
俚语I'm the one who calls the shots说的不是枪的事而是我做主


看看老外聊天时怎么用call the shots:A Are you sure you dont want to come to the concert with us?B No,Im going to the movi

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call the shot(下令开枪)的出处为二战期间,为军官下令部队开枪作战的用语,但是现在已经成为发号施令、在某件事情上做主的习惯用语,多用于公司、职场上。

看看老外聊天时怎么用call the shots:

A Are you sure you don"t want to come to the concert with us?

B No,I"m going to the movies with my wife.Back at home,she"s the one who calls the shots.

A 你真的不跟我们去演唱会吗?

B 不了,我要跟我妻子去看电影。家里都是她在作主。

call the shots例句精选:

Don"t ask me when we get off work, I don"t call the shots around here.


Well, you are the boss, you call the shots.


Hey, I call the shots around here!


要说明有人掌管一切时,除了call the shots还可以这样说:

run the show 作主

With the turmoil on the managerial level,we don"t know who"s running the show anymore.


have the final word 有最后决定权

This time I"ll have the final word on what movie we"ll see.


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