第一句子大全 > 标签 > safe
天天英语|A ship is safe in harbor  but that's not what ships……

天天英语|A ship is safe in harbor but that's not what ships……

...习这一句英文表达吧!51Talk一句话教你说早安▽A ship is safe in harbor, but that"s not what ships are for. 船停泊在港湾里固然安全,但这并不是船存在的初衷。该句出自威廉GT谢德 William G.T. Shedd。harbor英 ["hɑ:b] 美 [hɑrb]释义:n.海港;安全...

2010-06-13 #经典句子



...语:前面...不是...安全的...地方。英语:Ahead...is not ...a safe...place我们可以看到,无论是英语还是汉语,都把否定结构放在前面,如果说话的人不故意使用多重否定绕弯弯,那么听话的人就能迅速判断出说话的人的意图。但是日...

2007-11-02 #经典句子



...“有问必答”第二十一期part 3。Part2老师A(改错题,要求safe改为safely):I came back home safe.我以为可以不改,用safe这个形容词做状语(相当于主语补足语)似乎也说得过去。大家怎么看呢?不改更生动,越来越多的人喜欢这样用。老师B...

2018-10-06 #经典句子



...是可以接受的。看看下面这句话:“Companies are required to safely dispose of waste generated during manufacturing.”。当“safely”放在句子里的不同位置时,句子会有不同的意思。"Companies are safely required…" 改变了句子的意思。"…required to dispos...

2023-09-05 #经典句子

2020最新潮祝愿句子 每一句都与众不同

2020最新潮祝愿句子 每一句都与众不同

...顺遂。May all your efforts be rewarded, and may the people you love be safe and successful.2、良友仍相随,来日得久爱,游历天下景,家眷永安康。Good friends are still with us, love for a long time to come, travel around the world, and family members are always safe and heal...

2023-01-16 #经典句子



...10个常用的句子模版。1.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that. 通过上面的讨论,我们可以得出结论。2.Taking into account all the factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that. 考虑到所有的因素,我们可以得出结论。3.Judg...

2022-11-11 #经典句子



...ng for……on Taobao.我在淘宝网上买……I am quite sure this is a safe site to put in your credit card information.我很确定在这个网站上输入你的信用卡信息是安全的。 I just get my package from Dangdang.我刚刚收到了在当当的包裹。那如何实际生活中运...

2023-11-08 #经典句子

这6个开发信短语在新冠疫情COVID-19期间已经被过度使用 你需要一些新的代替

这6个开发信短语在新冠疫情COVID-19期间已经被过度使用 你需要一些新的代替

...用户已经看到了很多很多类似”hope you’re well“或”stay safe“这样的表达,所以,如今当你想使用类似的表达时,或许是时候换一种新的表达方式了。以下是在新冠肺炎疫情COVID-19期间大量出现在开发信邮件中的英文短语的例子...

2020-12-05 #经典句子

小众却惊艳的短句文案 干净温暖 令人喜欢

小众却惊艳的短句文案 干净温暖 令人喜欢

只要我们在不可预见的将来平平安安As long as we are safe in the foreseeable future我不想要通通都不想要我不想再纠结你回不来了I don"t want it all. I don"t want to worry about you coming back不需要再谈恋爱了You don"t need to fall in love anymore我只要家人...

2022-12-22 #经典句子



.../expect) him to change his mind. He"s so stubborn.It"s not ___ (save/safe) for you to go outside during a thunderstormOn Sundays I stay in bed and just ___(hear/listen to) the radio.The country has been in a very bad ___(economic/economical) situation for over a decade.Punishing hi...

2023-12-31 #经典句子

English is Fun|“活到老学到老”英语怎么说?教10个好玩的组合词

English is Fun|“活到老学到老”英语怎么说?教10个好玩的组合词

...就会用了。e.g. Being wined and dined by a rich guy might be nice.3. safe and sound这个组合看起来有点不那么和谐有没有?不过它的意思特别简单,不要去管它看起来怎么样吧,假设你去旅行,突然当地有狂风暴雨,非常严重,此时你会打电话...

2016-03-28 #经典句子

适合晚上发朋友圈的句子 如果暴富太难 我祝你平安

适合晚上发朋友圈的句子 如果暴富太难 我祝你平安

...ase a column of incense, if the happiness can not get that wish the family safe and satisfied我假装无所谓 我告诉自己可以承受这一切,可是当我发现自己被遗忘在角落的时候,我才发现我输不起我也会害怕I pretend that I don"t care, I tell myself I can bear it...

2023-06-24 #经典句子

属于平安夜的祝福语 赶快拿走传递祝福吧!

属于平安夜的祝福语 赶快拿走传递祝福吧!

...ess is really too difficult for you, then I hope you can live comfortably, safe. Happy Christmas Eve!想要在今天这个特别的日子里收到一个平安果,我希望这个平安果能够来源于你,我想这就是我最大的愿望了,平安夜快乐!I want to receive a peace fruit on...

2023-05-17 #经典句子

五一假期发的句子 美好可爱 阳光入心

五一假期发的句子 美好可爱 阳光入心

...ring has arrived, flowers have opened, I wish the mountains and rivers are safe, the world is safe.五日心情是开口向上的抛物线。Five day mood is a parabola with upward opening.小仙女出游,所到之处,必留痕迹。Fairies leave traces wherever they go.今天只负责开心就...

2022-12-20 #经典句子



...最近受到的压强很大(碳变钻石需受高压)3. Make sb. feel safe钱对保险柜说:你让我有了安全感!/Safe就是保险箱的意思啊!4. Hanging out天气不错啊(一起玩吧!)/晾衣服5. He"s so cool!他真酷!/他(便携冰箱)真冷!6. Get Stoned看看...

2010-04-28 #经典句子

写英文标题 为单词首字母大写发愁 知道这些规则 定会运用自如

写英文标题 为单词首字母大写发愁 知道这些规则 定会运用自如

...ople in JapanTask 2where i lived, and what i lived forare transgenic crops safe?well-known dramatists of the ming dynastya day to rememberapproaches to teaching english as a foreign languageKeys:Where I Lived, and What I Lived ForAre Transgenic Crops Safe?Well-Known Dramatists of the Ming DynastyA D...

2023-11-11 #经典句子

适合平安夜发的小句子 俏皮可爱 祝福满满

适合平安夜发的小句子 俏皮可爱 祝福满满

...ithout you, today is just Thursday.4.有你的平安才平平安安。It"s safe to have your peace.5.祝你平安健康,从此从此凛冬散尽星河长明。I wish you peace and health. From now on, the winter will be gone and the Star River will be bright.6.岁月静好,平安喜乐。Years o...

2022-12-26 #经典句子

在外企上班 竟然不知道这些英文缩写是什么意思 就会闹大笑话啦

在外企上班 竟然不知道这些英文缩写是什么意思 就会闹大笑话啦

...ork and send things to coworkers that you probably shouldn’t. Any ‘Not Safe For Work’ content should be indicated in the subject line to avoid your fellow colleagues from getting into trouble!这大概适合给那些调皮的人在办公室上班时传送不适合工作场域的内容。任何...

2024-01-04 #经典句子

五一劳动节发的句子 现实入心 有感而发

五一劳动节发的句子 现实入心 有感而发

...ring has arrived, flowers have opened, I wish the mountains and rivers are safe, the world is safe每个努力的人,都值得尊重。Everyone who works hard deserves respect.跑下去,没有终点,也有沿途。Run down, there is no end, there is also along the way.别让你的嘴巴,比...

2022-12-16 #经典句子



...都使用了-ly形式,只有少数几个例外,比如slow/fast/quick/safe。而一些人也认为类似drive slow/safe这样的用法是错误的,应该改为drive slowly/safely,目前flat adverb的使用仍然是一个有争议的点。(5)分裂不定式分裂不定式(split infinitiv...

2023-01-11 #经典句子