第一句子大全 > 标签 > Final
Final Cut Pro 中文基础教程(13)如何调整音频

Final Cut Pro 中文基础教程(13)如何调整音频

...乐,人声的音量大小进行调整,从而让两者更好的搭配。Final Cut Pro怎样进行音频调整呢?这期我们就来学习如何调整音频!1、在Final Cut Pro中,我们在素材窗口中选中一个片段,我们就可以在检查器当中找到音频检查器,在导入...

2016-09-03 #经典句子

逗女孩开心的短笑话 情商超高!

逗女孩开心的短笑话 情商超高!

...短信发不发,我说了算!Flowers are not fragrant, bees have the final say; Whether the clouds are beautiful or not, the sky has the final say; If the grass is green or not, the cow has the final say; If you miss you, your heart has the final say; I have the final say whether to send the tex...

2020-03-13 #经典句子



...ound many outliers.The students said they did not study since they sat the final examination.The teachers last taught in 2000 and did not teach since then.The teachers said they taught since 30 years.这四个句子都可以改进。“Since”是一个从属连词,意思是与过去的原因/理...

2010-11-04 #经典句子



...上课,不旷课,认真写作业的孩子是不会fail的,以上)5 Final这个词是海外留学生用的最多的词,final的直译是“最终的”对于留学生来说就是“Final Exam”也就是每学期最终的考试(澳洲考试前期都是小考试与作业组成,按比率...

2023-05-27 #经典句子

2021励志的句子:只有不断寻找机会的人 才会及时抓住机会

2021励志的句子:只有不断寻找机会的人 才会及时抓住机会

...,努力最终是成功的;放弃,最终是失败。The seed is the final fruit, the effort is the final success; Giveup, the final is failure.相信自己,坚定自己的目标,忍受常人无法承受的磨难和挫折,不断努力,成功最终将属于你!Believe in yourself, firm ...

2022-12-28 #经典句子



...的时候,我和老师都觉得先去尝试一下,高二的时候才是final match,这次大概就是铜奖或者优秀奖。于是,我检验自己水平的心态,参加了那次竞赛,但我却意料之外地获得了银奖。经过了高一下和高二上的沉淀,我也在这次中f...

2015-08-31 #经典句子

“逃课”英语怎么说?千万别直译成:escape from the class!

“逃课”英语怎么说?千万别直译成:escape from the class!

...,所以可以用fail the exam来表示。例句:Tom failed math in the final exam.这次期末考试汤姆的数学没及格。对话A:Mike,how about your final exam?迈克,期末考试考得怎么样?B:Oh,I failed history.噢,我历史没及格。“考试不及格”还可以说成flunk /f...

2013-04-26 #经典句子



...10. 我能和你一组写group assignment吗?11. 我能和你一起复习final吗,复习资料可以给我一份吗?12. 奢侈品是不是都很便宜?给我带个包呗,带个表也行13. 保健品是不是很好,护肝片能不能给我寄10盒14. 我这学期的课没有final,羡慕...

2023-05-14 #经典句子



...peaking D)to speak4.They expected there____ more reviewing time before the final exams.A)is B)have been C)being D)to be5.We collected many stories that had been ____from generation to generation .?A)kept away B)stored up C)piled on D)handed down6.____ is no reason for discharging him.A)Owing to a fe...

2023-07-24 #经典句子

超skr的8句国外机场check in实用英语 必备必学!

超skr的8句国外机场check in实用英语 必备必学!

...啦,一起来看看吧!1.Where are you flying to today?/Where is your final destination? 你要飞往哪里呢?/你的目的地是哪里呢?回答就可以说:My final destination is "目的地". 这里再告诉大家两个单词:direct flight(直线)、layover(转机)。2.May l ...

2011-04-03 #经典句子

俚语I'm the one who calls the shots说的不是枪的事而是我做主

俚语I'm the one who calls the shots说的不是枪的事而是我做主

...阶层现在一团乱,我们都不知道公司是谁在管了。have the final word 有最后决定权This time I"ll have the final word on what movie we"ll see.这次由我决定要看哪部电影。

2011-09-12 #经典句子

孩子抱怨语法填空没思路!看了这篇文章 (^

孩子抱怨语法填空没思路!看了这篇文章 (^

...。来看几个示例:2019河北命题专家研究试卷三78.________(final),she opened it.当一个句子的主语,谓语,宾语都有的时候,我们课可以填写的成分就是:状语,又因为给出的提示词是形容词final,把这个形容词变为副词finally。2018...

2023-08-24 #经典句子



...你做这件事,但是我不知怎么去做。She has succeeded in the final examination,but in fact,she ought to have (succeeded in the final examination).她在期末考试中取得了成功,而实际上,她本就该获得成功。4.介词but,except(除了)前有实义动词do的具体形...

2012-01-07 #经典句子

讽刺人性的句子 句句现实扎心!

讽刺人性的句子 句句现实扎心!

...明白我为什么不招人待见了,因为不够虚伪,嘴不够甜。Finally understand why I do not attract people to see, because not enough hypocrisy, not sweet mouth.7、长大后才明白,有些真话是不能说的,因为说了需要跟别人道歉。When I grow up, I realize that so...

2022-11-19 #经典句子

砍价达人必备实用口语 词汇搭配

砍价达人必备实用口语 词汇搭配

...nt for it? "「它你要卖多少?」And another one: " Is this/that the final price? "还有另外一种方法:「这个/那个是你可以给的最好价格吗?」So, you"re kind of opening the door to say: " Mm, is this the final price? I"m not sure I want to pay this price. Is it the fin...

2013-01-20 #经典句子

迈斯通国际英语影视班学生学习心得——《与你相遇 此生皆欢喜》

迈斯通国际英语影视班学生学习心得——《与你相遇 此生皆欢喜》

...明治,我们一起开Halloween party ,一起准备我们1314的专属Final,而且在这里,很幸运大家一起陪我过了我的18岁生日,你们的精心策划,让我忍不住泪流满面,真的好爱你们,我想在小迈的每一天应该都是我去珍惜的每一天,因为...

2017-02-04 #经典句子

机场英语情景对话 - 坐飞机常用英语表达 登机篇

机场英语情景对话 - 坐飞机常用英语表达 登机篇

...★Scene 5中英对照:So, do I need to claim my bag in New York or my final destination, San Francisco?那么,我需要在纽约还是到最终目的地旧金山提取我的行李呢?You"ll need to claim your baggage in New York.你需要在纽约提取。实用短语:claim my bag/baggage ...

2007-11-30 #经典句子

2021年的元宵节文案短句 温情暖心 简单精辟

2021年的元宵节文案短句 温情暖心 简单精辟

...我而言不过刹那间的迟钝。No one can understand, but it is the final truth. I hope I can be gentle and romantic in my later days, because in this way, I will have too much pain. I will come across thousands of mountains to you. Even if there are thousands of mountains ahead, the future is ...

2023-01-09 #经典句子



...方最后确认为准。All the quotations on the list are subject to our final confirmation.be subject to: 受...控制或支配的上述所报价若调整将不再另行通知。The prices quoted above are subject to change without notice.为了便于我方提出报价,能否先告知你方所...

2007-02-23 #经典句子

22个霸气全开的句子 酷到没朋友 拿走做个性签名!

22个霸气全开的句子 酷到没朋友 拿走做个性签名!

...决定我最后的态度It"s the thickness of your skin that determines my final attitude10、嘿,我祝你夜晚春光无限,美女各坐两边,最终孤单无边Hey, I wish you endless spring at night, beautiful women sitting on both sides, and finally lonely11、别再对我说对不起,...

2023-01-26 #经典句子