词】officers 原型:officer 名词复数形式 ["fs] n. 军官;指挥者【单词】camp 名词 [kmp] n. 野营;帐篷;营地【单词】Prepare 原型:prepare 动词 [pr"pe] v. 准备

While Joshua was at Shittim, he secretly sent two men as spies, with the command: "Go, explore the land and especially Jericho." So they went and entered the house of a woman named Rahab, and stayed there.【译】当约书亚在Shittim的时候,他暗中派了两个人为间谍,命令道:“去看一看那地,尤其是Jericho。”于是他们就去了,进入了一个叫Rahab的女人的房子,待在那里。【单词】secretly 副词 ["sikrtli] adv. 秘密地;背地里【单词】spies 原型:spy 名词复数形式 [spa] n. 间谍;侦探【单词】explore 动词 [k"spl] v. 探测;探险;考察;探究【单词】especially 副词 ["spe()l] adv. 特别;尤其【单词】entered 原型:enter 动词过去式 ["ent] v. 进入【专有名词】Jericho n. 耶利哥(巴勒斯坦古城)【专有名词】Rahab n. 雷哈布(《圣经》人物)

It was reported to the king of Jericho, "Some men came here to-night from the Israelites to explore the land." Therefore the king of Jericho sent to Rahab and said, "Bring out the men who entered your house, for they have come to explore all the land."【译】有人向Jericho的国王汇报称:“今晚有几个以色列人来这里勘探。”因此,Jericho的国王派人到Rahab那里,说:“把进你家里的那几个人带出来,因为他们是来探索这片土地的。”【单词】reported 原型:report 动词过去分词 [r"pt] v. 报告【单词】king 名词 [k] n. 国王【单词】Therefore 原型:therefore 副词 ["ef] adv. 因此;所以

Now the woman had taken the two men and hidden them; so she said, "It is true, some men came to me, but I did not know where they came from.【译】妇人就把那两个人藏起来,说:“确实是有人到我这里来,但我不知道他们是从哪里来的。【单词】hidden 原型:hide 动词过去分词 [had] v. 藏;隐瞒【单词】true 形容词 [tru] adj. 真实的;正确的

When the time came to shut the gate at night, the men went out and I do not know where they have gone.【译】夜间到了关门的时候,那两个人就出去了,我不知道他们去哪里了。【单词】shut 动词 [t] v. 关闭【单词】gate 名词 [ɡet] n. 大门

Follow after them quickly, for you may overtake them." She, however, had brought them up to the roof and hidden them with the stalks of flax which she had spread out there.【译】你快去追赶他们,这样才能追上。”然而,她把这两人带上房顶,让他们藏在房顶上铺的亚麻梗下。【短语】spread out 铺开,展开,摊开;例句:I"ll spread out this cloth for you to have a good look. 我把这件衣服铺开,这样你可以仔细看看。【单词】quickly 副词 ["kwkl] adv. 迅速地;很快地【单词】overtake 动词 [v"tek] v. 赶上;突然来袭;压倒【单词】roof 名词 [ruf] n. 屋顶;顶【单词】stalks 原型:stalk 名词复数形式 [stk] n. 茎;梗【单词】flax 名词 [flks] n. 亚麻;麻布;亚麻织品

So the men of Jericho followed after them in the direction of the fords of the Jordan; and as soon as the men of Jericho had gone out, the gate was closed.【译】所以Jericho的那些人就跟着他们朝约旦渡口的方向去了;这些人一出去,大门就关了。【单词】fords 原型:ford 名词复数形式 [fd] n. 浅滩

The spies had hardly lain down when Rahab came up to them on the roof and said, "I know that Jehovah has given you the land and that fear of you has seized us and that because of you all who live in the land are losing heart.【译】间谍们刚躺下,Rahab走上房顶对他们说,“我知道Jehovah已经把这地赐给你们,因为怕你们抓住我们,所以这地的人民都非常泄气。【短语】lain down 原型:lay down 躺下;例句:He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep. 她躺在沙发上很快就睡著了。【单词】hardly 副词 ["hɑdl] adv. 刚刚【单词】seized 原型:seize 动词过去分词 [siz] v. 抓住【单词】losing 原型:lose 动词动名词形式 [luz] v. 失去;丢失

Now therefore swear to me by Jehovah, since I have treated you with kindness, that you will also treat my family kindly, and promise me that you will save the lives of my father, my mother, my brothers, and my sisters, together with all that they have, and will not put us to death." The men said to her, "We are ready to give our lives for you, if you do not tell what we are doing; and when Jehovah gives us the land, we will treat you kindly and faithfully."【译】现在以Jehovah的名义对我发誓,由于我善意地对待了你们,你们也会善待我的家人,而且答应我,你么会救我父亲、母亲还有我兄弟姐妹们所有一切的性命,不杀我们。”这两人对她说,“如果你不告诉别人我们现在正在做的事情,我们愿为你献出生命;Jehovah把这土地赐予我们,我们必诚心友好地待你。”【单词】swear 动词 [swe] v. 发誓;宣誓【单词】treated 原型:treat 动词过去分词 [trit] v. 对待【单词】kindness 名词 ["kandns] n. 仁慈;好意【单词】promise 动词 ["prms] v. 允诺;发誓;答应【单词】faithfully 副词 ["feθfl] adv. 忠实地;诚心诚意地

Then she let them down by a rope through the window, for the house in which she lived was built into the city wall.【译】然后她用绳子把他们从窗户里放下来,因为她住的房子是建在城墙上的。【语法】in which ... 是which引导的定语从句,表示“在...里面”,接近于where;例句:He give me a box in which to keep the toy. 他给了我一个装着玩具的盒子。【单词】rope 名词 [rp] n. 绳索

She said to them, "Go into the hills, that the men who are looking for you may not find you, and hide yourselves there three days until they have returned.【译】她对他们说:“你们进山去,这样寻找你们的人就找不着你们,你们在那里藏三天直到他们回来。【短语】looking for 原型:look for 寻找;例句:He turned on the torch to look for his keys. 他打开了手电筒,寻找钥匙。【单词】hills 原型:hill 名词复数形式 [hl] n. 小山;丘陵

Then you may go on your way."【译】然后你们就可以走了。”

The men said to her, "We shall be free from our solemn promise to you, unless, when we come into the land, you bind this cord of scarlet thread in the window through which you let us down and gather your father, your mother, your brothers, and all your family into your house.【译】那两人对她说:“只要我们来到这地,就必遵守对你的郑重承诺,你把这条红线系在我们下来的这窗户上,把你的父亲、母亲、兄弟和所有的家人聚集到你的屋子里。【单词】solemn 形容词 ["slm] adj. 庄严的;严肃的;隆重的【单词】bind 动词 [band] v. 捆绑【单词】cord 名词 [kd] n. 细绳;索;纽带【单词】scarlet 形容词 ["skɑlt] adj. 绯红色的;猩红的【单词】thread 名词 [θred] n. 线;细丝【单词】gather 动词 ["ɡ] v. 聚集;集合

If any one goes out of the doors of your house into the street, he shall be responsible for his death and we shall be innocent.【译】如果其中有人从你家出来走到街上,他将为他的死负责,我们是无辜的。【短语】be responsible for 对……负责,是……的原因;例句:She is my child, and I am responsible for her. 她是我的孩子,我对她负责。【单词】innocent 形容词 ["nsnt] adj. 清白的;无辜的

If any one stays with you in the house, we will be responsible for his death if any one lays hands on him.【译】只要他们和你一起呆在家里,若有人对他们中的任何人动手,我们将对他的死负责。

But if you tell what we are doing, we shall be free from our solemn promise to you." She replied, "It shall be as you say." So she sent them away.【译】你若将我们做的事告诉别人,我们将不会遵守与你的承诺。”她回答说:“就按你说的办。”然后她就把他们送走了。【单词】replied 原型:reply 动词过去式 [r"pla] v. 回答;答复;回应

And when they were gone, she bound the scarlet cord in the window.【译】他们走后,她把红绳子绑在窗上。【单词】bound 原型:bind 动词过去式 [band] v. 捆绑

So they left and went into the hills and stayed there three days until those who were looking for them had returned.【译】他们就去山里,在那里待了三天,直到那些寻找他们的人回城里。

They sought for them in every direction but did not find them.【译】这些人四处寻找,但没有找到他们。【短语】sought for 原型:seek for 寻找;例句:We must seek for a solution to the problem. 我们必须寻求解决问题的方法。【单词】direction 名词 [drkn] n. 方向

Then the two men came down from the hills, crossed the river, and came to Joshua and told him all that had happened to them.【译】然后那两个人从山上下来,过了河,来到约书亚那里,把所发生的事都告诉了他。

Joshua rose up early in the morning and set out from Shittim.【译】约书亚清早起来,从Shittim出发。【短语】set out 动身,出发;例句:We set out with enough provisions. 我们带上足够的食品出发了。

And he and all the Israelites came to the Jordan and spent the night there before crossing.【译】他和所有的以色列人都来到约旦河,过河前在那里过了一夜。

And Joshua said to the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for to-morrow Jehovah will do wonders among you.【译】约书亚对百姓说:“你们要敬神,因为明天Jehovah必在你们中间行奇事。【单词】Consecrate 原型:consecrate 动词 ["knskret] v. 供神;奉献;使神圣【单词】wonders 原型:wonder 名词复数形式 ["wnd] n. 惊奇;奇迹;奇观

Come and hear the words of Jehovah your God.【译】来听你神Jehovah的话。

By this you shall know that a living God is with you: the ark of the Lord of all the earth is about to pass over before you into the Jordan.【译】这样你们将知道永生的神与你们在一起:全地的主将派一个方舟先于你们过河。【单词】ark 名词 [ɑk] n. 方舟;避难所【专有名词】Lord [ld] n. 上帝;主

When the priests who bear the ark of the Lord of all the earth step into the waters of the Jordan, its waters shall be cut off, so that the waters that come down from above will stand still in a heap."【译】当驮着方舟的祭司进入约旦河时,里面的水将被切断,这样从上面流下来的水将静止不动堆成一堆。【单词】priests 原型:priest 名词复数形式 [prist] n. 教士;神父;牧师;僧侣【单词】bear 动词 [be] v. 背负;支撑【单词】heap 名词 [hip] n. 堆;许多

So when the people left their tents to pass over the Jordan, the priests, who were carrying the ark were in front of them.【译】当百姓离开帐棚跨越约旦河的时候,抬着方舟的祭司就走在他们前面。【短语】in front of 在……前面;例句:I drove up in front of the house and honked. 我将车开到屋子前面然后按喇叭。【单词】tents 原型:tent 名词复数形式 [tent] n. 帐篷

And when the bearers of the ark came to the Jordan, and the feet of the priests who were carrying the ark dipped in the brink of the water—for the Jordan overflows all its banks during the harvest time—the waters that came down from above stood still and its waters rose in a heap a long distance up the river at Adam, the city that is near Zarethan.【译】当抬着方舟的祭司们到了约旦河,他们的脚浸入水的边缘——因为约旦河在涝季时河水溢出河岸——从上面留下来的水静止不动,河水在Zarethan附近的Adam城上游堆积起来。【单词】dipped 原型:dip 动词过去式 [dp] v. 浸;蘸【单词】brink 名词 [brk] n. 边缘;边沿【单词】overflows 原型:overflow 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数形式) [v"fl] v. 泛滥;溢出;充满【单词】harvest 名词 ["hɑvst] n. 收成;收获【单词】distance 名词 ["dstns] n. 距离;路程;远方

The waters that went down toward the Dead Sea were wholly cut off, while the people crossed over opposite Jericho.【译】当人们过河前往对面的Jericho时,往下流向死海的水被全部切断了。【单词】toward 介词 [t"wd] prep. 向;朝【单词】wholly 副词 ["hlli] adv. 完全地;全部地;一概【单词】opposite 形容词 ["pzt] adj. 相反的;对面的;对立的【专有名词】Dead Sea 死海

The priests who were carrying the ark of Jehovah stood firm on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan, while all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until the whole nation had completed the crossing of the Jordan.【译】当所有的以色列人穿越干河床时,驮着方舟的祭司就坚定地站在约旦河中间的干河床上,直到所有的人都穿过了约旦河。【单词】dry 形容词 [dra] adj. 干的;干旱的【单词】nation 名词 ["nen] n. 国家;民族【单词】completed 原型:complete 动词过去分词 [km"plit] v. 完成

When they had all crossed, Jehovah said to Joshua, "Command them to take from the middle of the Jordan, out of the place where the priests" feet stood, twelve stones and carry them over with you and lay them down in the camping-place, where you pass the night, that this may be a reminder to them.【译】当他们都穿过去之后,Jehovah对约书亚说:“吩咐他们从约旦河中间、祭司的脚所站立之处,拿十二块石头,带着这些石头和你们一起,把它们放在你们要扎营过夜的地方,这样就可以提醒他们。【单词】reminder 名词 [r"mand] n. 提醒物;提示

Then when your children ask from time to time: "What do these stones mean to you?" you shall say to them, "They are reminders that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of Jehovah, when it passed over the Jordan." These stones shall be a constant reminder to the Israelites."【译】当你的孩子们时不时地问,‘这些石头是什么意思?’你要对他们说,‘他们提醒着,Jehovah的方舟在过约旦河时,约旦河的河水被切断。’这些石头对以色列人来说是个永久的提醒。【单词】constant 形容词 ["knstnt] adj. 不变的;永恒的

So the Israelites did as Joshua commanded and took up out of the middle of the Jordan twelve stones corresponding to the number of the tribes of the Israelites.【译】以色列人就照约书亚所吩咐的做,从约旦河中间取十二块石头,与以色列人支派的数目相对应。【短语】corresponding to 与……一致;例句:What we required you to do is corresponding to the contract. 我们要你做的事情符合合同的规定。【单词】tribes 原型:tribe 名词复数形式 [trab] n. 部落;族

They carried them over with them to the place where they camped and laid them down there.【译】他们带着这些石头到他们扎营的地方,把它们放置在那里。【单词】camped 原型:camp 动词过去式 [kmp] v. 宿营;露营;扎营

Then the waters of the Jordan returned to their place and the river overflowed all its banks as before.【译】然后约旦河的河水恢复从前,河水像以前一样溢出堤岸。


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