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英语语法:并列连词表转折but/yet/however/still/all the same

英语语法:并列连词表转折but/yet/however/still/all the same

#英语语法疑难答疑#The weather will be sunny but cold.天气会晴朗但很冷。It is strange, yet true.这很奇怪,却是真的。however 和 still 等为副词,但可起连接作用,表示意思的转折:“但是”或“然而”。(1)howeverHis first response was to say no....

2015-11-03 #经典句子

(双语) 同个句子 意思迥异 the same sentence with different meaning

(双语) 同个句子 意思迥异 the same sentence with different meaning

《圣经》马太福音11章12节,在吕振中希伯来文译本、英王钦定本中说:天国受了暴力,强者用武力夺取。但是,和合本译文、新国际版的意思又是:天国一直在有力地向前推进,得力的人就抓住了(机会)。 问题是:天国到底...

2023-07-09 #经典句子

胡适:差不多先生传原文 Mr. About-the Same

胡适:差不多先生传原文 Mr. About-the Same

差不多先生传 Mr. About-the Same ——胡适 HUShi你知道中国有名的人是谁?提起此人,人人皆晓,处处闻名,他姓差,名不多,是各省各县各村人氏。你一定见过他,一定听别人谈起他。差不多先生的名字...

2015-06-19 #经典句子

英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME  Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

Hey there I"m Emma from mmmEnglish! Today"s pronunciation lesson is all about some extremely common English words, like this word and actually this word, like all the others that I"m gonna share today has more than just one meaning.嘿,我是Emma,欢迎来到美味英语频道。今天的发音...

2023-08-17 #经典句子